Problem Description
It will help to call SAP Tcode from the Webbrowser using webdynpro for ABAP.
Solution Description
SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS) – The ITS is the interface between the Internet and R/3 and is the runtime engine that links Web server to the R/3 Application server. So to display a standard tcode in your webdynpro application you can use ITS.
Setting needs to be Done.
Go to SE80 : In the top menu choose “Utilities(M)” –> “settings”. Right-click on the tab-arrow until you come to tab “Internet Transaction Server”.
Make sure that “Publish” tabe and check mark “Integrated ITS” is selected.
Start transaction “SE80″. Choose “Internet Service” from the first drop down box Enter “SYSTEM” in the input field. You will see the ITS service SYSTEM and its components in a tree structure. Right click on “SYSTEM” in the tree and select “Publish” –> “Complete Service” to publish the service. once the publishing is completed the system will issue a message “Object published successfully; site INTERNAL”.
Repeat the previous step with “SHUFFLER” and “WEBGUI” instead of “SYSTEM” to publish both, too.
How to test it::
Enter Tcode SICF.
Select the path as : /sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
Right click on webgui and click on “test” to execute the will open the sap screen in web browser.
Now it’s time for some coding. create LINK to URL or LINK TO ACTION according to requirement. the code below is develop having scinario ::
Users are displyed creating link to userid coloumn. Whenever end user click on the any of the user id. on_click method will be called wih open the user details in SU01D Befor that get the path of the application server. you can find it in webdynpro application. doble clcik on webdynpro application in that you can find the URL in Administrative data.
data: lr_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
lt_event_properties type table of IF_MAIN=>element_event_properties,
ls_event_properties type IF_MAIN=>element_event_properties.
data: lo_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager.
data: lo_api_component type ref to if_wd_component.
data: lo_window type ref to if_wd_window.
data: ld_url type string.
field-symbols: <l_value> type any.
*fill internal table
ls_event_properties-name = ‘COLUMN_ID’.
ls_event_properties-value = r_param->column.
append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
ls_event_properties-name = ‘INDEX’.
ls_event_properties-value = r_param->index.
append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
ls_event_properties-name = ‘ATTRIBUTE’.
ls_event_properties-value = r_param->attribute.
append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
assign r_param->value->* to <l_value>.
ls_event_properties-name = ‘VALUE’.
ls_event_properties-value = <l_value>.
append ls_event_properties to lt_event_properties.
* navigate to context node EVENT_PROPERTIES
lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( ‘EVENT_PROPERTIES’ ).
* bind internal table to context node
lr_node->bind_table( lt_event_properties ).
DATA: lv_host type string,
lv_port type string,
*Call below method to get host and port
host = lv_host
port = lv_port ).
* Concatenate lv_host lv_port to get <url>
FINAL_URL = ‘http://<url>:portno/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui?~TRANSACTION=SU01D%20USR02-BNAME=’.
CONCATENATE FINAL_URL ls_event_properties-value INTO FINAL_URL.
lo_api_component = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ).
ld_url = FINAL_URL.
lo_window->open( ).
在SAP Web Dynpro for ABAP(简称WebDynpro)开发过程中,有时需要通过特定的方式启动某一事务处理(Transaction Code,简称TCode),例如为了实现某些业务流程自动化或是集成测试等目的。本文将围绕“WebDynpro调用...
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从上述内容中可以看出,创建SAP Tcode是一个涉及SAP ABAP编程和报表生成技术的过程,它要求用户了解SAP系统的事务代码、报表参数和内部表格查询等高级功能。此外,它还要求对SAP系统有一定的实际操作经验和对系统...
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这通常涉及使用ABAP Report、Transaction Code(TCode)或者在Web Dynpro组件中实现。用户界面可能会包含上传控件,通过ABAP的CL_HTTP_SERVER类或CL_GUI_UPLOAD类处理文件上传。 在处理Excel数据时,需要注意数据...
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SAP Tcode list. Query