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User Exits,Customer Exits,BAdI and BTE -
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User Exits,Customer Exits,BAdI and BTE -
User Exits,Customer Exits,BAdI and BTE -
User Exits,Customer Exits,BAdI and BTE
Purchase order output (ORDERS and ORDCHG)
1. In the purchase order you provide one or several items with a deletion indicator. Why are these indicators not transferred via IDoc?
Deleted items are only issued with IDoc type ORDCHG. Perhaps you selected the wrong ME10 process code for the output of change messages in the partner profile. To set the partner profile correctly, consider the following question.
2. In the partner profiles for the ORDERS outgoing message, the change message was also entered.
IDoc type ORDCHG is available for the output of changes. Define the following data for the respective partner in the initial parameters:
◇application : EF
◇message type : enter the corresponding value here
◇transaction code : ME11 (is linked to IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDCHG)
◇change message : X
3. More fields are listed in the IDoc definition (WE60) than are transferred with ORDERS/ORDCHG. Why?
The order IDoc only transfers the data necessary for the creation of a sales order in the receiving system. If this data should not suffice, you can add the missing information to the IDoc using the customer function EXIT_SAPLEINM_002 or EXIT_SAPLEINM_011.
Remember that this information must also be processed on the input side correspondingly.
4. Why are not all partner roles issued from the purchase order in the segment E1EDKA1 or E1EDPA1?
Several address segments (E1EDKA1 or E1EDPA1) can be issued in the IDoc that are distinguished by qualifier values (in the PARVW field), that is, the value of the qualifier determines the contents of the data entered , for example, 'AG' means "Ordering party". The allowed values of the qualifier are defined in the values list of the domain (here EDIF3035).
Incidentally, the qualifier values in the IDoc output of the purchase order are the same as the corresponding German partner roles in the purchase order.
The IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDERS and IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDCHG function modules usually only issue the following three partners:
- Ordering party with qualifier value AG (only E1EDKA1)
Data: Organizational data (purchasing organization, telephone number ...), customer number for the vendor, if these are maintained in the vendor master (in the LFB1-EIKTO field) - Vendor with qualifier value LF (only E1EDKA1)
Data: Vendor number, organizational data (sales organization, telephone number ...), global location number - Goods recipient with qualifier value WE (E1EDKA1 and E1EDPA1)
Data: Address data in accordance with SADR structure (alternatively from the plant address/address master or manual address), plant number, customer number (if a third-party purchase order)
If the goods recipient is maintained differently on the items, it is not issued at header level (segment E1EDKA1), but at item level (E1EDPA1); however, header segments and item segments may be issued, see Note 406313.
A different ordering address may be issued in the purchase order printout.
For this, you can define the partner 'BA' (ordering address), for example; the data for this partner is printed instead of the data for the ordering party. In the IDoc, an additional address segment E1EDKA1 is issued with the qualifier 'BA' that contains the vendor number of the different ordering addresses. An additional entry is required in the partner profile (Transaction WE20) for the partner role 'BA' and the respective partner.
From a technical point of view, when ordering addresses are different, the partner role is transferred from the message record (database table NAST, field PARVW) and the value is not checked against the value table of domain EDIF3035.
As a result of this, an E1EDKA1 segment is issued with the 'LS' qualifier when the partner type 'LS' (instead of 'LI') is used in the partner profile (Transaction WE20).
The data in the purchase order IDoc should be used for creating or changing a sales order in inbound processing; no further address data is usually required for that.
Nevertheless, if this is necessary, we refer you to the customer exits (SAP enhancement MM06E001).
1. In the purchase order the system issues error message VN032, which indicates that the partner profile is not correct.
In most cases, the error message is correct. Compare the data constellation specified in the error message with those you maintained in Transaction WE20. If these should differ, adjust them accordingly.
2. The system issues error message VD561 during the output of purchase orders (Partner nnn is not an EDI partner)
See Note 389713.
3. The system displays error message ME760 when you output purchase order change using EDI.
See Notes 310004 and 117450.
4. The header and item texts defined in the purchase order are not output at all or only in part (ORDERS and ORDCHG).
Check in Table T166K (Header texts) and T166P (Item texts) whether there is a corresponding entry for the combination of transaction, document type, object and text ID, as only then are the texts output in the IDoc. See Notes 446008, 410989 and 446208.
5. During the output of the texts, the system only issues 70 characters instead of 72 characters in segments E1EDPK2 and E1EDKP2 (ORDERS and ORDCHG).
Also refer to Notes 410989, 446008 and 446280.
6. After you change a purchase order or contract, no EDI message is output. Error ME760 is listed in the processing log of the message.
When processing changes, table T166C is checked and analyzed in the EDI environment, just as is the case in the print output. This information will only be issued if the changed field exists in table T166C. See also Notes 310004 and 512700.
7. Which user exits are available in purchasing for the IDoc output of purchase orders using ORDERS and ORDCHG?
You can use Transaction CMOD with SAP enhancement MM06E001 to find the user exits (you can also find them in the object navigator in the XM06 function group), for example, the following exits are relevant:
- a) EXIT_SAPLEINM_012 -> Customer enhancement for configuration (table APPL)
- b) EXIT_SAPLEINM_013 -> Customer enhancement for changing material configuration data
- c) EXIT_SAPLEINM_001 -> Customer enhancements for enhancing the control record
- d) EXIT_SAPLEINM_002 -> Customer enhancements for data segments
- e) EXIT_SAPLEINM_011 -> Final customer enhancement
You can find an example of the programming of the exit 002 using Note 313925.
8. Are the components of a subcontracting item also output in ORDERS or ORDCHG?
You cannot output purchase order components in the ORDERS or ORDCHG IDoc.
9. Can I also create a purchase order with message category ORDERS?
You can only generate a purchase order from an ORDRSP message if you use the VMI Scenario (Vendor Managed Inventory). The distribution of purchase orders (ALE) using the message category ORDERS is not supported in the R/3 standard system. However, you can create purchase orders via the message categories PORDCR (as of SAP R/3 4.0B) and PORDCR01 (as of SAP R/3 4.70). For this purpose, read the FAQ Note 582221.
Order confirmations (ORDRSP)
10. The vendor sends a price change that can be accepted automatically. The IDoc is updated but the purchase order is not updated with the confirmed price.
Prerequisites for the use of the price update are:
a) Condition types EDI1 and EDI2 must be maintained in the condition schema.
b) The price transfer must be activated in the confirmation control key (Transaction OMGZ).
11. In the confirmation control key, you can set a tolerance of 99,99 % for the overrun or shortfall of the confirmed price. However, a higher tolerance should be accepted.
A larger tolerance in the confirmation control key is currently not possible for technical reasons. However, you can change these fields with the help of customer function EXIT_SAPLEINM_009 and then increase the fields accordingly.
12. The vendor sends an order acknowledgement and cancels one or several items of a purchase order (Rejection). The IDoc cannot be updated.
See Notes 66192 and 890812 for more information.
13. In the order acknowledgement, you want to accept every confirmed quantity, how can you do this?.
The quantity check occurs in subroutine QUANTITY_CHECK (Include LEINMF2E).For this, use the tolerance limits from the purchase order item for the GR/IR control (ME21/22/23) or the 'Delivery' tab page (ME21N), to calculate the maximum or minimum quantity. For maximum over delivery you can set the indicator in EKPO-UEBTK (maximum over delivery) in the purchase order.
If you confirm quantity = 0, you must consider the FAQ for "Rejection". If you want the under delivery tolerance (EKPO-UNTTO) to be larger than 99.9%, you need to modify QUANTITY_CHECK.
14. You want to confirm partial deliveries with an ORDRSP message. Why does the system always issue error message ME794 here?
In the scenario of the order confirmation the inbound processing expects that the quantity transferred in message ORDERS is indeed transferred. If no quantity check should occur, refer to the question above.
15. With an ORDRSP message the system issues error message ME794.
Check if segment E1EDP20 exists in the incoming IDoc. This segment is necessary to receive the confirmed quantity. If the segment is not in the IDoc, the system calculates with quantity 0. If this covers the 'Rejection' case, refer to the questions on 'Rejection'.
16. In an order acknowledgment, you confirm several items, and an error occurs for one item. Why does the system not update the other items?
Such a system response is not provided in the IDoc inbound processing. The IDoc is only updated if all data has been processed without errors (the all or nothing principle applies here).
17. In the definition of the confirmation control key in Customizing (OMGZ) for order acknowledgements (ORDRSP), the flag for the goods receipt assignment (T163G-WEZUO) has also been set. You receive confirmations for purchase orders via ORDRSP and you subsequently post the corresponding goods receipt. However, the vendor now sends a new confirmation for the same purchase order which overwrites the data in the confirmation overview. Why?
Due to technical reasons, defining an order acknowledgment with a goods receipt assignment is not supported. If the vendor sends a second confirmation, the system deletes the existing confirmation and replaces it with the new one, even if a goods receipt has already been posted. Read also Note 494377 on this issue.
18. Which customer functions are available in IDOC_INPUT_ORDRSP?
- a) EXIT_SAPLEINM_018 -> Customer enhancement for changing the currency
- b) EXIT_SAPLEINM_007 -> Import IDOC segment
- c) EXIT_SAPLEINM_009 -> Customer enhancement for tolerance change
- d) EXIT_SAPLEINM_014 -> Customer enhancement for price tolerances
- e) EXIT_SAPLEINM_015 -> Customer enhancement for vendor material change
- f) EXIT_SAPLEINM_005 -> Customer enhancement for order acknowledgment before postin
- g) EXIT_SAPLEINM_008 -> Customer Enhancement for final activities
19. Which settings are necessary to ensure that prices are copied from the ORDRSP to the purchase order item?
Consider the attachment of this note. In the attachment, all steps for standard price schema RM0000 are documented.
20. You have defined your own different message types (for example, ZNEW and ZCHG) for messages ORDERS and ORDCHG. After the output of message ORDERS one or several items are provided with a deletion indicator in the purchase order. Why are these not transferred with the IDoc for message ORDCHG and why does this only occur with the first change message?
The program for the IDoc output of message ORDCHG uses the same logic as is used for printing purchase order changes. For the print output, the system only considers changes that have occurred since the time of the last correct message output with the same message type (for example, ZCHG). If you use a different message type for the change message, then this time is initial (no time interval can be determined). In this case the program response is as during the new printout but deleted items are not issued (it does not make sense to send the vendor a new purchase order with deleted items).
All of the subsequent change messages are issued correctly, because the program can determine a time interval between the existing message (for example, ZCHG) and the new message (for example, ZCHG) to evaluate the purchase order change documents.
Use the same message type (for example, ZORD) for the ORDERS and ORDCHG messages.
21. Can you also process EDI purchase order confirmations for scheduling agreements and contracts?
EDI confirmations with the ORDRSP message category are only possible for purchase orders.
For scheduling agreements, see Consulting Note 810340.
22. Is it possible to eliminate IDoc-segments in the outgoing purchase order (messages ORDERS, ORDCHG) by means of an IDoc view?
As of Release 4.6 it is possible to hide header and item texts in the IDoc with the help of an IDoc view (see also the release notes for Release 4.6A). Other purchase order data cannot be excluded from the IDoc output.
23. Is it possible to output IDoc conditions in the outgoing purchase order (messages ORDERS, ORDCHG)?
As of Release 4.6 it is possible to output header and item conditions. However, this is only possible if you use an IDoc view (see also the release notes for Release 4.6A).
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