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1、JVM类的加载是通过Class.forName(String cls)来实现,根据这个原理可以自己写一个与com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor同名类;
2、java web类的加载顺序是:首先是web容器的相关类与jar包,然后是web工程下面WEB-INF/classes/下的所有类,最后才是WEB-INF/lib下的所有jar包;
- /*
- * Copyright 2004 Clinton Begin
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution;
- import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
- import java.sql.CallableStatement;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
- import java.sql.ResultSet;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Statement;
- import java.sql.Types;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapClientImpl;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.parameter.ParameterMap;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.parameter.ParameterMapping;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.result.ResultMap;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.result.ResultObjectFactoryUtil;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.DefaultRowHandler;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.MappedStatement;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.RowHandlerCallback;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.scope.ErrorContext;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.scope.SessionScope;
- import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.scope.StatementScope;
- /**
- * Class responsible for executing the SQL
- */
- @SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
- public class SqlExecutor {
- private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlExecutor.class);
- //
- // Constants
- //
- /**
- * Constant to let us know not to skip anything
- */
- public static final int NO_SKIPPED_RESULTS = 0;
- /**
- * Constant to let us know to include all records
- */
- public static final int NO_MAXIMUM_RESULTS = -999999;
- public SqlExecutor() {
- log.info("Custom class 'SqlExecutor' Initialization");
- }
- //
- // Public Methods
- //
- /**
- * Execute an update
- *
- * @param statementScope
- * - the request scope
- * @param conn
- * - the database connection
- * @param sql
- * - the sql statement to execute
- * @param parameters
- * - the parameters for the sql statement
- * @return - the number of records changed
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if the update fails
- */
- public int executeUpdate(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn,
- String sql, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
- ErrorContext errorContext = statementScope.getErrorContext();
- errorContext.setActivity("executing update");
- errorContext.setObjectId(sql);
- PreparedStatement ps = null;
- setupResultObjectFactory(statementScope);
- int rows = 0;
- try {
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the SQL Statement (preparation failed).");
- ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
- setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), ps);
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the parameters (set parameters failed).");
- statementScope.getParameterMap().setParameters(statementScope, ps,
- parameters);
- errorContext.setMoreInfo("Check the statement (update failed).");
- ps.execute();
- rows = ps.getUpdateCount();
- } finally {
- closeStatement(statementScope.getSession(), ps);
- }
- return rows;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a statement to a batch
- *
- * @param statementScope
- * - the request scope
- * @param conn
- * - the database connection
- * @param sql
- * - the sql statement
- * @param parameters
- * - the parameters for the statement
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if the statement fails
- */
- public void addBatch(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn,
- String sql, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
- Batch batch = (Batch) statementScope.getSession().getBatch();
- if (batch == null) {
- batch = new Batch();
- statementScope.getSession().setBatch(batch);
- }
- batch.addBatch(statementScope, conn, sql, parameters);
- }
- /**
- * Execute a batch of statements
- *
- * @param sessionScope
- * - the session scope
- * @return - the number of rows impacted by the batch
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if a statement fails
- */
- public int executeBatch(SessionScope sessionScope) throws SQLException {
- int rows = 0;
- Batch batch = (Batch) sessionScope.getBatch();
- if (batch != null) {
- try {
- rows = batch.executeBatch();
- } finally {
- batch.cleanupBatch(sessionScope);
- }
- }
- return rows;
- }
- /**
- * Execute a batch of statements
- *
- * @param sessionScope
- * - the session scope
- * @return - a List of BatchResult objects (may be null if no batch has been
- * initiated). There will be one BatchResult object in the list for
- * each sub-batch executed
- * @throws SQLException
- * if a database access error occurs, or the drive does not
- * support batch statements
- * @throws BatchException
- * if the driver throws BatchUpdateException
- */
- public List executeBatchDetailed(SessionScope sessionScope)
- throws SQLException, BatchException {
- List answer = null;
- Batch batch = (Batch) sessionScope.getBatch();
- if (batch != null) {
- try {
- answer = batch.executeBatchDetailed();
- } finally {
- batch.cleanupBatch(sessionScope);
- }
- }
- return answer;
- }
- /**
- * Long form of the method to execute a query
- *
- * @param statementScope
- * - the request scope
- * @param conn
- * - the database connection
- * @param sql
- * - the SQL statement to execute
- * @param parameters
- * - the parameters for the statement
- * @param skipResults
- * - the number of results to skip
- * @param maxResults
- * - the maximum number of results to return
- * @param callback
- * - the row handler for the query
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if the query fails
- */
- //------------------------------- 分页代码重写(start) ------------------------------------//
- //重写executeQuery方法,首先判断是否分页查询,分页查询先将分页SQL语句构建,然后执行iBatis默认的查询
- public void executeQuery(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn,
- String sql, Object[] parameters, int skipResults, int maxResults,
- RowHandlerCallback callback) throws SQLException {
- //取数据库产品名称
- String dbName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
- int len = sql.length();
- //判断是否分页
- if ((skipResults != NO_SKIPPED_RESULTS || maxResults != NO_MAXIMUM_RESULTS)) {
- //根据数据库产品名称取对应的分页SQL语句
- sql = Dialect.getLimitString(dbName, sql, skipResults, maxResults);
- //分页语句是否存在
- if (sql.length() != len) {
- skipResults = NO_SKIPPED_RESULTS;
- maxResults = NO_MAXIMUM_RESULTS;
- }
- }
- iBatisExecuteQuery(statementScope, conn, sql, parameters, skipResults,
- maxResults, callback);
- }
- //iBatis包中默认的executeQuery方法
- private void iBatisExecuteQuery(StatementScope statementScope,
- Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters, int skipResults,
- int maxResults, RowHandlerCallback callback) throws SQLException {
- ErrorContext errorContext = statementScope.getErrorContext();
- errorContext.setActivity("executing query");
- errorContext.setObjectId(sql);
- PreparedStatement ps = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- setupResultObjectFactory(statementScope);
- try {
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the SQL Statement (preparation failed).");
- Integer rsType = statementScope.getStatement().getResultSetType();
- if (rsType != null) {
- ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql,
- rsType);
- } else {
- ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
- }
- setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), ps);
- Integer fetchSize = statementScope.getStatement().getFetchSize();
- if (fetchSize != null) {
- ps.setFetchSize(fetchSize.intValue());
- }
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the parameters (set parameters failed).");
- statementScope.getParameterMap().setParameters(statementScope, ps,
- parameters);
- errorContext.setMoreInfo("Check the statement (query failed).");
- ps.execute();
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the results (failed to retrieve results).");
- // Begin ResultSet Handling
- rs = handleMultipleResults(ps, statementScope, skipResults,
- maxResults, callback);
- // End ResultSet Handling
- } finally {
- try {
- closeResultSet(rs);
- } finally {
- closeStatement(statementScope.getSession(), ps);
- }
- }
- }
- //-------------------- 分页代码重写(end) -------------------------------------//
- /**
- * Execute a stored procedure that updates data
- *
- * @param statementScope
- * - the request scope
- * @param conn
- * - the database connection
- * @param sql
- * - the SQL to call the procedure
- * @param parameters
- * - the parameters for the procedure
- * @return - the rows impacted by the procedure
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if the procedure fails
- */
- public int executeUpdateProcedure(StatementScope statementScope,
- Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters)
- throws SQLException {
- ErrorContext errorContext = statementScope.getErrorContext();
- errorContext.setActivity("executing update procedure");
- errorContext.setObjectId(sql);
- CallableStatement cs = null;
- setupResultObjectFactory(statementScope);
- int rows = 0;
- try {
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the SQL Statement (preparation failed).");
- cs = prepareCall(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
- setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), cs);
- ParameterMap parameterMap = statementScope.getParameterMap();
- ParameterMapping[] mappings = parameterMap.getParameterMappings();
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the output parameters (register output parameters failed).");
- registerOutputParameters(cs, mappings);
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the parameters (set parameters failed).");
- parameterMap.setParameters(statementScope, cs, parameters);
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the statement (update procedure failed).");
- cs.execute();
- rows = cs.getUpdateCount();
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the output parameters (retrieval of output parameters failed).");
- retrieveOutputParameters(statementScope, cs, mappings, parameters,
- null);
- } finally {
- closeStatement(statementScope.getSession(), cs);
- }
- return rows;
- }
- /**
- * Execute a stored procedure
- *
- * @param statementScope
- * - the request scope
- * @param conn
- * - the database connection
- * @param sql
- * - the sql to call the procedure
- * @param parameters
- * - the parameters for the procedure
- * @param skipResults
- * - the number of results to skip
- * @param maxResults
- * - the maximum number of results to return
- * @param callback
- * - a row handler for processing the results
- * @throws SQLException
- * - if the procedure fails
- */
- public void executeQueryProcedure(StatementScope statementScope,
- Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters, int skipResults,
- int maxResults, RowHandlerCallback callback) throws SQLException {
- ErrorContext errorContext = statementScope.getErrorContext();
- errorContext.setActivity("executing query procedure");
- errorContext.setObjectId(sql);
- CallableStatement cs = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- setupResultObjectFactory(statementScope);
- try {
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the SQL Statement (preparation failed).");
- Integer rsType = statementScope.getStatement().getResultSetType();
- if (rsType != null) {
- cs = prepareCall(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql, rsType);
- } else {
- cs = prepareCall(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
- }
- setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), cs);
- Integer fetchSize = statementScope.getStatement().getFetchSize();
- if (fetchSize != null) {
- cs.setFetchSize(fetchSize.intValue());
- }
- ParameterMap parameterMap = statementScope.getParameterMap();
- ParameterMapping[] mappings = parameterMap.getParameterMappings();
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the output parameters (register output parameters failed).");
- registerOutputParameters(cs, mappings);
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the parameters (set parameters failed).");
- parameterMap.setParameters(statementScope, cs, parameters);
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the statement (update procedure failed).");
- cs.execute();
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the results (failed to retrieve results).");
- // Begin ResultSet Handling
- rs = handleMultipleResults(cs, statementScope, skipResults,
- maxResults, callback);
- // End ResultSet Handling
- errorContext
- .setMoreInfo("Check the output parameters (retrieval of output parameters failed).");
- retrieveOutputParameters(statementScope, cs, mappings, parameters,
- callback);
- } finally {
- try {
- closeResultSet(rs);
- } finally {
- closeStatement(statementScope.getSession(), cs);
- }
- }
- }
- private ResultSet handleMultipleResults(PreparedStatement ps,
- StatementScope statementScope, int skipResults, int maxResults,
- RowHandlerCallback callback) throws SQLException {
- ResultSet rs;
- rs = getFirstResultSet(statementScope, ps);
- if (rs != null) {
- handleResults(statementScope, rs, skipResults, maxResults, callback);
- }
- // Multiple ResultSet handling
- if (callback.getRowHandler() instanceof DefaultRowHandler) {
- MappedStatement statement = statementScope.getStatement();
- DefaultRowHandler defaultRowHandler = ((DefaultRowHandler) callback
- .getRowHandler());
- if (statement.hasMultipleResultMaps()) {
- List multipleResults = new ArrayList();
- multipleResults.add(defaultRowHandler.getList());
- ResultMap[] resultMaps = statement.getAdditionalResultMaps();
- int i = 0;
- while (moveToNextResultsSafely(statementScope, ps)) {
- if (i >= resultMaps.length)
- break;
- ResultMap rm = resultMaps[i];
- statementScope.setResultMap(rm);
- rs = ps.getResultSet();
- DefaultRowHandler rh = new DefaultRowHandler();
- handleResults(statementScope, rs, skipResults, maxResults,
- new RowHandlerCallback(rm, null, rh));
- multipleResults.add(rh.getList());
- i++;
- }
- defaultRowHandler.setList(multipleResults);
- statementScope.setResultMap(statement.getResultMap());
- } else {
- while (moveToNextResultsSafely(statementScope, ps))
- ;
- }
- }
- // End additional ResultSet handling
- return rs;
- }
- private ResultSet getFirstResultSet(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt)
- throws SQLException {
- ResultSet rs = null;
- boolean hasMoreResults = true;
- while (hasMoreResults) {
- rs = stmt.getResultSet();
- if (rs != null) {
- break;
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本文将深入探讨Ibatis实现分页的相关知识点,并基于提供的标签“源码”和“工具”,分享如何在实际项目中运用Ibatis进行分页处理。 首先,了解Ibatis的基本概念。Ibatis是由Apache基金会维护的一个开源项目,它是一...
本知识点将深入探讨如何在Struts2框架中结合iBatis实现基于Freemarker模板的分页功能。 首先,我们需要理解iBatis,它是一个轻量级的Java持久层框架,它提供了一个SQL映射框架,允许开发者将SQL语句与Java代码分离...
公司的大部分项目都开始使用IBatis作为O/R Mapping了,但是在使用的过程中也发现了很多不方便和存在争议的地方,其中一个不方便的地方就是分页,目前的处理方式都是在sqlMap中写针对特定数据库的物理分页Sql语句,对于...
### ibatis分页技术详解与应用 在软件开发领域,特别是在数据库操作中,分页是一项极为常见的需求。分页不仅可以优化用户体验,减少加载时间,还能有效地管理大量的数据查询结果。Ibatis,作为一款优秀的持久层框架...
本篇文章将深入探讨如何在Xwork和iBatis的集成应用中实现分页功能,让开发者能够更高效地处理大量数据。 首先,让我们了解什么是分页。分页是网页显示大量数据时常用的一种技术,它将结果集分割成若干小部分(页)...
三、Ibatis分页实现 1. SQL配置 在Ibatis的Mapper XML文件中,我们需要编写一个带有参数的SQL查询,这些参数通常包括当前页码和每页记录数。例如: ```xml SELECT * FROM your_table != null and pageSize != ...
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在2.3.4这个版本中,Ibatis 提供了数据库无关的分页功能,这是一种在不依赖特定数据库语法的情况下实现分页查询的方法,有助于提高代码的可移植性和维护性。 数据库无关分页的核心思想是将分页参数(如当前页数和每...
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"iBatis分页"是数据库操作中常见的需求,iBatis提供了方便的分页支持。在学习这部分时,你会了解如何在SQL中添加分页条件,以及如何在Java代码中处理分页结果。 "spring+iBatis处理1对多数据表实例"展示了如何将...
Ibatis.NET提供了分页查询的实现,下面我们将深入探讨如何在Ibatis.NET中实现分页。 首先,理解分页的基本概念。分页通常涉及两个关键参数:当前页码(Page Number)和每页记录数(PageSize)。例如,如果当前页码...
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