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jquery easyui datagrid js获取记录数 页数 当前页 -
我的也是spring3.0版本,还好看了楼主的答案,最后换成了 ...
spring mvc json @ResponseBody 406 not acceptable jackson -
还是楼主厉害。搞了一天了 。为这个问题。晕啊 。
spring mvc json @ResponseBody 406 not acceptable jackson -
为什么一开始说1.8后面又说1.0.1的?我也到官网一个个版本 ...
spring mvc json @ResponseBody 406 not acceptable jackson -
jbpm4.4 deleteProcessInstanceCascade: a foreign key constraint fails
Choose archetype: 1: remote -> docbkx-quickstart-archetype (-) 2: remote -> multi (-) 3: remote -> simple (-) 4: remote -> apparat-archetype-asm (-) 5: remote -> apparat-archetype-tdsi (-) 6: remote -> gquery-archetype (-) 7: remote -> gquery-plugin-archetype (-) 8: remote -> jdbc-proc-archetype (Creates simple project with jdbc-proc support) 9: remote -> liferay-layouttpl-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay layout templates.) 10: remote -> liferay-portlet-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay portlets.) 11: remote -> liferay-theme-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay themes.) 12: remote -> rdfbean-tapestry-quickstart (-) 13: remote -> rdfbean-tapestry-quickstart (-) 14: remote -> j2me-simple (Maven 2 Archetype for midlet application using j2me-maven-plugin) 15: remote -> vaadin-archetype-addon (-) 16: remote -> vaadin-archetype-clean (-) 17: remote -> vaadin-archetype-sample (-) 18: remote -> vaadin-archetype-widget (-) 19: remote -> android-quickstart (-) 20: remote -> android-release (-) 21: remote -> android-with-test (-) 22: remote -> chameria-quickstart-archetype (-) 23: remote -> javascript-jqueryplugin (-) 24: remote -> javascript-quickstart (-) 25: remote -> jbosscc-seam-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate a Seam Application) 26: remote -> rails-maven-archetype (-) 27: remote -> truezip-archetype-file (-) 28: remote -> maven-archetype-flex (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Flex project using the israfil maven plugin) 29: remote -> javate-zk-archetype (-) 30: remote -> web-quickstart (-) 31: remote -> data-app (To make creating a new Databinder application easier, this archetype includes all required sources and resources.) 32: remote -> data-app (To make creating a new Databinder application easier, this archetype includes all required sources and resources.) 33: remote -> gae-archetype-gwt (-) 34: remote -> gae-archetype-jsf (-) 35: remote -> gae-archetype-jsp (-) 36: remote -> gae-archetype-objectify-jsp (-) 37: remote -> gae-archetype-wicket (-) 38: remote -> lift-archetype-basic (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).) 39: remote -> lift-archetype-basic_2.7.7 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).) 40: remote -> lift-archetype-basic_2.8.0 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).) 41: remote -> lift-archetype-basic_2.8.1 (-) 42: remote -> lift-archetype-blank (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 43: remote -> lift-archetype-blank_2.7.7 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 44: remote -> lift-archetype-blank_2.8.0 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 45: remote -> lift-archetype-blank_2.8.1 (-) 46: remote -> lift-archetype-hellolift (Archetype - hellolift, a sample Lift application) 47: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-basic (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 48: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.7.7 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 49: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.8.0 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 50: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.8.1 (-) 51: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 52: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).) 53: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.7.7 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).) 54: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.8.0 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).) 55: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.8.1 (-) 56: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.7.7 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 57: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.8.0 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.) 58: remote -> lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.8.1 (-) 59: remote -> lift-archetype-sbt (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system) 60: remote -> lift-archetype-sbt_2.7.7 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system) 61: remote -> lift-archetype-sbt_2.8.0 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system) 62: remote -> lift-archetype-sbt_2.8.1 (-) 63: remote -> jlue-archetype-basic (Archetype - basic project for Jlue) 64: remote -> jlue-archetype-blank (Archetype - blank project for Jlue) 65: remote -> maven-archetype-har (-) 66: remote -> maven-archetype-sar (-) 67: remote -> maven-archetype-gwt (An archetype which contains a sample Maven GWT project.) 68: remote -> portletunit-portlet-archetype (An archetype that creates a simple porltet with unit tests.) 69: remote -> ota-tools-schema-archetype (-) 70: remote -> antlr3-maven-archetype (-) 71: remote -> camel-component (-) 72: remote -> camel-router (-) 73: remote -> camel-archetype-activemq (-) 74: remote -> camel-archetype-component (-) 75: remote -> camel-archetype-java (-) 76: remote -> camel-archetype-scala (-) 77: remote -> camel-archetype-spring (-) 78: remote -> camel-archetype-war (-) 79: remote -> camel-archetype-web (-) 80: remote -> camel-archetype-webconsole (-) 81: remote -> cocoon-22-archetype-block (-) 82: remote -> cocoon-22-archetype-block-plain (-) 83: remote -> cocoon-22-archetype-webapp (-) 84: remote -> cocoon-archetype-block (-) 85: remote -> cocoon-archetype-parent (-) 86: remote -> cocoon-archetype-sample (-) 87: remote -> cocoon-archetype-webapp (-) 88: remote -> cxf-http-basic (-) 89: remote -> cxf-jaxws-javafirst (-) 90: remote -> apacheds-schema-archetype (-) 91: remote -> apacheds-testcase-archetype (-) 92: remote -> maven-ipojo-plugin (Maven Plugin to package iPOJO-powered bundles.) 93: remote -> geronimo-archetype-testsuite (Plugin to help create a testsuite) 94: remote -> geronimo-assembly-archetype (-) 95: remote -> geronimo-plugin-archetype (-) 96: remote -> geronimo-archetype-testsuite (Plugin to help create a testsuite) 97: remote -> geronimo-samples-archetype (Plugin to help create a samples project) 98: remote -> archetypes-command (-) 99: remote -> maven-archetype-archetype (An archetype which contains a sample archetype.) 100: remote -> maven-archetype-j2ee-simple (An archetype which contains a simplifed sample J2EE application.) 101: remote -> maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo (-) 102: remote -> maven-archetype-mojo (An archetype which contains a sample a sample Maven plugin.) 103: remote -> maven-archetype-plugin (An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin.) 104: remote -> maven-archetype-plugin-site (An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin site. This archetype can be layered upon an existing Maven plugin project.) 105: remote -> maven-archetype-portlet (An archetype which contains a sample JSR-268 Portlet.) 106: remote -> maven-archetype-profiles (-) 107: remote -> maven-archetype-quickstart (An archetype which contains a sample Maven project.) 108: remote -> maven-archetype-site (An archetype which contains a sample Maven site which demonstrates some of the supported document types like APT, XDoc, and FML and demonstrates how to i18n your site. This archetype can be layered upon an existing Maven project.) 109: remote -> maven-archetype-site-simple (An archetype which contains a sample Maven site.) 110: remote -> maven-archetype-webapp (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Webapp project.) 111: remote -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld (Archetype to create a new webapp based on myfaces) 112: remote -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld-facelets (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces and Facelets) 113: remote -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld-portlets (Archetype to create a new portlet webapp based on myfaces) 114: remote -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld20 (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces 2.0) 115: remote -> myfaces-archetype-helloworld20-owb (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces 2.0 with OpenWebBeans) 116: remote -> myfaces-archetype-jsfcomponents (Archetype to create a libary project of JSF components) 117: remote -> myfaces-archetype-trinidad (Archetype to create a new webapp based on Trinidad) 118: remote -> myfaces-archetype-trinidad20 (Archetype to create a new webapp based on Trinidad and JSF 2.0) 119: remote -> myfaces-archetype-trinidad (Archetype to ease the burden of creating a new application based with Trinidad) 120: remote -> maven-archetype-dotnet-simple (-) 121: remote -> maven-archetype-netexecutable (-) 122: remote -> maven-archetype-vb-simple (-) 123: remote -> application-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate portal application templates.) 124: remote -> component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates to be used by other components and applications.) 125: remote -> jetspeed-archetype (Jetspeed 2 Maven Archetype) 126: remote -> portal-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate portal instances.) 127: remote -> portal-component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates to be injected/installed as a library in the portal application itself.) 128: remote -> shared-component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates to be installed as a shared library for all portlet/web applications.) 129: remote -> servicemix-bean-service-unit (-) 130: remote -> servicemix-binding-component (-) 131: remote -> servicemix-camel-osgi-bundle (-) 132: remote -> servicemix-camel-service-unit (-) 133: remote -> servicemix-cxf-bc-service-unit (-) 134: remote -> servicemix-cxf-code-first-osgi-bundle (-) 135: remote -> servicemix-cxf-se-service-unit (-) 136: remote -> servicemix-cxf-se-wsdl-first-service-unit (-) 137: remote -> servicemix-cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-bundle (-) 138: remote -> servicemix-drools-service-unit (-) 139: remote -> servicemix-eip-service-unit (-) 140: remote -> servicemix-embedded-simple (-) 141: remote -> servicemix-exec-service-unit (-) 142: remote -> servicemix-file-poller-service-unit (-) 143: remote -> servicemix-file-sender-service-unit (-) 144: remote -> servicemix-file-service-unit (-) 145: remote -> servicemix-ftp-poller-service-unit (-) 146: remote -> servicemix-ftp-sender-service-unit (-) 147: remote -> servicemix-ftp-service-unit (-) 148: remote -> servicemix-http-consumer-service-unit (-) 149: remote -> servicemix-http-provider-service-unit (-) 150: remote -> servicemix-http-service-unit (-) 151: remote -> servicemix-jms-consumer-service-unit (-) 152: remote -> servicemix-jms-provider-service-unit (-) 153: remote -> servicemix-jms-service-unit (-) 154: remote -> servicemix-jsr181-annotated-service-unit (-) 155: remote -> servicemix-jsr181-service-unit (-) 156: remote -> servicemix-jsr181-wsdl-first-service-unit (-) 157: remote -> servicemix-lwcontainer-service-unit (-) 158: remote -> servicemix-mail-service-unit (-) 159: remote -> servicemix-ode-service-unit (-) 160: remote -> servicemix-osgi-bundle (-) 161: remote -> servicemix-osworkflow-service-unit (-) 162: remote -> servicemix-project-root (-) 163: remote -> servicemix-quartz-service-unit (-) 164: remote -> servicemix-saxon-service-unit (-) 165: remote -> servicemix-saxon-xquery-service-unit (-) 166: remote -> servicemix-saxon-xslt-service-unit (-) 167: remote -> servicemix-script-service-unit (-) 168: remote -> servicemix-scripting-service-unit (-) 169: remote -> servicemix-service-assembly (-) 170: remote -> servicemix-service-engine (-) 171: remote -> servicemix-service-unit (-) 172: remote -> servicemix-shared-library (-) 173: remote -> servicemix-smpp-service-unit (-) 174: remote -> servicemix-snmp-service-unit (-) 175: remote -> servicemix-validation-service-unit (-) 176: remote -> servicemix-vfs-service-unit (-) 177: remote -> servicemix-xmpp-service-unit (-) 178: remote -> sling-initial-content-archetype (Maven archetype for initial content) 179: remote -> sling-launchpad-standalone-archetype (-) 180: remote -> sling-launchpad-webapp-archetype (-) 181: remote -> sling-servlet-archetype (Maven archetype for Sling Servlets) 182: remote -> struts2-archetype-blank (-) 183: remote -> struts2-archetype-convention (-) 184: remote -> struts2-archetype-dbportlet (-) 185: remote -> struts2-archetype-plugin (-) 186: remote -> struts2-archetype-portlet (-) 187: remote -> struts2-archetype-starter (-) 188: remote -> synapse-package-archetype (-) 189: remote -> quickstart (Archetype for creating a basic Tapestry 5 application.) 190: remote -> tapestry-archetype (-) 191: remote -> tapestry-simple (Archetype for creating a basic Tapestry 5 application, including Eclipse control files.) 192: remote -> tuscany-binding-archetype (-) 193: remote -> tuscany-contribution-jar (-) 194: remote -> tuscany-contribution-zip (-) 195: remote -> tuscany-quickstart (-) 196: remote -> tuscany-quickstart-bpel (-) 197: remote -> tuscany-quickstart-jsf (-) 198: remote -> tuscany-quickstart-jsonp (-) 199: remote -> tuscany-quickstart-stripes (-) 200: remote -> wicket-archetype-quickstart (-) 201: remote -> appfuse-basic-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 202: remote -> appfuse-basic-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 203: remote -> appfuse-basic-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 204: remote -> appfuse-basic-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 205: remote -> appfuse-core (Maven 2 archetype that creates a backend (Managers, DAOs and Web Services) application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 206: remote -> appfuse-modular-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's JSF implementation.) 207: remote -> appfuse-modular-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Spring MVC implementation.) 208: remote -> appfuse-modular-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Struts implementation.) 209: remote -> appfuse-modular-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Tapestry implementation.) 210: remote -> appfuse-basic-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 211: remote -> appfuse-basic-jsf-archetype (-) 212: remote -> appfuse-basic-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 213: remote -> appfuse-basic-spring-archetype (-) 214: remote -> appfuse-basic-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 215: remote -> appfuse-basic-struts-archetype (-) 216: remote -> appfuse-basic-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 217: remote -> appfuse-basic-tapestry-archetype (-) 218: remote -> appfuse-core (Maven 2 archetype that creates a backend (Managers, DAOs and Web Services) application with AppFuse embedded in it.) 219: remote -> appfuse-core-archetype (-) 220: remote -> appfuse-light-jsf-archetype (-) 221: remote -> appfuse-light-spring-archetype (-) 222: remote -> appfuse-light-spring-freemarker-archetype (-) 223: remote -> appfuse-light-spring-security-archetype (-) 224: remote -> appfuse-light-stripes-archetype (-) 225: remote -> appfuse-light-struts-archetype (-) 226: remote -> appfuse-light-tapestry-archetype (-) 227: remote -> appfuse-light-wicket-archetype (-) 228: remote -> appfuse-modular-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's JSF implementation.) 229: remote -> appfuse-modular-jsf-archetype (-) 230: remote -> appfuse-modular-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Spring MVC implementation.) 231: remote -> appfuse-modular-spring-archetype (-) 232: remote -> appfuse-modular-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Struts implementation.) 233: remote -> appfuse-modular-struts-archetype (-) 234: remote -> appfuse-modular-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules: "core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as well as AppFuse's Tapestry implementation.) 235: remote -> appfuse-modular-tapestry-archetype (-) 236: remote -> appfuse-ws-archetype (-) 237: remote -> drools4-integration-helper-archetype (Support of the archetype for the Maven plugin) 238: remote -> drools5-integration-helper-archetype (This is an Maven 2 Archetype to support creation of a ready to use Maven 2 project with Drools support. This archetype contains examples of code based on interface, classes and pre/post condition. JUnit 4 examples are also included.) 239: remote -> cargo-archetype-webapp-functional-tests-module (-) 240: remote -> cargo-archetype-webapp-single-module (-) 241: remote -> codegen-testcase (-) 242: remote -> cpa-testcase (-) 243: remote -> enunciate-simple-archetype (-) 244: remote -> gmaven-archetype-basic (-) 245: remote -> gmaven-archetype-mojo (-) 246: remote -> gmaven-archetype-basic (-) 247: remote -> gmaven-archetype-mojo (-) 248: remote -> maven-archetype-nbm (Archetype for Netbeans Modules Maven setup) 249: remote -> gwt-maven-plugin (Maven plugin for the Google Web Toolkit.) 250: remote -> latex-maven-archetype (-) 251: remote -> xmlbeans-maven-plugin (Runs the xmlbeans parser/code generator against schemas in files and dependent jars.) 252: remote -> appframework (Archetype for creating application based on JSR 296) 253: remote -> ear-j2ee14 (-) 254: remote -> ear-javaee6 (-) 255: remote -> ear-jee5 (-) 256: remote -> ejb-j2ee13 (-) 257: remote -> ejb-j2ee14 (-) 258: remote -> ejb-javaee6 (-) 259: remote -> ejb-jee5 (-) 260: remote -> nbm-archetype (-) 261: remote -> nbm-osgi-archetype (Archetype for development of NetBeans modules that can depend on OSGi bundles.) 262: remote -> nbm-suite-root (-) 263: remote -> netbeans-platform-app-archetype (-) 264: remote -> osgi-archetype (-) 265: remote -> pom-root (Root project archetype for creating multi module projects) 266: remote -> webapp-j2ee13 (-) 267: remote -> webapp-j2ee14 (-) 268: remote -> webapp-javaee6 (-) 269: remote -> webapp-jee5 (-) 270: remote -> groovy-maven-archetype (An archetype for creating Maven modules/projects using the Groovy language.) 271: remote -> groovy-mojo-archetype (An archetype for writing Maven 2 plugins in the Groovy language.) 272: remote -> org.openxma.dsl.sample-archetype (-) 273: remote -> sonar-basic-plugin-archetype (-) 274: remote -> sonar-gwt-plugin-archetype (-) 275: remote -> cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty6 (-) 276: remote -> cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty7 (-) 277: remote -> cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty6 (-) 278: remote -> cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty7 (-) 279: remote -> cometd-archetype-spring-dojo-jetty7 (-) 280: remote -> cometd-archetype-spring-jquery-jetty7 (-) 281: remote -> coos-plugin-actor (-) 282: remote -> coos-plugin-api (-) 283: remote -> coos-plugin-noapi (-) 284: remote -> jee6-basic-archetype (-) 285: remote -> jee6-minimal-archetype (-) 286: remote -> jee6-sandbox-archetype (-) 287: remote -> jee6-sandbox-demo-archetype (-) 288: remote -> jee6-servlet-basic-archetype (-) 289: remote -> jee6-servlet-demo-archetype (-) 290: remote -> jee6-servlet-minimal-archetype (-) 291: remote -> jee6-servlet-sandbox-archetype (-) 292: remote -> spring-jsf-jpa-archetype (-) 293: remote -> spring-mvc-jpa-archetype (-) 294: remote -> spring-mvc-jpa-demo-archetype (-) 295: remote -> scalate-archetype-empty (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application) 296: remote -> scalate-archetype-guice (-) 297: remote -> scalate-archetype-jersey (-) 298: remote -> scalate-archetype-sitegen (-) 299: remote -> geomajas-gwt-archetype (-) 300: remote -> geoserver-archetype-wfsoutputformat (-) 301: remote -> grails-maven-archetype (-) 302: remote -> graniteds-spring-jpa-hibernate (-) 303: remote -> graniteds-tide-cdi-jpa (-) 304: remote -> graniteds-tide-seam-jpa-hibernate (-) 305: remote -> graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate (-) 306: remote -> hibernate-search-quickstart (-) 307: remote -> hibernate-validator-quickstart-archetype (-) 308: remote -> imixs-workflow-jee-archetype (Imixs Workflow JEE Archetype provides a JEE Sample Application) 309: remote -> jbehave-groovy-archetype (-) 310: remote -> jbehave-guice-archetype (-) 311: remote -> jbehave-pico-archetype (-) 312: remote -> jbehave-simple-archetype (-) 313: remote -> jbehave-spring-archetype (-) 314: remote -> jboss-javaee6-webapp (-) 315: remote -> jboss-jsf-weld-servlet-webapp (-) 316: remote -> weld-jsf-jee (Weld archetype for creating a Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0, CDI 1.0, EJB 3.1 and JPA 2.0 (persistence unit included)) 317: remote -> weld-jsf-jee-minimal (Weld archetype for creating a minimal Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0, CDI 1.0 and EJB 3.1 (persistence unit not included)) 318: remote -> weld-jsf-servlet-minimal (Weld archetype for creating an application using JSF 2.0 and CDI 1.0 for Servlet Containers (Tomcat 6 / Jetty 6)) 319: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-cgi-archetype (-) 320: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-files-archetype (-) 321: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-proxy-archetype (-) 322: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-redirect-archetype (-) 323: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-upload-archetype (-) 324: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-webdav-archetype (-) 325: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-website-archetype (-) 326: remote -> jbundle-util-webapp-webstart-archetype (-) 327: remote -> jclouds-compute-service-archetype (-) 328: remote -> jclouds-rest-client-archetype (-) 329: remote -> jibx-ota-osgi-archetype (-) 330: remote -> opentravel-archetype (-) 331: remote -> jini-service-archetype (Archetype for Jini service project creation) 332: remote -> maven-hpi-plugin (Maven2 plugin for developing Hudson plugins) 333: remote -> makumba-archetype (Archetype for a makumba web-application) 334: remote -> ibean-archetype (An archetype for creating an empty ibean maven project) 335: remote -> ibean-archetype (-) 336: remote -> mule-catalog-archetype (-) 337: remote -> mule-cloud-connector-archetype (-) 338: remote -> mule-example-archetype (An archetype for creating a Mule example application.) 339: remote -> mule-module-archetype (An architype for creating a Mule Module. It provides options for adding certain mule features and configuring the module for Muleforge.) 340: remote -> mule-project-archetype (An architype for creating Mule applications.) 341: remote -> mule-transport-archetype (Archetype for Mule 2.0 and above transport projects.) 342: remote -> multiverse-project-archetype (Skeleton for a project using Multiverse) 343: remote -> application-archetype (-) 344: remote -> remoting-support (-) 345: remote -> application (-) 346: remote -> hibernate-support (-) 347: remote -> html-war (-) 348: remote -> htmlviewer-war (-) 349: remote -> application (-) 350: remote -> icons (-) 351: remote -> maven-archetype-cecilia-app (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia applications, having a source tree template already filled.) 352: remote -> maven-archetype-cecilia-application (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia applications, having a source tree template already filled.) 353: remote -> maven-archetype-cecilia-library (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia components library projects, having a source tree template already filled.) 354: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-binding-component (>This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI binding component project.) 355: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-assembly (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service assembly project.) 356: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-engine (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service engine project.) 357: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-unit (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service unit project.) 358: remote -> admin-archetype (-) 359: remote -> coweb-archetype (-) 360: remote -> openengsb-tooling-archetypes-connector (-) 361: remote -> openengsb-tooling-archetypes-domain (Archetype to produce new Domain project) 362: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes.clientproject.root (-) 363: remote -> openl-simple-project (-) 364: remote -> maven-archetype-osgi-bundle (-) 365: remote -> maven-archetype-osgi-project (-) 366: remote -> maven-archetype-osgi-service (-) 367: remote -> maven-archetype-osgi-wrapper (-) 368: remote -> maven-archetype-spring-bean (-) 369: remote -> maven-archetype-paxexam-junit () 370: remote -> kerneos-module-archetype (-) 371: remote -> kerneos-war-archetype (-) 372: remote -> camel-archetype-simple-route (-) 373: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-binding-component (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI binding component project.) 374: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-assembly (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service assembly project.) 375: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-engine (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service engine project.) 376: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-unit (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service unit project.) 377: remote -> maven-archetype-petals-jbi-shared-library (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI Shared Library project.) 378: remote -> parallelj-archetype (-) 379: remote -> parancoe-pluginarchetype (-) 380: remote -> parancoe-webarchetype (-) 381: remote -> pustefix-archetype-application (-) 382: remote -> pustefix-archetype-basic (-) 383: remote -> pustefix-archetype-module (-) 384: remote -> liftweb-archetype-blank (Archetype - blank project for liwftweb) 385: remote -> liftweb-archetype-hellolift (Archetype - hellolift sample liwftweb application) 386: remote -> scala-archetype-simple (The maven-scala-plugin is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.) 387: remote -> slf4j-archetype (The slf4j Archetype) 388: remote -> flexmojos-archetypes-application (-) 389: remote -> flexmojos-archetypes-library (-) 390: remote -> flexmojos-archetypes-modular-webapp (-) 391: remote -> nexus-plugin-archetype (-) 392: remote -> spring-osgi-bundle-archetype (Spring OSGi Maven2 Archetype) 393: remote -> spring-ws-archetype (Spring Web Services Maven2 Archetype.) 394: remote -> syncope-archetype (-) 395: remote -> trails-archetype (-) 396: remote -> trails-secure-archetype (-) 397: remote -> tynamo-archetype (-) 398: remote -> wicket-scala-archetype (-) 399: remote -> wikbook.archetype (-) 400: remote -> circumflex-archetype (-) 401: remote -> javg-minimal-archetype (-) Choose a number: 107:
`mvn archetype:generate`创建Maven项目 `mvn archetype:create`创建Maven项目 `mvn package`生成target目录,编译、测试代码,生成测试报告,生成jar/war文件 `mvn jetty:run`运行项目于Jetty上 `mvn compile`编译 ...
在使用maven命令创建maven项目时候执行到...mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.dyb -DartifactId=mvndemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false -X -DarchetypeCatalog=local
13. 查看 Maven 有哪些项目类型分类:`mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=internal` 标准的 Maven 项目结构 一个标准的 Maven 项目结构如下所示: * `src/main/java`:存放项目的源代码 * `src/test/...
3. 反向生成 Maven 项目的骨架:`mvn archetype:generate` 编译和测试 4. 编译源代码:`mvn compile` 5. 编译测试代码:`mvn test-compile` 6. 运行测试:`mvn test` 打包和部署 7. 产生 site:`mvn site` 8. ...
catalog\2.4 下面 创建maven项目例子: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.dyb -DartifactId=mvndemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven- archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false -X -DarchetypeCatalog=local
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mycompany.web -DartifactId=my-webapp -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp ``` 3. **其他 Archetype** Maven 提供多种预定义的 Archetype,如 `maven-...
通过mvn archetype:generate生成一个新的Jasmine项目(请参见下面的代码段)。 在生成pom.xml调整Maven项目属性browser 生成新项目: mvn archetype:generate -DachetypeCatalog=local -DarchetypeGroupId=...
`mvn archetype:generate` 是一个更灵活的命令,用于生成项目骨架,可以自定义多种项目类型。 Maven 的强大之处在于其插件机制,`mvn jetty:run` 可以直接将项目部署到 Jetty 服务器运行,`mvn deploy:deploy-file`...
之前上传过该资源,看下载人挺多,更新一线最新版本...在使用mvn archetype:generate命令时,加上-DarchetypeCatalog=local,以替换网络上的catalog.xml。 参考链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/gmq-sh/p/4742698.html
通过mvn archetype:generate生成一个新的JsTestDriver-Jasmine-project(请参见下面的代码段)。 在生成pom.xml调整Maven项目属性browser 生成新项目: mvn archetype:generate -DachetypeCatalog=local -...
启动您的CLI并输入: mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=com.airhacks:javaee8-essentials-archetype以创建完整的Java EE 8“ kB”项目。 使用最新版本。 还要签出: 在您选择的IDE中,使用com.airhacks组,然后...
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local 6.选择你的archetype的编号,然后根据提示输入你自己的groupId,artifactId,packaging,version等等 7.导入创建成功的项目到eclipse,就可以使用该项目了
把archetype-catalog.xml放在.m2目录下后我们在使用mvn archetype:generate时在后面添加-DarchetypeCatalog=local 这时mvn会使用本地的原型数据来供你选择生成骨架的原型。 archetypeCatalog用来指定maven-...
archetype:generate一起使用mvn archetype:generate或 mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=me.thingle.archetypes \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=java8-jersey2-guice4-webapp-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=...
- `mvn archetype:generate`:根据选定的原型生成项目。 ##### 18. 运行Jetty服务器 ```sh mvn jetty:run ``` **解释:** - `mvn jetty:run`:启动嵌入式Jetty服务器运行Web应用。 #### 四、总结 以上介绍了Maven...
`mvn archetype:generate` 可用于创建自定义的项目模板。 在日常开发中,开发者通常会先下载源代码,然后使用 `mvn eclipse:eclipse` 或 `mvn idea:idea` 生成 IDE 支持的项目文件,再导入 IDE 进行开发。修改代码...
安装要将原型安装在本地存储库中,请执行以下命令: $ git clone https://github.com/suzel/spring-boot-quickstart-archetype.git$ cd spring-boot-quickstart-archetype$ mvn clean install建立专案$ mvn archetype:...
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=damocles-autocredit -DartifactId=damocles-autocredit -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false ``` 这条命令用于生成一个名为 `damocles-...