SAP CRM 中间件Request download里,遇到/SAPPSPRO/S_MAT_ENHANC_COMM 错误的解决办法
When I perform product request download, I found that the bapistructures sent from ERP only contains one entry with tabname = /SAPPSPRO/S_MAT_ENHANC_COMM without any actual material data. As a result no product is created in CRM.
This issue could be analyzed in ERP:
Check variable T_BAPISTRUCTURES content before CRM_FILTER_DOWNLOAD_DATA is called. Here I found the product specified in the download request in CRM via tcode R3AR2 has already been extracted successfully in ERP. As a result it must be filtered out in some part of subsequent processing.
Here is the logic: if the product to be downloaded is not in the filter defefined in tcode R3AC1 in CRM ( internal table lt_fil_range ),then it would be removed from communication container in line 351.
Finally, the strange table name mentioned in this blog is added to bapi structure here:
The solution is simple, deactivate the filter setting in tcode R3AC1:
Ensure this filter change has been successfully synchronized to ERP:
After that the request download works as expected.
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