In SAP note 1230076 “Generation of ABAP loads: Tips for the analysis”, a tool report RSDEPEND is introduced.
It is explained in the note “An ABAP program generally depends on many other repository objects. If an object like this changes (for example, an include or a DDIC type), the load of all dependent programs must be invalidated. The load of these programs is then regenerated with the next use, and valid loads are generated again.”
In order to demonstrate the ABAP load invalidation logic, I create a very simple database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL and write a simple report ZTESTLOAD to fetch all its data:
(1) Create and activate the test report for the first time
Execute report RSDEPEND with ZTESTLOAD as program name = ZTESTLOAD. it returns the result as below. In the first part we see the timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source are both initial one when I activate the report. In the second part we see our simple report has many dependencies on system includes like and . Those system includes are automatically inserted into the test program I have created, it is not necessary for application developers to manually include them, or else there would be compilation errors:
In the third part “Dependencies of Dictionary Types”, we found the depended database table which was initially created on 10.21 in year 2013.
(2) only change the depended database table description
Re-run RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL remain unchanged;
(3) Add a new column to database table
The execution result of RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL also changed to the time when I change the table description;
(4) Execute the test report ZTESTLOAD The execution result of RSDEPEND report:
a. The timestamp of ABAP load and ABAP source of the test report ZTESTLOAD remain unchanged; b. The timestamp “last changed” of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL changed to the time when I change the table description; c. The ABAP timestamp and Screen timestamp of database table ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL also changed to the time when I change the table description;
Further reading For more detail about ABAP load please read this document SGEN- an Overview.
在SAP ABAP环境中,创建和格式化报表是常见的任务,尤其对于企业内部的数据报告和分析至关重要。报表格式设置能够确保输出的报表整洁、易读,满足特定的打印需求。以下将详细介绍如何进行SAP ABAP报表的格式设置: ...
《SAP ABAP开发技术详解(实例篇)(第二版) [1] 》除了对对SAP ABAP开发所需的常用技术(SAP报表、批量导入、对话程序、函数)做了详尽的介绍,包括基本报表、交互式报表、复杂报表、ALV(SAP List Viewer)报表、...
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SAP ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP公司推出的一种高级业务应用编程语言,用于开发在SAP R/3和SAP NetWeaver平台上的应用程序。这些电子书提供了全面的资源,帮助学习者深入理解并掌握SAP ...
* ABAP报表设计和开发 * ABAP接口设计和开发 四、SAP ABAP开发实践 * ABAP开发环境设置和配置 * ABAP项目结构和组织 * ABAP代码编写和调试 * ABAP测试和优化 五、SAP ABAP项目开发实践 * SAP ABAP项目开发流程 *...
详细介绍了SAP ABAP开发者必须掌握的包与变更传输系统(CTS)、数据类型、数据库、模块化程序、内表、调试、ABAP数据字典、锁对象、检索帮助、Field Symbol与数据引用、SAP内存与ABAP内存、报表程序、模块池程序、...
8. **报表开发**:SAP ABAP报表用于生成各类报告,如LIST REPORT和ALV(Application List Viewer)。掌握如何生成自定义报表将极大地提升工作效率。 9. **对话模块和屏幕流**:在ABAP中,用户界面的创建涉及对话...
本试题涵盖了 SAP ABAP 编程语言的多个方面,包括数据类型、数据对象、语句、报表设计等。下面是详细的知识点解释: 1. 编译错误语句分析 在 ABAP 中,语句 `write at 12 XXX.` 会报错,因为 `write` 语句不能用 `...
ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP公司推出的一种编程语言,主要用于开发SAP系统中的业务应用程序。SAP系统在全球企业资源规划(ERP)领域有着广泛的应用,而ABAP则是其核心开发语言,使得...
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SAP ABAP Query 是 SAP 系统中一种用于创建自定义报表的强大工具,尤其适合那些对 SQL 不太熟悉或者没有数据库直接访问权限的用户。它提供了丰富的功能,使得开发人员可以构建复杂的数据查询,而无需编写大量的 ABAP...
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SAP ABAP 1.4.4的代码可能包含各种程序、报表、函数模块、类、接口等。文件名为"SAP ABAP CODE下载-1.4.4.txt"可能是一个文本文件,其中包含了这些源代码的清单或者链接,供开发者参考和下载。 在实际应用中,SAP ...
在本课程中,我们将深入探讨SAP ABAP开发中的一个重要组成部分——屏幕设计。SAP ABAP,即Advanced Business Application Programming,是SAP系统中的主要编程语言,用于开发企业级业务应用。屏幕设计是用户与系统...
4. **报表编程**:SAP ABAP常用于创建业务报表,教程会展示如何使用REPORT语句创建简单和复杂的报表,包括数据筛选、排序和格式化输出。 5. **屏幕处理与用户输入**:在SAP GUI环境中,ABAP可以处理用户界面。这...
SAP ABAP 代码备份下载到本地程序代码
在SAP系统中,有时需要实现自定义的邮件发送功能以满足特定的业务需求,例如在用户操作SAP采购订单报表时,直接通过Outlook发送邮件到供应商。针对这种需求,我们可以利用SAP的ABAP编程环境,通过OLE(Object ...