CRM Interactive (OLTP) Reporting: very old stuff started in 2006 with CRM 5.2.
With this approach, no separate SAP BI system was required for basic operational / transactional CRM reporting. Instead, the SAP NetWeaver stack that comes with SAP CRM could be used in order to run real-time operational CRM reports directly on the CRM implementation.
You have set up a client for processing BI Content in SAP CRM. This can be the same client as the one that contains the data for report creation.
The data displayed in an interactive report depends on the user's position within the organizational model. For example, the reports of a sales employee only contain data for opportunities for which he or she is responsible. However, a manager can see data for all opportunities for which the sales employees in the manager's organizational unit are responsible.
Report Areas for Interactive Reports Based on SAP HANA VDM
How it works
When you make some related fields in CRM and save, FM CRM_UPLOAD_BW will be called:
check this structure: BAD_BUS_TRANSN_MESSAGE
and this FM: /1CRMGC/BUS_TRANS_MSG_BWA ( constant of site id defined there )
table SMOXSTAT: defintion for all data sources table SMOXRELP_S: definition of fields for datasource...
important mapper: CRM_BW_SERVPRO_H_MAP
This mapper is called before data is sent to BW.
In read scenario, why destination is QDD?!
outbound BW destination: table roosprmsf
tcode RSA2, DS name: 0CRM_SRV_PROCESS_H
Jerry founds two different kinds of Data source in tcode RSA5 !!
Jerry assumption: one of them is for BW report, and the other is for CRM Interactive Report
table for Interactive report destination: rslogsysdest
relationship between data source and query?
tcode RSRTQ, query name: /CRMBW/SVO_C01_Q0001:
How number of Open Service Order is modelled in BW report
It works but how? Debug RSOA_DSOURCE_READ_REMOTE_DATA.
index table? CRMD_DHR_HSRVORD
Strange! the order created by report CRM_ORDER_CREATE_SRVO is not put into that table, but if I create order in WebUI, the corresponding entry is in that table. Why?
I made a lot of trace trying to figure out who has filled this buffer table under the hood for us?
I found an intresting tcode CRMD_FILL_CACHE :)
and tcode for One order document mass creation: CRMD_1O_MC
Check customizing in CRM Analytics->Interactive Reporting->Cache management
2268061 - The table CRMD_DHR_ISRVORD is empty #SAPCRM
note 2090500 - Transaction CRMD_FILL_CACHE not filling all entries into cache tables
The buffer tables are used only for interactive reporting and not by any other application. We need not fill the buffer tables explicitly with the data, The required data gets filled at run time as and when you execute the interactive reports. The buffer tables are supposed to have only the required data and not the whole data that is present in the document tables, then there will be no point for having seperate buffer tables , we can as well fetch it from document tables.
The maximum amount of entries for a cache table can be seen in the customizing table CRMC_Q1O_CACHE.
在SAP CRM(客户关系管理)系统中,同步问题往往是由于不同组件间的通信故障或配置错误导致的。本文将深入探讨两个具体的问题及其解决方案,帮助用户理解和处理SAP CRM中的同步异常。 首先,我们遇到的第一个问题是...
SAP CRM 7.0是一款高度集成的解决方案,旨在通过全面的客户交互管理和分析能力,提升企业的客户体验和业务绩效。它提供了包括销售自动化、营销自动化、客户服务、电子商务以及数据分析等功能,能够帮助企业在各个...
### SAP BW 知识点详解 #### 一、SAP BW 概述 - **定义**: SAP BW(Business Information Warehouse)是SAP ...这些知识点对于理解和掌握SAP BW至关重要,也是从事SAP BI领域工作的专业人员必须掌握的核心技能。
与SAP ECC(Enterprise Core Component)和SAP BW(Business Warehouse)一样,SAP CRM 是一个独立的产品而非ECC的组成部分。尽管SAP CRM 和 ECC 在某些功能上有重叠,例如CRM 的 SALES 功能类似于ECC 的 SD(Sales ...
【SAP CRM 2007 IDES】是一款专门针对SAP客户关系管理(CRM)2007版本的集成开发和教育环境(IDES)。IDES全称为Integrated Development and Education System,它为开发者和学习者提供了完整的SAP CRM系统,以便...
四、数据分析与挖掘:SAP CRM提供了数据分析与挖掘功能,帮助企业分析客户行为、预测销售趋势和优化销售策略。 五、实时企业:SAP CRM提供了实时企业功能,帮助企业实时了解客户需求、销售情况和市场趋势,提高销售...
"工具"可能指的是用于查询、分析或维护这些CRM表格的实用程序,比如ABAP开发环境、SQL查询工具或者专门的SAP分析工具。 在压缩包中的"CRM tables.xls"文件,很可能是博主整理的一个Excel表格,里面详细列出了SAP ...
### SAP CRM 系统用户界面操作指导手册知识点详解 #### 一、引言 SAP CRM(Customer Relationship Management)作为一款先进的客户关系管理系统,在帮助企业更好地管理客户信息、提高销售效率及客户服务方面扮演着...
BW4HANA针对与SAP HANA数据库的协同工作进行了优化,旨在提高数据仓库的性能和效率。 文档描述中提到的“最新特性”可能涉及了SAP BW/4HANA的多项创新,包括了数据建模的增强、数据存储的优化、以及对实时分析的...
SAP-BW 权限基本配置是指在 BW 系统中为用户授权的基本配置,侧重点在分析权限的配置,使用户可以根据不同的角色来查看对应的报表。 一、用户创建及用户权限初步认识 在 BW 系统中,需要使用 SU01 事务码来建立...
sap bw sap bw sap bw
SAP BW(Business Warehouse)是SAP公司提供的企业级数据仓库解决方案,用于集中管理企业的业务数据,并提供分析和报告功能。SAP BW处理链是其中的一项重要功能,它旨在自动化处理数据仓库中的数据抽取、转换和加载...
### SAP CRM管理方案介绍 ...综上所述,SAP CRM是一个综合性的客户关系管理系统,不仅能够帮助企业提高市场营销、销售和服务的效率,还能通过智能分析等功能为企业提供决策支持,从而在激烈的市场竞争中获得优势。
CRM原厂解决方案 SAP标准CRM业务模式介绍,CRM产品
7. **集成与定制**:理解SAP CRM如何与SAP ERP、BW(Business Warehouse)等其他模块集成,以及如何根据企业需求进行定制开发,确保系统的灵活性和可扩展性。 8. **最佳实践与案例研究**:通过实际案例学习SAP CRM...
SAP公司全套CRM解决方案覆盖了销售、市场营销、售后服务、客户分析、客服中心、电子商务、社交CRM及移动手机等各个方面。客户可按当前业务所需选择的相关功能,应用程序可在6-8周内迅速部署并投入使用。新的SAP CRM...
完成本课程后,学习者应能够描述SAP CRM的基本原理,解释组成SAP CRM解决方案的应用所提供的流程、特点和功能,以及如何部署SAP CRM解决方案来支持市场、销售和客户服务中的业务流程。 SAP CRM解决方案概览包含以下...