1,Although the condition "value.indexOf("(") < 0" can be instead by "bracketsCount(value,'(') < bracketsCount(value,')')",use "||",cos the sencond condition can rarely be satisfied and the second condition call a mehtod including a for loop which will lower the performance.
2,no if in if.
//before refactoring
if (value.endsWith(")"))
//AR43966, modify by Jerry Gao,April 24,2007
if(value.indexOf("(") < 0 || bracketsCount(value,'(') < bracketsCount(value,')')){
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
rightBrackets[i] = "yes";
} |
//after refactoring
//AR43966, modify by Jerry Gao,April 25,2007
//add condition after &&
if (value.endsWith(")") && (value.indexOf("(") < 0 || bracketsCount(value,'(') < bracketsCount(value,')'))) {
value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
rightBrackets[i] = "yes";
} |
* get the count of destination char,add by Jerry Gao for AR43966,April 25,2007
* @param sourceStr - source string
* @param desChar - the char which want to search
* @return the count of destination chars
private static int bracketsCount(String sourceStr,char desChar){
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < sourceStr.length();i++){
if(sourceStr.charAt(i) == desChar)
return count;
《Refactoring UI》是一本由Adam Wathan和Steve Schoger合著的设计书,主要面向开发者,帮助他们在不具备专业设计背景的情况下也能提升UI设计的质量。这本书提供了实用的设计建议和技巧,帮助开发者在日常工作中更好...
1. **安装与配置**:首先,你需要下载`php-refactoring-browser-master`压缩包并解压,然后根据项目需求进行配置,如设置PHP解释器路径、代码库位置等。 2. **代码检测**:运行工具,对项目代码进行扫描,找出需要...
系统重构架构设计,A guide to refactoring, the process of changing a software system so that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure, for professional ...
1. **测试驱动**:重构过程中,测试是非常重要的一步。为了确保重构后的代码仍然能正确工作,通常会先编写单元测试,然后再进行实际的代码修改。这样可以确保任何变更都不会破坏原有的功能。 2. **逐步进行**:重构...
Refactoring is an effective way to quickly uncover problematic code and fix it. In this first book to provide a hands-on approach to refactoring in C# and ASP.NET, you’ll discover to apply ...
##### 1. 重构的基本原则 - **无害性原则**:重构过程不应改变程序的外部行为。 - **逐步改进**:重构应该通过一系列小步骤完成,每一步都确保程序的正确性。 - **测试先行**:在进行重构之前,应先编写测试用例,...
This eagerly awaited new edition has been fully updated to reflect crucial changes in the programming landscape.Refactoring, Second Edition,features an updated catalog of refactorings and includes ...
UI设计(UserInterfaceDesign),即界面设计,是指对软件的人机交互、操作逻辑、界面美观的整体设计。它可以分为实体UI和虚拟UI两类,互联网中所提及的UI设计即是虚拟UI。 好的UI设计不仅可以让软件变得更有个性、有...
1. **识别坏味道(Code Smells)**:当代码出现冗余、复杂度过高、过于依赖等现象时,我们可以称它们为“坏味道”。识别这些现象是重构的第一步,因为它们通常预示着潜在的问题。 2. **单一职责原则**:每个类或...
Refactoring Improving The Design Of Existing Code
- **Refactoring Tools for Visual Studio**:针对.NET平台的重构插件。 **5. 面向对象设计的优化** 重构不仅仅局限于简单的代码优化,它还涉及到更深层次的面向对象设计原则。通过遵循良好的设计原则,如单一...
《31Days Refactoring》是Sean Chambers撰写的一本关于重构技术的著作,中文版由麒麟.Net翻译。重构,作为软件开发中的一个重要环节,是改善代码结构、提高代码可读性和可维护性的一种方法,不改变代码外在行为,却...
重构与修正下面问题(包括影片与修正code): http://topic.csdn.net/u/20080305/19/f030ce57-751a-4cea-8b56-28aa3dd7411d.html
《重构:改善既有代码的设计》是一本在IT行业中极具影响力的书籍,由马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)撰写。这本书深入探讨了代码重构这一关键的软件开发实践,旨在提高代码的质量、可读性和可维护性。...
1. Refactoring; 2. Design Patterns; 3. Refactoring to Patterns; All chm format books with high quality!
Automated Java refactoring tool.pdf 外文期刊Automatic detection of bad smells in Java code Dynamic analyses for understanding and optimization of Enterprise Java applications