#!/bin/bash # # NOTE: # The readme text is written by chinese. # Please see this scripts in your chinese System. # # 这支程式是由 VBird 完成的,首次释出的日期在 2002/02/10 ! # 主要的功能当然就是进行『登录档』的分析了! # 目前主要针对几个项目进行登录档的分析处理: # # 0. 主机资讯 藉由分析 port 讯息! # 1. 登录资讯 /var/log/secure # 2. 登录记录 /var/log/wtmp # 3. 重要记录 /var/log/messages # 4. 邮件记录 /var/log/maillog # /var/log/mail # # 这支程式的测试平台主要在 Red Hat 7.2 以及 Mandrake 9.0 上面, # 执行的结果颇为顺畅,所以,应该可以适用在大部分的 Linux # distributions 才对!希望藉由这支程式的分析,可以带给您 # 更多更舒适的主机管理喔! # ################################################################### # INSTALL (安装方法) # # 1. 建立工作目录: # mkdir -p /usr/local/virus/logfile # 并将 复制到该目录下! # 并且需要修改权限成为可执行喔! # chmod 755 /usr/local/virus/logfile/ # chown root:root /usr/local/virus/logfile/ # # 2. 修改重要的叁数项目: # 下面这三个项目请自行修改成您所需要的,或者直接保留预设值 # email=..... # basedir=.. # outputall=... # # 3. 修改 crontab # vi /etc/crontab 并且在其中新增一行: # 10 0 * * * root /usr/local/virus/logfile/ > /dev/null 2>&1 # 以後每天的凌晨 12:10 系统就会帮你分析你的登录档,并寄给 root 喔! # #==================================================================== # 历史纪录: # 日期与修改者 项目 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2002/03/21 VBird 新增一些主机的资讯收集动作 # 2002/04/02 VBird 改变原先使用 cut 的指令,以 awk 指令来取代。 # 2002/04/10 VBird 将原先 pop3 错误登录的讯息,由寻找 maillog # 转到 messages 这个档案当中! # 2002/04/14 VBird 修改输出资料的格式! # 2003/03/11 VBird 进行大幅改写!新增的资讯会有: # 1. 新增 port 的侦测,会将结果输出; # 2. 新增硬碟目前现况输出; # 2003/03/15 VBird 修改了 Postfix 的输出格式,变的比较好看一些 # 2003/03/16 VBird 加入了一些控制元,避免 23 这个 telnet 的 port # 捉错了! # 2003/06/11 VBird 加入了 /var/log/procmail.log 的分析资料, # 并且修改了 sendmail 的判定方式。 # 此外,亦修改了 defer 的认定标准! # 2004/01/17 VBird 将 pop3 的列印拿掉了! # 2004/03/07 VBird 修改 Postfix 的输出格式,比较容易看的懂! # 这部分是关於抵挡广告信件的格式! #-------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################################################################### # YOU MUST KEYIN SOME PARAMETERS HERE!! # 底下的资料是您必须要填写的! email="root@localhost" # 这是要将 logfile 寄给谁的 e-mail # 你也可以将这些资料寄给许多邮件地址, # 可以使用底下的格式: # email="root@localhost,yourID@hostname" # 每个 email 用逗号隔开,不要加空白键! basedir="/usr/local/virus/logfile" # 这个是 这支程式放置的目录 outputall="no" # 这个是『是否要将所有的登录档内容都印出来? # 对於一般新手来说,只要看汇整的资讯即可, # 所以这里选择 "no" ,如果想要知道所有的 # 登录讯息,则可以设定为 "yes" ! ##################################################################### # 底下的资料看看就好,因为不需要更动,程式已经设计好了! # 如果您有其他的额外发现,可以进行进一步的修改喔! ^_^ ##################################################################### # 0. 设定一些基本的变数内容与检验 basedir 是否存在 PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin LANG=en LC_TIME=en export PATH LANG LC_TIME localhostname=`hostname` # 修改使用者邮件位址! temp=`echo $email | cut -d '@' -f2` if [ "$temp" == "localhost" ]; then email=`echo $email | cut -d '@' -f1`\@"$localhostname" fi # 测验 awk 与 sed 与 egrep 是否存在 which awk > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e " 没有 awk 这个工具程式,本程式 $0 将停止工作!\n\ 请先安装 awk 这个程式在您的系统中" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit fi which sed > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e " 没有 sed 这个工具程式,本程式 $0 将停止工作!\n\ 请先安装 sed 这个程式在您的系统中" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit fi which egrep > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e " 没有 egrep 这个工具程式,本程式 $0 将停止工作!\n\ 请先安装 egrep 这个程式在您的系统中" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit fi # 测验 syslog 是否有启动! temp=`ps -aux | grep syslog| grep -v grep` if [ "$temp" == "" ]; then echo -e " 没有 syslog 这个 daemon ,本程式 $0 将停止工作!\n\ 请先启动 syslog 这个 daemon 在您的系统中" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit fi # 测验暂存目录是否存在! if [ ! -d "$basedir" ]; then echo -e " 没有 $basedir 这个目录,本程式 $0 将停止工作!\n\ 请先建立 $basedir 这个目录在您的系统中" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit fi ##################################################################### # 0.1 设定版本资讯,以及相关的 log files 内容表格! lastdate="2004-03-07" versions="Version 2.0-4" hosthome=`hostname` logfile="$basedir/logfile.mail" declare -i datenu=`date +%k` if [ "$datenu" -le "6" ]; then date --date='1 day ago' +%b' '%e > "$basedir/dattime" else date +%b' '%e > "$basedir/dattime" fi y="`cat $basedir/dattime`" # 0.1.0 侦测 syslog.conf 这个档案是否存在 if [ ! -f "/etc/syslog.conf" ]; then echo -e " 重要!您的 /etc/syslog.conf 并不存在,\n\ 所以这支 script $0 找不到登录档的资讯,请先确定 /etc/syslog.conf 存在\n\ 如果确定系统存在 syslog.conf ,不过目录并不在 /etc 底下\n\ 可以使用连结的方式来连结到 /etc/ 底下:\n\n\ ln -s /full/path/syslog.conf /etc/syslog.conf \n\n\ 错误回报请到 查看资讯!" |\ mail -s "重要讯息回应" $email exit 1 fi # 0.1.1 secure file log=`grep 'authpriv\.\*' /etc/syslog.conf | awk '{print $2}'| \ head -n 1|tr -d '-'` if [ "$log" == "" ]; then echo "Sorry, You do not have the login logfile.... Stop $0" |\ mail -s "Important Messages" $email exit fi cat $log | grep "$y" > "$basedir/securelog" # 0.1.2 maillog file log=`grep 'mail\.\*' /etc/syslog.conf | awk '{print $2}'| \ head -n 1|tr -d '-'` if [ "$log" == "" ]; then log=`grep 'mail\.' /etc/syslog.conf | awk '{print $2}'| \ tr -d '-'|grep -v 'message'` fi if [ "$log" == "" ]; then echo "Sorry, You do not have the mail logfile.... Stop $0" |\ mail -s "Important Messages" $email exit fi cat $log | grep "$y" > "$basedir/maillog" # 0.1.2 messages file cat /var/log/messages | grep "$y" > "$basedir/messageslog" # The following lines are detecting your PC live? timeset1=`uptime | grep day` timeset2=`uptime | grep min` if [ "$timeset1" == "" ]; then if [ "$timeset2" == "" ]; then UPtime=`uptime | awk '{print $3}'` else UPtime=`uptime | awk '{print $3 " " $4}'` fi else if [ "$timeset2" == "" ]; then UPtime=`uptime | awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5}'` else UPtime=`uptime | awk '{print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6}'` fi fi ##################################################################### # 1. 建立欢迎画面通知,以及系统的资料汇整! echo "################################################" > $logfile echo "欢迎使用本程式来查验您的登录档" >> $logfile echo "本程式目前版本为: $versions" >> $logfile echo "最後更新日期为: $lastdate" >> $logfile echo "若在您的系统中发现本程式有问题, 欢迎与我联络!" >> $logfile echo "鸟哥的首页" >> $logfile echo "最新资讯" >> $logfile echo "################################################" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile echo "=============== 系统汇整 =======================" >> $logfile echo "核心版本 : `cat /proc/version | \ awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4}'`" >> $logfile echo "CPU 资讯 : `cat /proc/cpuinfo | \ grep "model name" |\ awk '{print $4 " " $5 " " $6}'`" >> $logfile cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz" | \ awk '{print " : " $4 " MHz"}' >> $logfile echo "主机名称 : `hostname`" >> $logfile echo "统计日期 : `date +%Y/%B/%d' '%H:%M:%S' '\(' '%A' '\)`" \ >> $logfile echo "分析的日期: `cat $basedir/dattime`" >> $logfile echo "已开机期间: `echo $UPtime`" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile echo "主机启用的 port 有:" >> $logfile netstat -tln|grep '\'|awk '{print $4}'|\ cut -d':' -f2|sort -n| uniq| \ awk '{print " : " $1}'| \ tee $basedir/netstat.tmp >> $logfile # 检查 telnet 23 这个埠号 temp=`grep ' 23$' $basedir/netstat.tmp` if [ "$temp" != "" ]; then echo '** 注意:您的主机有启动 telnet 这个危险的服务,除非必要,否则请关闭他! **' >> $logfile fi echo " " >> $logfile echo "主机提供的硬碟资讯" >> $logfile df >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile
##################################################################### # 2 SSH 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) 这其中包含 su 指令! funcssh () { echo " " >> $logfile echo "================= SSH 的登录档资讯汇整 =======================">> $logfile sshright=`cat $basedir/securelog |grep 'sshd.*Accept' | wc -l | \ awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$sshright" != "0" ]; then echo "一共成功登入的次数: $sshright" | \ awk '{printf("\%-26s \%3d\n",$1,$2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-10s \%-15s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile cat $basedir/securelog | grep 'sshd.*Accept' | \ sed 's/^.*for//g' |awk '{print $1}' \ > "$basedir/securelogssh-1" cat $basedir/securelog | grep 'sshd.*Accept' | \ sed 's/^.*from//g' |awk '{print $1}' \ > "$basedir/securelogssh-2" paste $basedir/securelogssh-1 $basedir/securelogssh-2 \ > $basedir/securelogssh /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-25s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogssh | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-10s \%-15s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi ssherror=`cat $basedir/securelog | grep "sshd.*Fail" | wc -l | \ awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$ssherror" != "0" ]; then echo "一共错误登入的次数: $ssherror" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-26s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-10s \%-15s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile cat $basedir/securelog | grep "sshd.*Fail" | \ sed 's/^.*for//g' |awk '{print $1}' \ > "$basedir/securelogsshno-1" cat $basedir/securelog | grep "sshd.*Fail" | \ sed 's/^.*from//g' |awk '{print $1}' \ > "$basedir/securelogsshno-2" paste $basedir/securelogsshno-1 $basedir/securelogsshno-2 \ > $basedir/securelogsshno /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-25s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogsshno |sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-10s \%-15s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "su"|grep "open"|grep "root"| \ sed 's/^.*by//g' |awk '{print $1}'|sort > $basedir/messagessu sshsu=`wc -l $basedir/messagessu | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$sshsu" != "0" ]; then echo "以 su 转换成 root 的使用者及次数" >> $logfile echo "帐号 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-26s \%-4s\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-25s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/messagessu | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ "$sshright" == "0" ] && [ "$ssherror" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有使用 SSH 的纪录" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 3 POP3 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcpop3 () { echo "================= POP3 的登录档资讯汇整 ======================" >> $logfile pop3right=`cat $basedir/maillog|grep "pop3.*Login user" | wc -l | \ awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$pop3right" != "0" ]; then echo "POP3登入次数: $pop3right" | \ awk '{printf( "%-40s %4d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("%-15s %-25s %-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/maillog | grep "pop3.*Login user" |\ sed 's/^.*user=//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/maillogpop-1 cat $basedir/maillog | grep "pop3.*Login user" |\ sed 's/^.*host=//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/maillogpop-2 paste $basedir/maillogpop-1 $basedir/maillogpop-2 \ > $basedir/maillogpop /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "%-35s %4d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/maillogpop | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("%-15s %-25s %3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi pop3error=`cat $basedir/messageslog|grep "pop3.*Login fail"| \ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$pop3error" != "0" ]; then echo "POP3错误登入次数: $pop3error" | \ awk '{printf( "%-40s %4d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("%-15s %-25s %-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "pop3.*Login fail" |\ sed 's/^.*user=//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/maillogpopno-1 cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "pop3.*Login fail" |\ sed 's/^.*host=//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/maillogpopno-2 paste $basedir/maillogpopno-1 $basedir/maillogpopno-2 \ > $basedir/maillogpopno /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "%-35s %4d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/maillogpopno | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("%-15s %-25s %3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ "$pop3error" == "0" ] && [ "$pop3right" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有使用 POP3 的纪录" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 4 Wu-FTP 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcwuftp () { echo "================= FTP 的登录档资讯汇整 =======================" >> $logfile wuftpright=`cat $basedir/messageslog|grep "FTP LOGIN" | wc -l | \ awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$wuftpright" != "0" ]; then echo "Wu-FTP-成功登入次数: $wuftpright" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "FTP LOGIN" | \ sed 's/^.*,//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/messageswuftp-1 cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "FTP LOGIN" | \ sed 's/^.*FROM//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/messageswuftp-2 paste $basedir/messageswuftp-1 $basedir/messageswuftp-2 \ > $basedir/messageswuftp /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/messageswuftp | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi wuftperror=`cat $basedir/messageslog|grep "ftp.*auth.*fail" |\ wc -l| awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$wuftperror" != "0" ]; then echo "Wu-FTP-错误登入次数: $wuftperror" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog |grep "ftp.*auth.*fail" | \ sed 's/^.*\buser=//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/messageswuftpno.1.tmp awk -v mon=`date +%b` '{ if( $1 != mon ) print $1; if( $1 == mon ) print "UnknowUser" }' \ $basedir/messageswuftpno.1.tmp \ > $basedir/messageswuftpno.1 cat $basedir/messageslog |grep "ftp.*auth.*fail" | \ sed 's/^.*rhost=//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/messageswuftpno.2 paste $basedir/messageswuftpno.1 $basedir/messageswuftpno.2 \ > $basedir/messageswuftpno /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/messageswuftpno| sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ "$wuftpright" == "0" ] && [ "$wuftperror" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有使用 Wu FTP 的纪录" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 6 Sendmail 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcsendmail () { echo "================= Sednamil 的登录档资讯汇整 ==================" >> $logfile auth=no [ -f /usr/lib/sasl/Sendmail.conf ] && auth=yes [ -f /usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf ] && auth=yes if [ "$auth" == "yes" ]; then echo "您的主机有进行 SASL 身份认证的功能" >> $logfile else echo "您的主机没有进行 SASL 身份认证的功能" >> $logfile fi echo " " >> $logfile sendmailright=`cat $basedir/maillog|grep "sendmail.*from.*class" | \ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$sendmailright" != "0" ]; then echo "SMTP共受信次数: $sendmailright " | \ awk '{printf( "\%-21s \%10d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*class" |\ sed 's/^.*size=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/maillogsendmailall mailsize=`awk '{ smtp = smtp + $1 } END {print smtp/1024}' \ $basedir/maillogsendmailall` echo "共收受信件的容量大小: $mailsize KBytes" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-20s \%10d \%-8s\n",$1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi echo " " > $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-1 echo " " > $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-2 echo " " > $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-3 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*mech=LOGIN" | \ sed 's/^.*from=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-1 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*mech=LOGIN" | \ sed 's/^.*relay=//g' | awk '{print $1}' |\ awk '{print $1 ","}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-2 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*mech=LOGIN" | \ sed 's/^.*size=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-3 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*localhost" | \ sed 's/^.*from=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-1 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*localhost" | \ sed 's/^.*relay=//g' | awk '{print $1 ","}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-2 cat $basedir/maillog |grep "sendmail.*from.*localhost" | \ sed 's/^.*size=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' \ >> $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-3 paste $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-1 \ $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-2 \ > $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-4 paste $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-4 \ $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-3 \ > $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal declare -i sendmaillocal=`cat $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal| \ wc -l| awk '{print $1}'` sendmaillocal=$sendmaillocal-1 if [ "$sendmaillocal" != "0" ]; then echo "SMTP本机登入次数: $sendmaillocal" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-21s \%10d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile mailsize=`awk '{ smtp = smtp + $1 } END {print smtp/1024}' \ $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal-3` echo "共收受信件的容量大小: $mailsize KBytes" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-20s \%10d \%-8s\n",$1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 信件容量(KBytes)"| \ awk '{printf("\%-35s \%-35s \%-6s \%-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)}'>> $logfile awk '{FS=","}{if(NR>=2) for( i=1; i<2; i++ ) (sizes[$i]=sizes[$i]+$2/1024) && Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-80s \%-10s \%-10s\n", course, Number[course], sizes[course])}' \ $basedir/maillogsendmaillocal| sort +2 -gr |\ awk '{printf("\%-35s \%-35s \%4d \%10d\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ -x /usr/bin/mailq ] ; then mailq > $basedir/mailq declare -i mailq=`wc -l $basedir/mailq | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$mailq" -ge "3" ] ; then echo "放在邮件伫列当中的信件资讯" >> $logfile cat $basedir/mailq >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi fi sendmailerror=`cat $basedir/maillog | grep "sendmail.*reject=" | wc -l | \ awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$sendmailerror" != "0" ]; then echo "错误的邮件资讯:提供系馆管理员处理用" >> $logfile cat $basedir/maillog | grep "sendmail.*reject=" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ "$sendmailright" == "0" ] && [ "$sendmaillocal" == "0" ] \ && [ "$sendmailerror" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有 sendmail 的相关资讯" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi }
##################################################################### # 7 postfix 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcpost () { echo "================= Postfix 的登录档资讯汇整 ===================" >> $logfile auth=no [ -f /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf ] && auth=yes [ -f /usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf ] && auth=yes if [ "$auth" == "yes" ]; then echo "您的主机有进行 SASL 身份认证的功能" >> $logfile else echo "您的主机没有进行 SASL 身份认证的功能" >> $logfile fi echo " " >> $logfile postall=`cat $basedir/maillog | grep 'postfix.*qmgr.*from.*size' | \ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postall" != "0" ]; then echo "SMTP共受信次数: $postall " | \ awk '{printf( "\%-21s \%10d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile mailsize=`cat $basedir/maillog | \ grep 'postfix.*qmgr.*from.*size' | \ sed 's/^.*size=//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1}' | \ awk '{ smtp = smtp + $1 } END {print smtp/1024}'` echo "共收受信件的容量大小: $mailsize KBytes" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-20s \%10d \%-8s\n",$1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*qmgr.*from.*size" |\ sed 's/^.*\]://g' | sed 's/:.*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/postid cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*smtpd.*client=" \ > $basedir/postlog-host cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*qmgr.*from.*size" \ > $basedir/postlog-email-size cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*smtpd.*LOGIN" \ > $basedir/postlog-auth cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*smtp\[.*to.*relay.*sent" \ > $basedir/postlog-send cat $basedir/maillog | grep "postfix.*smtp\[.*to.*relay" |\ grep -v 'sent' > $basedir/postlog-nosend touch $basedir/postid postid=`cat $basedir/postid` [ -f $basedir/postlog.1 ] && rm $basedir/postlog.1 for mailid in $postid do posthost=`cat $basedir/postlog-host| grep "$mailid" |\ sed 's/^.*: client//g'|sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*//g' | head -n 1` if [ "$posthost" == "" ]; then posthost="unknow" fi postemail=`cat $basedir/postlog-email-size |\ grep "$mailid" |\ sed 's/^.*from=<//g' | sed 's/>.*$//g' |\ head -n 1` if [ "$postemail" == "" ]; then postemail="unknow" fi postsend=`cat $basedir/postlog-send |\ grep "$mailid"|head -n 1` postnosend=`cat $basedir/postlog-nosend |\ grep "$mailid"|head -n 1` if [ "$postsend" == "" ] && [ "$postnosend" == "" ]; then postsend="local" elif [ "$postsend" == "" ] && [ "$postnosend" != "" ]; then postsend="deffer" else postsend="send" fi postauth=`cat $basedir/postlog-auth |\ grep "$mailid" |head -n 1` if [ "$postauth" == "" ]; then postauth="noauth" else postauth="auth" fi postauthname=`cat $basedir/postlog-auth |\ grep "$mailid" | sed 's/^.*username=//g'|\ head -n 1` if [ "$postauthname" == "" ]; then postauthname="noauth" fi postsize=`cat $basedir/postlog-email-size |\ grep "$mailid" |\ sed 's/^.*size=//g' | sed 's/,.*$//g' |\ head -n 1` if [ "$postsize" == "" ]; then postsize="0" fi echo $posthost $postemail $postsend $postauth $postauthname "," $postsize \ >> $basedir/postlog.1 done cat $basedir/postlog.1 | sort | uniq > $basedir/postlog touch $basedir/postlog # 1. 认证者寄信 postfix_auth="0" if [ "$auth" == "yes" ]; then cat $basedir/postlog | egrep '\bauth\b' |\ awk '{FS=","}{if(NR>=2) for( i=1; i<2; i++ ) (sizes[$i]=sizes[$i]+$2/1024) && Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-80s \%-10s \%-10s\n", course, Number[course], sizes[course])}'\ > $basedir/postfix-auth postfix_auth=`cat $basedir/postfix-auth | grep 'send' |\ wc -l| awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_auth" != "0" ]; then echo "经过认证者寄出本机(转信)" >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 信件容量(KBytes)"| \ awk '{printf("\%-25s \%-20s \%-6s \%-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/postfix-auth | grep 'send' |\ awk '{printf("\%-25s \%-20s \%4d \%10d\n", $5, $1, $6, $7)}' |\ sort +2 -gr >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi postfix_auth=`cat $basedir/postfix-auth | grep 'local' |\ wc -l| awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_auth" != "0" ]; then echo "经过认证者寄入本机" >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 信件容量(KBytes)"| \ awk '{printf("\%-25s \%-20s \%-6s \%-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/postfix-auth | grep 'local' |\ awk '{printf("\%-25s \%-20s \%4d \%10d\n", $5, $1, $6, $7)}' |\ sort +2 -gr >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi fi # 2.延迟寄出的信件 deferred cat $basedir/maillog | grep 'deferred' | awk '{print $6 }' | \ sort | uniq -c > $basedir/postfix-defer defer=`cat $basedir/postfix-defer | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$defer" != "" ]; then declare -i I I=0 for II in $defer do I=$I+1 defernum[$I]=$II done defer=`cat $basedir/postfix-defer | awk '{print $2}'` I=0 echo "信件延迟寄出的问题分析" >> $logfile echo "来源帐号" "目标帐号" "次数" "信件容量(bytes)" | \ awk '{printf("\%-32s \%-32s \%4s \%16s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4)}' >> $logfile for II in $defer do I=$I+1 defertmp=`cat $basedir/maillog | grep $II | grep 'from' |\ head -n 1` deferfrom=`echo $defertmp | sed 's/^.*from\=//g' | \ sed 's/,.*$//g' | sed 's/<//g' | sed 's/>//g'` defersize[$I]=`echo $defertmp | sed 's/^.*size\=//g' |\ sed 's/,.*$//g'` defertmp=`cat $basedir/maillog | grep $II | grep 'to' | \ grep defer |head -n 1` deferto=`echo $defertmp | sed 's/^.*to\=//g' | \ sed 's/,.*$//g' | sed 's/<//g' | sed 's/>//g'` deferreason=`echo $defertmp | cut -d '(' -f2 | sed 's/)//g'` echo $deferfrom $deferto ${defernum[$I]} ${defersize[$I]}| \ awk '{printf("\%-32s \%-32s \%4d \%5d\n",$1,$2,$3,$4/1024)}' >> $logfile echo " 延迟原因 ==> " $deferreason >> $logfile done echo " " >> $logfile fi # 3. 十大信件 postfix_10=`cat $basedir/postlog | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_10" != "0" ]; then echo "十封最大容量的邮件" >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 邮件进出 信件容量(KBytes)"| \ awk '{printf("\%-35s \%-20s \%-8s \%-10s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/postlog |\ awk '{printf("\%-35s \%-20s \%-8s \%10d\n", $2, $1, $3, $7/1024)}' |\ sort +3 -gr | head -n 10 >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ -x /usr/bin/mailq ] ; then mailq > $basedir/mailq declare -i mailq=`wc -l $basedir/mailq | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$mailq" -ge "3" ] ; then echo "放在邮件伫列当中的信件资讯" >> $logfile cat $basedir/mailq >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi fi if [ "$postfix_auth" == "0" ] && [ "$postfix_local" == "0" ] && [ "$postfix_10" == "0" ];then echo "今日没有 Postfix 的相关资讯" >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/maillog | grep 'postfix.*smtpd.*reject.*deni*' \ > $basedir/postfix-nodeny postfix_nodeny=`wc -l $basedir/postfix-nodeny | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_nodeny" != "0" ]; then echo "被拒绝寄出的邮件资料" >> $logfile sed 's/^.* from //g' $basedir/postfix-nodeny | \ sed 's/://g' | sort| \ awk '{print "From: "$1 "\n" "To: "$3 "\n"}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/maillog | grep 'postfix.*smtpd.*SASL.*authen.*fail' \ > $basedir/postfix-noauth postfix_noauth=`wc -l $basedir/postfix-noauth| awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_noauth" != "0" ]; then echo "认证失败的纪录资料" >> $logfile cat $basedir/postfix-noauth >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/maillog | egrep "(discard|reject: h|reject: b)" \ > $basedir/postfix-filtering postfix_filtering=`wc -l $basedir/postfix-filtering | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$postfix_filtering" != "0" ]; then echo "寄入本机时由於不合规则而被过滤掉的邮件" >> $logfile echo "被过滤掉的邮件数量 : $postfix_filtering " >> $logfile sed 's/^.*discard: //g' $basedir/postfix-filtering|\ sed 's/proto.*$//g'|sed 's/from=.* to/to/g'|\ sed 's/ from /\~/g'|sed 's/ to=/\~/g'|\ awk '{FS="~"}{print "From: "$2 "\n" "To: "$3 "\n" "Mode: "$1 "\n"}'\ >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 8 Proftp 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcproftp () { echo "================= Proftp 的登录档资讯汇整 ====================" >> $logfile proftpright=`cat $basedir/securelog |grep "proftp.*USER.*Login succes" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$proftpright" != "0" ]; then echo "Pro-FTP-成功登入次数: $proftpright" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login succes" | \ sed 's/^.*USER//g' | sed 's/:.*$//g' |\ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogproftp-1 cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login succes" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogproftp-2 paste $basedir/securelogproftp-1 $basedir/securelogproftp-2 \ > $basedir/securelogproftp /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogproftp | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi proftperr1=`cat $basedir/securelog |grep "proftp.*USER.*Login fail" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$proftperr1" != "0" ]; then echo "Pro-FTP-错误登入次数: $proftperr1" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login fail" | \ sed 's/^.*USER//g' | \ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogproftpe1-1 cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login fail" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogproftpe1-2 paste $basedir/securelogproftpe1-1 $basedir/securelogproftpe1-2 \ > $basedir/securelogproftpe1 /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogproftpe1 | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi proftperr2=`cat $basedir/securelog |grep "proftp.*USER.*no such user" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$proftperr2" != "0" ]; then echo "Pro-FTP-错误登入次数: $proftperr2" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*no such user" | \ sed 's/^.*USER//g' | sed 's/:.*$//g' |\ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogproftpe2-1 cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*no such user" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogproftpe2-2 paste $basedir/securelogproftpe2-1 $basedir/securelogproftpe2-2 \ > $basedir/securelogproftpe2 /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogproftpe2 | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi if [ "$proftpright" == "0" ] && [ "$proftperr1" == "0" ] && [ "$proftperr2" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有 Proftp 的相关资讯" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 9 Vs-ftp 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funvsftp () { echo "================= Vs-ftp 的登录档资讯汇整 ====================" >> $logfile y="`cat $basedir/dattime`" cat /var/log/vsftpd.log |grep "$y" > $basedir/vsftpdlog vsftpright=`cat $basedir/messageslog |grep "vsftpd.*can't get client address:" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` # vsftpright=`cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |grep "$y" |wc -l |awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$vsftpright" != "0" ]; then echo "Vs-FTP-成功登入次数: $vsftpright" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/vsftpdlog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login succes" | \ sed 's/^.*USER//g' | sed 's/:.*$//g' |\ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogproftp-1 cat $basedir/securelog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login succes" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogproftp-2 paste $basedir/securelogproftp-1 $basedir/securelogproftp-2 \ > $basedir/securelogproftp /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogproftp | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi vsftperr1=`cat $basedir/messageslog |grep "vsftpd.*authentication failure" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$vsftperr1" != "0" ]; then echo "Vs-FTP-错误登入次数: $vsftperr1" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "vsftpd.*authentication failure" | \ sed 's/^.*user=//g' | \ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogvsftpe1-1 cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "proftp.*USER.*Login fail" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogvsftpe1-2 paste $basedir/securelogvsftpe1-1 $basedir/securelogvsftpe1-2 \ > $basedir/securelogproftpe1 /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogvsftpe1 | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi vsftperr2=`cat $basedir/messageslog |grep "vsftpd.*check pass" |\ wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$vsftperr2" != "0" ]; then echo "Vs-FTP-错误登入次数: $vsftperr2" | \ awk '{printf( "\%-41s \%3d\n", $1, $2)}' >> $logfile echo "帐号 来源位址 次数 "| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "vsftpd.*check pass" | \ sed 's/^.*user//g' | \ awk '{print $1}' > $basedir/securelogvsftpe2-1 cat $basedir/messageslog | grep "vsftpd.*check pass" | \ sed 's/^.*\[//g' | sed 's/^.*\[//g' |\ sed 's/\].*$//g' | awk '{print $1}' \ > $basedir/securelogvsftpe2-2 paste $basedir/securelogvsftpe2-1 $basedir/securelogvsftpe2-2 \ > $basedir/securelogvsftpe2 /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; END{ for( course in Number ) printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ $basedir/securelogvsftpe2 | sort +2 -gr | \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}'>> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $7}' >$basedir/ftpip cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $14}' >$basedir/ftpwho # ftpsum=`cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $8}'` cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $9}' |cut -d "/" -f4 >$basedir/ftpfile ftpsize=`cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $8}'|awk '{ftps=ftps+$1} END {print ftps/1024}'` ftpin=`cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $8,$12}'|grep "i"|awk '{print $1}'| \ awk '{ftps=ftps+$1} END {print ftps/1024}'` ftpout=`cat $basedir/vsftpdlog |awk '{print $8,$12}'|grep "o"|awk '{print $1}'| \ awk '{ftps=ftps+$1} END {print ftps/1024}'` echo -e "Vs-ftp total data size(Kbyte):$ftpsize\n" >>$logfile echo -e "Vs-ftp input date size(Kbyte):$ftpin \n" >>$logfile echo -e "Vs-ftp output data size(Kbyte):$ftpout \n" >>$logfile echo -e "Vs-ftp In/Out file:\n" >>$logfile paste $basedir/ftpwho $basedir/ftpip $basedir/ftpfile > $basedir/ftplog echo "帐号 来源位址 文件"| \ awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile cat "$basedir"/ftplog |awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%-4s\n",$1,$2,$3)}' >>$logfile # /bin/awk '{ for( i=0; i<1; i++ ) Number[$i]++ }; # END{ for( course in Number ) # printf( "\%-35s \%3d\n", course, Number[course])}' \ # $basedir/ftplog | sort +2 -gr | \ # awk '{printf("\%-15s \%-25s \%3d\n", $1, $2, $3)}' >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile if [ "$vsftpright" == "0" ] && [ "$vsftperr1" == "0" ] && [ "$vsftperr2" == "0" ]; then echo "今日没有 Vs-ftp 的相关资讯" >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile fi } ##################################################################### # 9 procmail 的登录资料的功能函数 (Function) ! funcprocmail () { echo "================= Procmail 的登录档资讯汇整 ====================" >> $logfile echo "底下为今天信寄入本机的资讯" >> $logfile logprocmail=`/bin/ls /var/log/ | grep procmail| head -n 1` declare -i nuall=`wc -l /var/log/"$logprocmail" | awk '{print $1}'` dayproc=`cat "$basedir/dattime"` declare -i nufir=`grep -n "$dayproc" \ /var/log/$logprocmail | cut -d ':' -f1|head -n 1` declare -i num=$nuall-$nufir+1 tail -n $num /var/log/$logprocmail >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile } ##################################################################### # 9 开始测试需要进行的模组! input=`grep "22" $basedir/netstat.tmp` if [ "$input" != "" ]; then funcssh fi input=`grep "21" $basedir/netstat.tmp` if [ "$input" != "" ]; then [ -f /etc/ftpaccess ] && funcwuftp proftppro=`which proftpd 2> /dev/null` if [ "$proftppro" != "" ]; then funcproftp else funvsftp fi fi input=`grep "110" $basedir/netstat.tmp` if [ "$input" != "" ]; then funcpop3 fi input=`grep "25" $basedir/netstat.tmp` if [ "$input" != "" ]; then sendmailtest=`ps -aux|grep sendmail| grep -v 'grep'` if [ "$sendmailtest" != "" ] ; then funcsendmail else funcpost fi procmail=`/bin/ls /var/log| grep procmail| head -n 1` if [ "$procmail" != "" ] ; then funcprocmail fi fi ##################################################################### # 10. 全部的资讯列出给人瞧一瞧! if [ "$outputall" == "yes" ] || [ "$outputall" == "YES" ] ; then echo " " >> $logfile echo "================= 全部的登录档资讯汇整 =======================">> $logfile echo "1. 重要的登录记录档 ( Secure file )" >> $logfile echo " 说明:已经取消了 pop3 的资讯!" >> $logfile grep -v 'pop3' $basedir/securelog >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile echo "2. 使用 last 这个指令输出的结果" >> $logfile last -20 >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile echo "3. 将特重要的 /var/log/messages 列出来瞧瞧!" >> $logfile cat $basedir/messageslog | egrep -vi '\bcrond\[' >> $logfile fi # At last! we send this mail to you! mail -s "$hosthome 的登录档分析结果" $email < $logfile
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网站日志统计分析脚本1.0可统计出,百度和谷歌的日抓取情况{包括首页抓取、栏目页抓取、内容页抓取}、重复页面抓取 、404、301、304、日非正常访问IP等。并剔除假蜘蛛统计百度和谷歌蜘蛛抓取及各种网维数据]linux ...
**Android系统日志抓取脚本——logtool详解** 在Android开发过程中,系统日志(Logcat)是排查问题、调试应用的重要工具。通常我们使用Android Studio内置的Logcat查看器来获取和分析日志,但手动筛选特定应用的...
描述中提到的“六个版本”可能是指日志分析脚本的不同迭代版本。这些版本逐步优化了处理逻辑以提升性能。通常情况下,性能调优的过程涉及以下几个步骤: 1. **识别瓶颈**:通过分析日志数据,找到导致系统响应慢或...
本文主要介绍了一个应急日志分析脚本的使用和功能,旨在帮助IT专业人员在系统遭受入侵后更有效地分析日志,以追踪和理解攻击过程。这个脚本主要针对web日志进行分析,简化了日志查看和关键词搜索的繁琐工作。 首先...
本文将深入探讨“系统初始化相关脚本分析”这一主题,重点关注`rc.sysinit`、`functions`以及`rc`脚本在这一过程中的作用。 首先,我们来看`rc.sysinit`脚本。`rc.sysinit`是Linux启动过程中的关键脚本,它位于 `/...
网站日志统计分析脚本1.0可统计出,百度和谷歌的日抓取情况{包括首页抓取、栏目页抓取、内容页抓取}、重复页面抓取 、404、301、304、日非正常访问IP等。并剔除假蜘蛛统计百度和谷歌蜘蛛抓取及各种网维数据]linux ...
随着系统日志数量的增长,有效地管理和存储这些日志变得越来越重要。本文将详细介绍一个简单的Linux日志打包脚本,并深入探讨其背后的逻辑与应用场景。 #### 二、脚本解析 ##### 1. 变量定义:`dd` - **作用**:...
【标题】:“毕业设计:基于Spark streaming的系统日志分析系统” 这个毕业设计项目的核心是构建一个使用Apache Spark Streaming的实时系统日志分析系统。Apache Spark Streaming是Spark框架的一个扩展,它允许处理...
在IT行业中,系统日志是理解操作系统运行状态、诊断问题和进行安全审计的关键资源。针对“系统日志批量收集分析(Linux)”这一主题,我们可以深入探讨如何在Linux环境中高效地管理和分析系统日志。 首先,Linux...
### 清理日志脚本知识点详解 #### 一、脚本概述 本文将详细介绍一个用于Linux环境下的日志清理Shell脚本。该脚本的主要功能是根据预设的时间周期(默认为7天)自动删除指定目录下的老旧日志文件。这种自动化管理...
6. **日志分析**:导出的系统日志文件可以使用文本编辑器查看,或者用专门的日志分析工具进行更深入的分析,例如寻找特定错误模式、统计异常事件等。 7. **安全与隐私**:在处理系统日志时,要注意保护敏感信息,...
日志分析 随意的tail一个access_log文件,下面是一条经典的访问记录 – – [10/Dec/2010:09:31:17 +0800] “GET /query/trendxml/district/todayreturn/month/2009-12-14/2010-12-09/haizhu_...
### Tomcat日志控制脚本:精细化管理与自动轮换机制 在IT运维与系统管理领域,...通过以上步骤,Tomcat的日志管理脚本有效地实现了日志的自动控制与轮换,提高了系统的稳定性和可维护性,同时也为日志分析提供了便利。