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Oracle® Database Express Edition
Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux x86-64
July 2011
Welcome t o Oracle Database Express Edition Installation Guide for Linux x86-64. This
guide covers the following topics:
■ Introduction
■ Requirements
■ Licensing Restrictions
■ Installing Oracle Database XE
■ Starting Oracle Database XE
■ Deinstalling Oracle Database XE
■ Importing and Exporting Data between 10.2 XE and 11.2 XE
■ Reporting Security Vulnerabilities
■ Oracle Database XE Character and Language Configurations
■ Globalization Support: Configuring Locale and Character Sets with the NLS_
LANG Parameter
■ Documentation Accessibility
1 Introduction
Oracle Database XE is easy to install. Oracle Database XE provides an Oracle database
and tools for managing the database.
Oracle Database XE supports the following development environments:
■ Oracle SQL Developer: Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical version of SQL*Plus
that gives database developers a convenient way to perform basic tasks. You can
connect to any target Oracle Database XE schema using standard Oracle database
authentication. Once connected, you can perform operations on objects in the
Download and install Oracle SQL Developer from:
Note: The most up-to-date version of this installation guide is
available from the Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database
XE) download page on Oracle Technology Network:
■ Oracle Application Express: Oracle Database XE includes Oracle Application
Express, a rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. Oracle
Application Express is enabled by default in Oracle Database XE.
■ Java: Java is an open-source programing language that is designed for use in the
distributed environment of the Internet. You can use Oracle JDeveloper, which is a
free integrated Java development environment with support for the full
development life cycle.
Download and install Oracle JDeveloper from:
PHP is an open-source server-side embedded scripting language that is designed
for Web development. PHP code can be embedded in HTML. You can download
and install PHP from http://www.php.net.
For more information on Oracle Database XE, see the following:
■ Oracle Database XE home page on the Oracle Technology Network:
■ Oracle Database XE Documentation Library:
Click the appropriate link on the Oracle Database XE home page on the Oracle
Technology Network; or from the system menus, get to Oracle Database 11g
Express Edition and select Get Help, then Read Documentation.
■ Discussion forum:
Click the appropriate link on the Oracle Database XE home page on the Oracle
Technology Network; or from the system menus, get to Oracle Database 11g
Express Edition and select Get Help, then Go to Online Forum.
2 Requirements
This section covers the following topics:
■ Software Requirements
■ Permission Requirement for Installing Oracle Database XE
2.1 Software Requirements
This section covers the following topics:
■ System Requirements
■ Swap Space Requirements
■ Server Component Kernel Parameter Requirements
2.1.1 System Requirements
Table 1 provides system requirements for Oracle Database XE. 3
2.1.2 Swap Space Requirements
Minimum swap space required for Oracle Database XE is 2 GB or twice the size of
RAM, whichever is lesser.
2.1.3 Server Component Kernel Parameter Requirements
The Oracle Database XE installation checks your system for the following kernel
parameter settings. If the kernel parameters of your system are less than the values
listed in Table 2, then the installation will modify the kernel parameter setting to use
the values in this table.
Table 1 Oracle Database XE Requirements
Requirement Value
Operating system One of the following:
■ Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 Update 7
■ Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 Update 2
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 7
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 2
■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2
■ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Network protocol The following protocols are supported:
■ Named Pipes
■ TCP/IP with SSL
RAM 256 megabytes minimum, 512 megabytes
Disk space 1.5 gigabyte minimum
Packages ■ glibc should be greater than or equal to
■ make should be greater than or equal to 3.80
■ binutils should be greater than or equal to
■ gcc should be greater than or equal to 4.1.2
■ libaio should be greater than or equal to
Table 2 Kernel Parameter Settings Required for Oracle Database XE
Kernel Parameter Setting
semmsl 250
semmns 32000
semopm 100
semmni 128
shmmax 42949672954
2.2 Permission Requirement for Installing Oracle Database XE
You must have root permission to install Oracle Database XE.
3 Licensing Restrictions
This section covers the following topics:
■ Oracle Database XE CPU Limitations
■ Oracle Database XE Installation and Execution Restrictions
■ Oracle Database XE User Data Limitations
■ Oracle Database XE RAM Limitation
■ HTTPS Support
3.1 Oracle Database XE CPU Limitations
If Oracle Database XE is installed on a computer with more than one CPU (including
dual-core CPUs), then it will consume, at most, processing resources equivalent to one
CPU. For example, on a computer with two CPUs, if two Oracle database clients try to
simultaneously execute CPU-intensive queries, then Oracle Database 11g Standard
Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise
Edition will use both CPUs to efficiently process the queries. However, with Oracle
Database XE, the Oracle database will process the queries at the rate of a single CPU
even if concurrent processing on two CPUs would be faster. To use the full processing
resources of your computer, upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition, Oracle
Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition.
3.2 Oracle Database XE Installation and Execution Restrictions
Only one installation of Oracle Database XE can be performed on a single computer.
This does not affect any existing installation or new installations of Oracle Database
11g Standard Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database
11g Enterprise Edition. In addition, users can run only one instance of the Oracle
Database XE database on each individual computer. To run more than one Oracle
Database server instance or install more than one copy of the database software,
upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard
Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition.
shmmni 4096
shmall 2097152
file-max 6815744
VERSION 2.4.21
ip_local_port_range 9000–65500
Table 2 (Cont.) Kernel Parameter Settings Required for Oracle Database XE
Kernel Parameter Setting5
3.3 Oracle Database XE User Data Limitations
The maximum amount of user data in an Oracle Database XE database cannot exceed
11 gigabytes. If the user data grows beyond this limit, then an ORA-12592 error will
appear. To use more than 11 gigabytes of user data, upgrade to Oracle Database 11g
Standard Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g
Enterprise Edition.
3.4 Oracle Database XE RAM Limitation
The maximum amount of RAM that an Oracle Database XE database uses cannot
exceed 1 gigabyte, even if more is available. Table 1, " Oracle Database XE
Requirements" provides the minimum and recommended RAM that you should use.
The exact amount of RAM that Oracle Database XE uses is computed automatically
using Automatic Memory Management.
To use more than 1 gigabyte of RAM, upgrade to Oracle Database 11g Standard
Edition, Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition One, or Oracle Database 11g Enterprise
For more information about managing memory, refer to Oracle Database Express Edition
2 Day DBA.
3.5 HTTPS Support
HTTPS is not supported natively with the HTTP listener built into Oracle Database XE.
If you want HTTPS support, use an alternative Web listener, such as Apache, that does
provide HTTPS support, and provide proxies for the URLs provided by Oracle
Database XE.
For information about managing security in Oracle Database XE, refer to Oracle
Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA.
4 Installing Oracle Database XE
This section covers the following topics:
■ Procedure for Installing Oracle Database XE
■ Performing a Silent Installation
■ Setting the Oracle Database XE Environment Variables
■ Compiling the Oracle ODBC Driver Demos
■ Making Oracle Database XE Available to Remote Clients
4.1 Procedure for Installing Oracle Database XE
Before attempting to install Oracle Database XE 11.2 uninstall any existing Oracle
Database XE or database with the SID XE from the target system.
To install Oracle Database XE:
1. Log on to your computer with root permissions.
2. Go to the following Web site:
3. Click Free Download and follow the instructions to select and download the
Linux version of Oracle Database XE.
4. Run the Oracle Database XE executable oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm
to install Oracle Database XE.
# rpm -ivh downloads/oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm
The installation displays a status of its progress.
5. When prompted, run the following command:
# /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
6. Enter the following configuration information:
■ A valid HTTP port for the Oracle Application Express (the default is 8080)
■ A valid port for the Oracle database listener (the default is 1521)
■ A password for the SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts
■ Confirm password for SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts
■ Whether you want the database to start automatically when the computer
starts (next reboot)
This completes configuration. The database starts during the boot process.
To start the database manually, run this command as root user:
# /etc/init.d/oracle-xe start
To stop the database manually, run the following command as root user:
# /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
4.2 Performing a Silent Installation
The response file xe.rsp is shipped along with the Oracle Database XE executable
.rpm file.
To perform a silent installation:
1. After downloading the installation executable (described under "Procedure for
Installing Oracle Database XE" on page 5), prepare the response file xe.rsp that
contains settings for the following values:
■ ORACLE_LISTENER_PORT: A valid listener numeric port value, so that you
can connect to Oracle Database XE
■ ORACLE_HTTP_PORT: A valid HTTP port numeric value for Oracle
Application Express
Note: The password for the INTERNAL and ADMIN Oracle
Application Express user accounts is initially the same as the SYS and
SYSTEM administrative user accounts.
Note: You can find the database creation logs in $ORACLE_
HOME/config/log/*. 7
■ ORACLE_PASSWORD: A password value for the SYS and SYSTEM
administrative user accounts
■ ORACLE_CONFIRM_PASSWORD: The SYS and SYSTEM password value again,
to confirm it
■ ORACLE_DBENABLE: Yes (y) or no (n), to specify whether you want to start
Oracle Database XE automatically when the computer starts
The default values are populated for ORACLE_LISTENER_PORT, ORACLE_HTTP_
PORT, and ORACLE_DBENABLE in the response file.
2. Create a wrapper shell script to perform the silent installation.
It should contain commands similar to the following:
rpm -ivh /downloads/oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64 > /xe_logs/XEsilentinstall.log
/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure responseFIle=<location of xe.rsp> >> /xe_
3. Run the wrapper script as the root user.
For details of the installation, see the XEsilentinstall.log file.
After you complete the silent installation, set the Oracle Database XE environment
variables, which is described in Section 4.3, "Setting the Oracle Database XE
Environment Variables".
4.3 Setting the Oracle Database XE Environment Variables
After you have installed and configured Oracle Database XE, users must set their
environment before they use Oracle Database XE. They do not need to log on with root
permissions to do so. Oracle Database XE provides a script that sets the necessary
environment variables.
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the following directory:
2. Look for the following scripts:
■ oracle_env.csh (for C or tcsh shell)
■ oracle_env.sh (for Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell)
3. Run the appropriate script for your shell. For example:
■ Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:
$ . ./oracle_env.sh
■ C or tcsh shell:
% source oracle_env.csh
Note: You can find the database creation logs in $ORACLE_
HOME/config/log/*. 8
You may also want edit your login or profile files so that these environment variables
are set properly each time you log in or open a new shell.
For Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, enter the following line into the .bash_profile (to
log in) or .bashrc file (to open a new shell):
. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.sh
For C or tcsh shell, enter the following line into the .login file (to log in) or .cshrc
file (to open a new shell):
source /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.csh
4.4 Making Oracle Database XE Available to Remote Clients
After you install Oracle Database XE, the Get Started With Oracle Database 11g
Express Edition home page is only available from the local server, not remotely.
To use the SQL Command Line, follow these steps:
1. Start SQL*Plus and log in as SYSTEM:
$ sqlplus system
Enter password: SYSTEM_password
Or, if you are logging in remotely:
$ sqlplus system@xe_server_host_name
Enter password: SYSTEM_password
2. At the SQL prompt, enter the following command:
4.5 Compiling the Oracle ODBC Driver Demos
If you plan to compile and run the Oracle ODBC Driver demos, then follow these
1. If you do not have unixODBC DriverManager installed, then download it from the
following Web site:
2. Set the ODBCDM_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where you
installed DriverManager.
3. Run the following make file to compile the Oracle ODBC Driver demos:
make -f demo_xe.mk buildodbcdemo ODBCDM_HOME=DriverManager_location
Security Note: With remote HTTP access to Oracle Database XE, all
information exchanged between the browser and the database is in
clear text—that is, unencrypted—including database user names and
passwords. If this is cause for concern, do not enable remote HTTP
connection to the database.9
5 Starting Oracle Database XE
After you have installed Oracle Database XE, the database is up and running and you
can begin using it right away, as follows:
1. If the database is currently stopped, start it as follows: click the Main menu (on
Gnome) or the Applications menu (on KDE), then Oracle Database 11g Express
Edition, and then click Start Database.
2. Go to the Main menu (on Gnome) or the Applications menu (on KDE), then
Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, and then click Run SQL Command Line.
Connect to the database using the user name SYSTEM, and supply the password
that you created during configuration.
3. To begin learning about Oracle Database XE, use the OracleDatabase XE
To access the Oracle Database XE Documentation, from the Main menu (on
Gnome) or the Applications menu (on KDE), select Oracle Database 11g Express
Edition, then Get Help, and then click Read Documentation.
6 Deinstalling Oracle Database XE
When you deinstall Oracle Database XE, all components, including data files, the
database, and the software, are removed. If you want to save your data files but
remove the Oracle Database XE software and database, then first export the data by
using one of the methods described in Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA
before you deinstall.
Because the deinstallation process removes all files from the directory in which Oracle
Database XE is installed, back up any files from the directory (if needed) before you
This section covers the following topic:
■ Deinstalling the Oracle Database XE Software
6.1 Deinstalling the Oracle Database XE Software
Follow these steps:
1. Log on with root privileges.
2. Run the following command to deinstall Oracle Database XE:
# rpm -e oracle-xe
7 Importing and Exporting Data between 10.2 XE and 11.2 XE
To import and export data between 10.2 XE and 11.2 XE, perform the following steps:
1. Copy the gen_inst.sql file from the upgrade directory of 11.2 XE shiphome to
your local directory.
Note: To use Oracle Database XE, your user id must be a member of
Linux group dba.10
2. Connect to 10.2 XE database as SYS user and run gen_inst.sql. This will
generate install.sql, gen_apps.sql and other .sql files. The files will be
generated in the folder containing gen_inst.sql.
SQL> @<local_dir>/gen_inst.sql
where local_dir is the local directory where gen_inst.sql is copied
3. To export the data from 10.2 XE database, perform the following steps:
a. Connect to 10.2 XE database as SYS user.
b. Create a dump folder dump_folder on the local file system.
c. Create directory object DUMP_DIR with READ and WRITE privilege to SYSTEM
d. Export data from 10.2 XE database to the dump folder.
expdp system/system_password full=Y
directory=DUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB10G.dmp logfile=expdpDB10G.log
expdp system/system_password TABLES=FLOWS_FILES.WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$
directory=DUMP_DIR dumpfile=DB10G2.dmp logfile=expdpDB10G2.log
4. Deinstall 10.2 XE if installation of 11.2 XE is planned on the same system.
5. Install 11.2 XE database. For more information see Section 4, "Installing Oracle
Database XE".
6. To import data to the 11.2 XE database, perform the following steps:
a. Connect to 11.2 XE database as SYS user.
b. Create directory object DUMP_DIR with READ and WRITE privilege to SYSTEM
c. Import data to 11.2 XE database from the dump folder.
impdp system/system_password full=Y directory=DUMP_DIR
dumpfile=DB10G.dmp logfile=expdpDB10G1.log
impdp system/system_password directory=DUMP_DIR
dumpfile=DB10G2.dmp logfile=expdpDB10G1b.log
7. Connect to 11.2 XE database as SYS user and run the script install.sql, which
was generated in Step 2. This will trigger the execution of ws.sql, gen._
apps.sql, and other .sql files.
Note: Do not copy the gen_inst.sql file into the 10.2 XE home
directory if you plan to install XE 11.2 on the same system. All
generated files get deleted if XE 10.2 is uninstalled.11
8 Reporting Security Vulnerabilities
If you find any security vulnerabilities with Oracle Database XE, then send a
description of the problem to Oracle at the following e-mail address:
Include the following information in your e-mail:
■ A complete description of the problem you encountered
■ The version of Oracle Database XE you were using
■ The platform on which you were running Oracle Database XE
■ Any scripts or examples that may be helpful in tracking down the security
For more information on how Oracle handles security issues, visit:
9 Oracle Database XE Character and Language Configurations
Oracle Database XE is available only in Universal multi-language character set and
language configuration:
■ The database is created using Unicode(AL32UTF8) character set, which is suitable
for global data in any language.
■ Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Simplified Chinese language message files are
installed in ORACLE_HOME.
■ The Oracle Application Express user interface and database error messages are
available in English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Simplified Chinese.
"Globalization Support: Configuring Locale and Character Sets with the NLS_LANG
Parameter" on page 11 provides additional character and language information.
10 Globalization Support: Configuring Locale and Character
Sets with the NLS_LANG Parameter
This section explains how to configure globalization settings for Oracle Database XE. It
covers the following topics:
■ About the NLS_LANG Parameter
■ Default Values for NLS_LANG
■ Supported Character Sets
■ Charmap and Oracle Character Set
10.1 About the NLS_LANG Parameter
Oracle provides globalization support that enables users to interact with a database in
their preferred locale and character set settings. Setting the NLS_LANG environment
variable specifies locale behavior for Oracle software. It sets the language and territory
used by the client application and the database server. It also sets the character set for
entering and displaying data by a client program, such as SQL*Plus.
The NLS_LANG parameter uses the following format:12
This format is explained in the following table:
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide provides information about the NLS_LANG
parameter and Globalization Support initialization parameters.
10.2 Default Values for NLS_LANG
The locale setting of your Linux session affects how you should set your NLS_LANG
parameter. Table 3 lists the different Linux languages and their default locale IDs,
together with the corresponding NLS_LANG values.
Parameter Description
LANGUAGE Specifies the language for displaying product messages, day
names, and month names in SQL.
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide provides more
information about languages.
TERRITORY Specifies the cultural-specific conventions for date, number, time,
and monetary formatting.
Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide provides more
information about territory conventions.
CHARACTER_SET Specifies the encoding used by the client application, which is
usually the character set of the source data being processed, and
the character set used in displaying the output.
"Supported Character Sets" on page 13 provides a list of supported
character sets.
Table 3 NLS_LANG Parameter Values for Linux Locales
Language Locale ID NLS_LANG
10.3 Supported Character Sets
Table 4 lists the supported character sets in Oracle Database XE.
The character set AL16UTF16 can be used only as an NCHAR character set, and not as a
database character set.
10.4 Charmap and Oracle Character Set
The character set mapping (charmap) of the locale ID assigned for each language may
vary depending on the distribution and version of the Linux operating system. To
determine the current character mapping, enter the following command in a shell:
% locale charmap
Table 5 lists each charmap with its corresponding Oracle character set. In general, you
should update the CHARACTER_SET part of the NLS_LANG parameter according to the
actual charmap of your Linux session.
Table 4 Supported Universal Character Sets
Name Description
AL16UTF16 Unicode 4.0 UTF-16 Universal character set
AL32UTF8 Unicode 4.0 UTF-8 Universal character set
UTF8 Unicode 3.0 UTF-8 Universal character set, CESU-8 compliant
Table 3 (Cont.) NLS_LANG Parameter Values for Linux Locales
Language Locale ID NLS_LANG14
11 Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are
hearing impaired.
Oracle Database Express Edition Installation Guide, 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux x86-64
Copyright © 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Table 5 Mapping charmap to Oracle Character Set
Locale charmap Oracle Character Set
ISO-8859-1 WE8ISO8859P1
ISO-8859-2 EE8ISO8859P2
ISO-8859-3 SE8ISO8859P3
ISO-8859-4 NEE8ISO8859P4
ISO-8859-5 CL8ISO8859P5
ISO-8859-6 AR8ISO8859P6
ISO-8859-7 EL8ISO8859P7
ISO-8859-8 IW8ISO8859P8
ISO-8859-9 WE8ISO8859P9
ISO-8859-13 BLT8ISO8859P13
ISO-8859-14 CEL8ISO8859P14
ISO-8859-15 WE8ISO8859P15
CP1251 CL8MSWIN1251
CP1255 IW8MSWIN1255
GB18030 ZHS32GB18030
GB2312 ZHS16CGB231280
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Oracle 11g Express Edition(XE)是Oracle公司推出的一款轻量级数据库管理系统,专为开发者和小型团队设计。它是Oracle数据库家族中的免费版本,适用于学习、开发和部署低流量的Web应用程序。在这个官方的Linux 64...
### Oracle® Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide #### 概述 《Oracle® Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide》是一本由Oracle官方提供的、针对Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2)版本数据库性能调优的...
根据提供的文档信息,本文将详细解析Oracle® Database 11g Release 2(11.2)在Linux系统下的安装指南及其相关知识点。 ### 一、Oracle® Database 11g Release 2(11.2)概述 Oracle Database 11g Release 2...
### Oracle® Database Concepts 11g Release 2 (11.2) 关键知识点解析 #### 一、Oracle Database 概述 Oracle Database 11g Release 2(简称 Oracle 11r2)是Oracle公司发布的一个重要的数据库管理系统版本。它在...
《Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide》是Oracle数据库10g Release 2的管理员指南,它为数据库管理员提供了全面的指导和信息,帮助他们有效地管理和维护Oracle数据库系统。此PDF文档涵盖了一系列关键主题,...
Oracle Database 19c 是最新的长期版本,支持期限最长; 19.3 - 企业版(也包括标准版 2) 适用于Linux x86-64系统。oracle-database-ee-19c文件分割成 三个 压缩包,必须集齐 三个 文件后才能一起解压一起使用: ...
Express turns a single Oracle database into a shared service by enabling multiple workgroups to build and access applications as if they were running in separate databases. Oracle Application Express ...
### Oracle® Database .NET Developer's Guide 11g Release 2 知识点解析 #### 一、概述 《Oracle® Database .NET Developer's Guide 11g Release 2》是一份官方文档,旨在为使用.NET平台开发Oracle数据库应用...
### Oracle® Database SQL Language Quick Reference 知识点详解 #### 一、概述 **Oracle® Database SQL Language Quick Reference** 是一份详细的文档,旨在为用户提供关于 Oracle 数据库中使用的结构化查询...
《Oracle® Database 2 Day DBA(10.2)》是Oracle公司为数据库管理员(DBA)提供的一份入门级教程,旨在帮助初学者快速掌握Oracle数据库的基本管理和维护技能。这份官方文档详细介绍了Oracle 10.2版本的数据库管理...
Oracle Database 21c 是最新的版本; 21.3 - 企业版(也包括标准版 2) 适用于Linux x86-64位系统。oracle-database-ee-21c-1.0-1.ol8文件分割成 三个 压缩包,必须集齐 三个 文件后才能一起解压一起使用: Oracle ...
### Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide 知识点详解 #### 一、概述 《Oracle® Database Performance Tuning Guide》(Oracle数据库性能调整指南)是一份由Oracle官方发布的文档,主要针对Oracle 11g ...
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以总结出Oracle® Database 10g Release 2 (10.2)版本中的新特性与重要更新。尽管文档未提供具体的新功能细节,但根据Oracle Database的发展历程及其通常在新版本中引入的功能,我们可以...
Oracle Database 21c 是最新的版本; 21.3 - 企业版(也包括标准版 2) 适用于Linux x86-64位系统。oracle-database-ee-21c-1.0-1.ol8文件分割成 三个 压缩包,必须集齐 三个 文件后才能一起解压一起使用: Oracle ...
根据提供的文档信息,我们可以深入探讨Oracle® Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux x86-64安装指南中的关键知识点。这份文档主要关注于如何在Linux x86-64平台上安装Oracle数据库10g第二版(10.2版本),并...