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用java解决百度之星移动火柴的问题 part 1 -
visit 淘宝面试题:如何充分利用多核CPU,计算很大的List中所有整数的和 -
visit 淘宝面试题:如何充分利用多核CPU,计算很大的List中所有整数的和 -
yangguo 写道i don't think it is a ...
用java解决百度之星移动火柴的问题 part 2 -
i don't think it is a good way ...
用java解决百度之星移动火柴的问题 part 2
Another brain teaser, titled 一道应聘智力题的编程求解 , http://www.iteye.com/topic/608112 .
This is the Einsten's puzzle. There are a few variations but the puzzle is the same.
The consensus is that the brutal force way of looping through all possibilities is taking a long time, if not impossible. Since I did some coding on Taxas Hold'em poker game with brutal force, this puzzle is easier to a certain extent. So here is my brutal force results.
If I am not pre-calculate any result, just apply all rules to each possibility,
time=2021546 milliseconds count=24883200000 speed=12308 / millisecond
The total cases is (5!)^5 = 120^5 = 24883200000. So the total time is about <40 minutes.
If I use only the rules 1, 2, 3, 9, and 13 to set the attributes, the result is acceptably fast:
time=750 millisecond count=7962624 speed=10616 / millisecond
The total cases is 7962624 = (4!)^5 = 24^5.
In both cases, there is only 1 solution found. However, there is a twist: The rule #4 is 绿房子在白房子左边, this translation from English is skeptical. It should be the greenhouse is the left neighbour of the whitehouse, meaning they are next to each other. Plainly saying 绿房子在白房子左边 could result the case where they are not neighbours.
I am using Intel Duo Core, 2.66 GHZ, windows xp machine, several years old.
Now let's look at the code. For performance reason, we need to tightly design the game states. The person state is defined as an integer, as shown in the picture. Starting from nationality, each bit is for one country, if the bit is 1, then the person is of this nationality; if the bit is 0, he is not. Similarly, we define all possibilites. There are 6 attributes, each has 5 possibilities, so totally there are 30 bits, and thus we can fit this into an integer. The reason we choose this layout because later on we could use bit operations for rules.
So the first class is
/** * There are 6 attributes: * nationality * house color * house location * pet * drink * cigaratte * Each has 5 possible values, so we could repesent these values using 5 bits. * Then 6 attributes need 30 bits, and thus can fit into one integer. */ public interface BitAttr { public static final int ATTR_WIDTH = 5; public static final int PALL_MALL = 0x1; public static final int DUNHILL = PALL_MALL << 1; public static final int BLUE_MASTER = PALL_MALL << 2; public static final int PRINCE = PALL_MALL << 3; public static final int BLEND = PALL_MALL << 4; public static final int CIGARATTE_MASK = 31; public static final int[] CIGARATTES = new int[] { PALL_MALL, DUNHILL, BLUE_MASTER, PRINCE, BLEND }; public static final int BEER = PALL_MALL << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int TEA = BEER << 1; public static final int MILK = BEER << 2; public static final int WATER = BEER << 3; public static final int COFFEE = BEER << 4; public static final int DRINK_MASK = CIGARATTE_MASK << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int[] DRINKS = new int[] { BEER, TEA, MILK, WATER, COFFEE }; public static final int CAT = BEER << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int DOG = CAT << 1; public static final int FISH = CAT << 2; public static final int BIRD = CAT << 3; public static final int HORSE = CAT << 4; public static final int PET_MASK = DRINK_MASK << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int[] PETS = new int[] { CAT, DOG, FISH, BIRD, HORSE }; public static final int FIRST = CAT << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int SECOND = FIRST << 1; public static final int THIRD = FIRST << 2; public static final int FORTH = FIRST << 3; public static final int FIFTH = FIRST << 4; public static final int LOCATION_MASK = PET_MASK << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int[] LOCATIONS = new int[] { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FORTH, FIFTH }; public static final int RED = FIRST << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int GREEN = RED << 1; public static final int YELLOW = RED << 2; public static final int WHITE = RED << 3; public static final int BLUE = RED << 4; public static final int COLOR_MASK = LOCATION_MASK << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int[] COLORS = new int[] { RED, GREEN, YELLOW, WHITE, BLUE }; public static final int BRITISH = RED << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int GERMAN = BRITISH << 1; public static final int DENMARK = BRITISH << 2; public static final int SWEDISH = BRITISH << 3; public static final int NORWEGIAN = BRITISH << 4; public static final int NATIONALITY_MASK = COLOR_MASK << ATTR_WIDTH; public static final int[] NATIONALITIES = new int[] { BRITISH, GERMAN, DENMARK, SWEDISH, NORWEGIAN }; }
Of course, we sacrafice strong types for performance, since we are using integer types for everything. We'll come back for this later. Now we can define the rules using this class. Ideally, we should separate these rules into separate classes, but I am lazy for now, so don't follow this practice, it's just to show the logic. The reason we choose integer type because the bit operations are fast and cheap.
public class BitClue { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] people = new int[5]; people[0] = BitAttr.BRITISH | BitAttr.RED | BitAttr.THIRD | BitAttr.BIRD | BitAttr.MILK | BitAttr.PALL_MALL; people[1] = BitAttr.GERMAN | BitAttr.GREEN | BitAttr.FORTH | BitAttr.FISH | BitAttr.COFFEE | BitAttr.PRINCE; people[2] = BitAttr.DENMARK | BitAttr.BLUE | BitAttr.SECOND | BitAttr.HORSE | BitAttr.TEA | BitAttr.BLEND; people[3] = BitAttr.SWEDISH | BitAttr.WHITE | BitAttr.FIFTH | BitAttr.DOG | BitAttr.BEER | BitAttr.BLUE_MASTER; people[4] = BitAttr.NORWEGIAN | BitAttr.YELLOW | BitAttr.FIRST | BitAttr.CAT | BitAttr.WATER | BitAttr.DUNHILL; BitClue clues = new BitClue(); if (clues.apply1(people) && clues.apply2(people) && clues.apply3(people) && clues.apply4(people) && clues.apply5(people) && clues.apply6(people) && clues.apply7(people) && clues.apply8(people) && clues.apply9(people) && clues.apply10(people) && clues.apply11(people) && clues.apply12(people) && clues.apply13(people) && clues.apply14(people) && clues.apply15(people)) { System.out.println(true); } } public boolean apply1(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.BRITISH | BitAttr.RED; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply2(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.SWEDISH | BitAttr.DOG; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply3(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.DENMARK | BitAttr.TEA; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply4(int[] people) { int greenHouse = 0, whiteHouse = 0; for (int person : people) { if ((person & BitAttr.GREEN) == BitAttr.GREEN) { greenHouse = person; } if ((person & BitAttr.WHITE) == BitAttr.WHITE) { whiteHouse = person; } } // green or white house not found. if (greenHouse == 0 || whiteHouse == 0) return false; int greenLocation = greenHouse & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; int whiteLocation = whiteHouse & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; // assuming 12345 return (whiteLocation >> 1) == greenLocation; } public boolean apply5(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.GREEN | BitAttr.COFFEE; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply6(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.PALL_MALL | BitAttr.BIRD; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply7(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.YELLOW | BitAttr.DUNHILL; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply8(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.THIRD | BitAttr.MILK; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply9(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.NORWEGIAN | BitAttr.FIRST; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply10(int[] people) { int blend = 0, cat = 0; for (int person : people) { if ((person & BitAttr.BLEND) == BitAttr.BLEND) { blend = person; } if ((person & BitAttr.CAT) == BitAttr.CAT) { cat = person; } } // not found. if (blend == 0 || cat == 0) return false; int blendLocation = blend & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; int catLocation = cat & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; return (blendLocation >> 1) == catLocation || (blendLocation << 1) == catLocation ; } public boolean apply11(int[] people) { int horse = 0, dunhill = 0; for (int person : people) { if ((person & BitAttr.HORSE) == BitAttr.HORSE) { horse = person; } if ((person & BitAttr.DUNHILL) == BitAttr.DUNHILL) { dunhill = person; } } // not found. if (horse == 0 || dunhill == 0) return false; int horseLocation = horse & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; int dunhillLocation = dunhill & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; return (horseLocation >> 1) == dunhillLocation || (horseLocation << 1) == dunhillLocation ; } public boolean apply12(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.BLUE_MASTER | BitAttr.BEER; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply13(int[] people) { int rule = BitAttr.GERMAN | BitAttr.PRINCE; for (int person : people) { if ((person & rule) == rule) return true; } return false; } public boolean apply14(int[] people) { int norwegian = 0, blue = 0; for (int person : people) { if ((person & BitAttr.NORWEGIAN) == BitAttr.NORWEGIAN) { norwegian = person; } if ((person & BitAttr.BLUE) == BitAttr.BLUE) { blue = person; } } // not found. if (norwegian == 0 || blue == 0) return false; int norwegianLocation = norwegian & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; int blueLocation = blue & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; return (norwegianLocation >> 1) == blueLocation || (norwegianLocation << 1) == blueLocation ; } public boolean apply15(int[] people) { int blend = 0, water = 0; for (int person : people) { if ((person & BitAttr.BLEND) == BitAttr.BLEND) { blend = person; } if ((person & BitAttr.WATER) == BitAttr.WATER) { water = person; } } // not found. if (blend == 0 || water == 0) return false; int blendLocation = blend & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; int waterLocation = water & BitAttr.LOCATION_MASK; return (blendLocation >> 1) == waterLocation || (blendLocation << 1) == waterLocation ; } }
Now we are ready to loop through all cases. In order to create all permutations, I use a class from this site: http://www.uwe-alex.de/Permutation/Permutation.html , you can pick anything you want since there are many implementations for different purposes. We basically just loop through all permutations, set the bits, check the result, unset the bits, set the bits for the next case, and so on.
import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class BitEinsteinPuzzle { public static void main(String[] args) { BitEinsteinPuzzle puzzle = new BitEinsteinPuzzle(); puzzle.solve(); } public void solve() { int[] people = new int[5]; BitClue clues = new BitClue(); // now prefix nationality System.arraycopy(BitAttr.NATIONALITIES, 0, people, 0, people.length); int[][] allCases = createPermutations(5); int[] perm1, perm2, perm3, perm4, perm5; long count=0; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i=0; i<allCases.length; i++) { System.out.println("i=" + i + ", time=" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - begin) / 1000.0)); perm1 = allCases[i]; for (int a=0; a<people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.COLORS[perm1[a]]; for (int[] loc : allCases) { perm2 = loc; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.LOCATIONS[perm2[a]]; for (int[] pet : allCases) { perm3 = pet; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.PETS[perm3[a]]; for (int[] drink : allCases) { perm4 = drink; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.DRINKS[perm4[a]]; for (int[] cigaratte : allCases) { perm5 = cigaratte; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.CIGARATTES[perm5[a]]; // now people is ready to test if (clues.apply1(people) && clues.apply2(people) && clues.apply3(people) && clues.apply4(people) && clues.apply5(people) && clues.apply6(people) && clues.apply7(people) && clues.apply8(people) && clues.apply9(people) && clues.apply10(people) && clues.apply11(people) && clues.apply12(people) && clues.apply13(people) && clues.apply14(people) && clues.apply15(people)) { String[] v = BitPerson.convert(people); for (String s : v) System.out.println(s); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); } count++; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.CIGARATTES[perm5[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.DRINKS[perm4[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.PETS[perm3[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.LOCATIONS[perm2[a]]; } for (int a=0; a<people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.COLORS[perm1[a]]; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; System.out.println("time=" + end); System.out.println("count=" + count); System.out.println("speed=" + (count / end)); } public static int[][] createPermutations(int size) { List<int[]> ret = new ArrayList<int[]>(); Permutation p=new Permutation(size); int[] a = new int[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { a[i] = p.get(i); } ret.add(a); do { p.next(); a = new int[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { a[i] = p.get(i); } ret.add(a); } while (p.hasNext()); return ret.toArray(new int[ret.size()][]); } }
For the debug purpose and user interface, bits are less readable, so we build another class to interprete the bits.
public class BitPerson { public static final String PALL_MALL = " Pall Mall "; public static final String DUNHILL = " Dunhill "; public static final String BLUE_MASTER = " Blue Master "; public static final String PRINCE = " Prince "; public static final String BLEND = " Blend "; public static final String[] CIGARATTES = new String[] { PALL_MALL, DUNHILL, BLUE_MASTER, PRINCE, BLEND }; public static final String BEER = " Beer "; public static final String TEA = " Tea "; public static final String MILK = " Milk "; public static final String WATER = " Water "; public static final String COFFEE = " Coffee "; public static final String[] DRINKS = new String[] { BEER, TEA, MILK, WATER, COFFEE }; public static final String CAT = " Cat "; public static final String DOG = " Dog "; public static final String FISH = " Fish "; public static final String BIRD = " Bird "; public static final String HORSE = " Horse "; public static final String[] PETS = new String[] { CAT, DOG, FISH, BIRD, HORSE }; public static final String FIRST = " 1st "; public static final String SECOND = " 2nd "; public static final String THIRD = " 3rd "; public static final String FORTH = " 4th "; public static final String FIFTH = " 5th "; public static final String[] LOCATIONS = new String[] { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FORTH, FIFTH }; public static final String RED = " Red "; public static final String GREEN = " Green "; public static final String YELLOW = " Yellow "; public static final String WHITE = " White "; public static final String BLUE = " Blue "; public static final String[] COLORS = new String[] { RED, GREEN, YELLOW, WHITE, BLUE }; public static final String BRITISH = " British "; public static final String GERMAN = " German "; public static final String DENMARK = " Denmark "; public static final String SWEDISH = " Swedish "; public static final String NORWEGIAN = " Norwegian "; public static final String[] NATIONALITIES = new String[] { BRITISH, GERMAN, DENMARK, SWEDISH, NORWEGIAN }; public static String[] convert(int[] people) { String[] ret = new String[people.length]; for (int i=0; i<ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = convert(people[i]); } return ret; } public static String convert(int person) { int mask = 31; int field = (mask & person); field = getIndex(field); String ret = CIGARATTES[field]; mask <<= BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = (mask & person) >>> BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = getIndex(field); ret = DRINKS[field] + "|" + ret; mask <<= BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = (mask & person) >>> BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH * 2; field = getIndex(field); ret = PETS[field] + "|" + ret; mask <<= BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = (mask & person) >>> BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH * 3; field = getIndex(field); ret = LOCATIONS[field] + "|" + ret; mask <<= BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = (mask & person) >>> BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH * 4; field = getIndex(field); ret = COLORS[field] + "|" + ret; mask <<= BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH; field = (mask & person) >>> BitAttr.ATTR_WIDTH * 5; field = getIndex(field); ret = NATIONALITIES[field] + "|" + ret; return ret; } private static int getIndex(int field) { if (field == 1) return 0; else if (field == 2) return 1; else if (field == 4) field = 2; else if (field == 8) field = 3; else if (field == 16) field = 4; return field; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] people = new int[5]; people[0] = BitAttr.BRITISH | BitAttr.RED | BitAttr.THIRD | BitAttr.BIRD | BitAttr.MILK | BitAttr.PALL_MALL; people[1] = BitAttr.GERMAN | BitAttr.GREEN | BitAttr.FORTH | BitAttr.FISH | BitAttr.COFFEE | BitAttr.PRINCE; people[2] = BitAttr.DENMARK | BitAttr.BLUE | BitAttr.SECOND | BitAttr.HORSE | BitAttr.TEA | BitAttr.BLEND; people[3] = BitAttr.SWEDISH | BitAttr.WHITE | BitAttr.FIFTH | BitAttr.DOG | BitAttr.BEER | BitAttr.BLUE_MASTER; people[4] = BitAttr.NORWEGIAN | BitAttr.YELLOW | BitAttr.FIRST | BitAttr.CAT | BitAttr.WATER | BitAttr.DUNHILL; String[] v = convert(people); for (String s : v) System.out.println(s); } }
This class is used for printing out the result. The spaces are just for nice printout/alignment.
British | Red | 3rd | Bird | Milk | Pall Mall German | Green | 4th | Fish | Coffee | Prince Denmark | Blue | 2nd | Horse | Tea | Blend Swedish | White | 5th | Dog | Beer | Blue Master Norwegian | Yellow | 1st | Cat | Water | Dunhill
The approach of this solution is actually seen in various cases, Hua-Rong-Dao, Taxas Hold'em, and other cases.
The old saying goes, an exact measure is worth a thousand experts' opinion.
There are quite a few leeway we could play to make it faster. In the main for loops, we check the results at the inner most loop with 14 conditions. If we spread these conditions among the for loops, we effectively cut a lot of search branches. Another way is swap the order of the for loops.
Here is an example where we just spread the checks:
public class BitEinsteinPuzzleNew { public static void main(String[] args) { BitEinsteinPuzzleNew puzzle = new BitEinsteinPuzzleNew(); puzzle.solve(); } public void solve() { int[] people = new int[5]; BitClue clues = new BitClue(); // now prefix nationality System.arraycopy(BitAttr.NATIONALITIES, 0, people, 0, people.length); int[][] allCases = createPermutations(5); int[] perm1, perm2, perm3, perm4, perm5; long count=0; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i=0; i<allCases.length; i++) { System.out.println("i=" + i + ", time=" + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - begin) / 1000.0)); perm1 = allCases[i]; for (int a=0; a<people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.COLORS[perm1[a]]; if (!clues.apply1(people)) { for (int a=0; a<people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.COLORS[perm1[a]]; continue; } for (int[] loc : allCases) { perm2 = loc; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.LOCATIONS[perm2[a]]; if (!clues.apply4(people) || !clues.apply9(people) || !clues.apply14(people)) { for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.LOCATIONS[perm2[a]]; continue; } for (int[] pet : allCases) { perm3 = pet; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.PETS[perm3[a]]; if (!clues.apply2(people)) { for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.PETS[perm3[a]]; continue; } for (int[] drink : allCases) { perm4 = drink; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.DRINKS[perm4[a]]; if (!clues.apply3(people) || !clues.apply5(people) || !clues.apply8(people)) { for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.DRINKS[perm4[a]]; continue; } for (int[] cigaratte : allCases) { perm5 = cigaratte; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) people[a] |= BitAttr.CIGARATTES[perm5[a]]; // now people is ready to test if (//clues.apply1(people) && //clues.apply2(people) && //clues.apply3(people) && //clues.apply4(people) && //clues.apply5(people) && clues.apply6(people) && clues.apply7(people) && //clues.apply8(people) && //clues.apply9(people) && clues.apply10(people) && clues.apply11(people) && clues.apply12(people) && clues.apply13(people) && //clues.apply14(people) && clues.apply15(people)) { String[] v = BitPerson.convert(people); for (String s : v) System.out.println(s); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); } count++; for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.CIGARATTES[perm5[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.DRINKS[perm4[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.PETS[perm3[a]]; } for (int a = 0; a < people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.LOCATIONS[perm2[a]]; } for (int a=0; a<people.length; a++) // erase values for next loop people[a] ^= BitAttr.COLORS[perm1[a]]; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; System.out.println("time=" + end); System.out.println("count=" + count); System.out.println("speed=" + (count / end)); } public static int[][] createPermutations(int size) { List<int[]> ret = new ArrayList<int[]>(); Permutation p=new Permutation(size); int[] a = new int[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { a[i] = p.get(i); } ret.add(a); do { p.next(); a = new int[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { a[i] = p.get(i); } ret.add(a); } while (p.hasNext()); return ret.toArray(new int[ret.size()][]); } }
The result is a little bit amusing:
time=16 milliseconds count=23040 cases speed=1440 / milliseconds
Yes, that's 16 milliseconds.
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Git是一款分布式版本控制系统,而GitHub则是一个基于Git的在线托管平台,提供了丰富的社交编程功能。本篇文章将深入探讨Git的基础命令以及如何在GitHub上进行有效的协作。 首先,我们需要了解Git的基本操作。在本地...
该存储库包含有关我们的工作的代码,题为“统计学习以进行准确且可解释的电池寿命预测”,这是的后续论文 有关Zenodo的这项工作的永久档案可在这里找到: 我们的关键脚本和功能总结如下: featuregeneration.m ...
Create React App入门该项目是通过引导的。可用脚本在项目目录中,可以运行:npm start 在开发模式下运行应用程序。 打开在浏览器中查看它。 如果您进行编辑,则页面将重新加载。 您还将在控制台中看到任何棉绒错误...
: :red_square: 完全中断该存储库包含由支持的的开源正常运行时间监控器和状态页面。 借助 ,您可以获得自己不受限制的免费正常运行时间监控器和状态页面,该页面完全由GitHub存储库提供支持。...
As there exists an inconsistency in claiming the symmetrical relations in the 16 Mueller matrix elements used to describe a turbid medium, the author restudies the symmetrical relationships between ...
附有论文供参考:[Revisit Long Short-Term Memory: An Optimization Perspective],NIPS 深度学习研讨会,2014。 #特征- 原始的长期短期记忆- 所有连接窥视Kong- CPU 或 GPU 加速- Mapreduce 并行化- 梯度检查- ...
### STK覆盖模块教材知识点详解 #### 一、概述 STK (Satellite Tool Kit) 是一款著名的卫星仿真软件,广泛应用于卫星系统的设计与分析之中。本教材主要介绍STK9.0版本中的覆盖模块,该模块专注于分析一颗或多颗卫星...
leetcode 和 oj C-Coding C++ source codes OJ 序号 题目 描述 status 1 A+B Problem 基本输入输出 2 big int 超长整数相加 3 link 将两个线性表合并成为一个线性表 4 edit 字符串操作 5 ...Revisit
网络爬虫Web-Crawler 是使用最少的组件构建的HTTP 获取器页面提取器政策 - PageFetch、重访访问过的 URL 消除器数据存储为了解析页面,使用了 Jsoup 库 ( ) 来解析 HTML。 这里给出的实现在以下方面与架构不同进程内...
We are going to revisit the XOR problem, but we’re going to extend it so that it becomes the parity problem - you’ll see that regular feedforward neural networks will have trouble solving this ...
In particular, we redesign generator normalization, revisit progressive growing, and regularize the generator to encourage good conditioning in the mapping from latent vectors to images. In addition...
LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, ... It is accompanied with a paper for reference Revisit Long Short-Term Memory An Optimization Perspective, NIPS