Button Object Functions
button_press: Activates a push button.
button_set: Sets the state of the specified radio or check button.
Edit Object Functions
edit_get_text: Returns the text in an edit object.
edit_set: Replaces the entire contents of an edit object.
edit_set_insert_pos: Places the cursor at the specified point.
edit_set_selection: Selects text in an edit object.
edit_type: Types a string in an edit object.
List Object Functions
list_activate_item: Activates items in a list.
list_collapse_item: Hides items in a list.
list_expand_item: Show hidden items in a list.
list_get_selected: Returns the currently selected item in a list.
list_select_item: Selects a list item.
Menu Object Functions
menu_select_item: Selects an item from a menu.
Object Functions
obj_get_info: Returns the value of an object attribute.
obj_get_text: Reads text from an object.
obj_mouse_click: Clicks within an object.
obj_mouse_dbl_click: Double-clicks with an object.
obj_mouse_drag: Drags the mouse within an object.
obj_type: Sends keyboard input to an object.
obj_wait_info: Waits for the value of an object attribute.
Scrool Object Functions
scroll_drag_from_min: Drags a scroll object to the specified distance from the minimum position.
scroll_line: Scrolls the specified number of lines.
scroll_page: Moves a scroll object the specified number of pages.
Tab and Toolbar Object Functions
tab_select_item: Select a tab in the active windows.
toolbar_button_press: Clicks a toolbar button.
Static Object Functions
static_get_text: Returns the contents of a static text object.
Synchronization Functions
obj_wait_info: Waits for the value of an object attribute
tbl_wait_selected_cell: Waits for the specified cell to appear in focus.
win_wait_infoWaits for the value of a window attribute.
Table Functions
tbl_activate_cell: Clicks Enter in the specified cell.
tbl_get_cell_data: Retrieves the contents of the specified cell from a table.
tbl_get_selected_cell: Returns the cell currently in focus in a table.
tbl_press_zoom_button: Clicks the table's zoom button.
tbl_set_cell_data: Sets the contents of a cell to the specified text in a table.
tbl_set_selected_cell: Selects a table cell.
tbl_set_selected_rows: Selects the specified rows in a table.
Window Object Functions
set_window: Specifies the window that receives subsequent input.
win_activate: Activates a window.
win_close: Closes a window.
win_get_info: Reads text from a window.
win_get_info: Returns the value of a window attribute.
win_max: Maximizes a window to fill the entire screen.
win_min: Minimizes a window to an icon.
win_mouse_click: Clicks within a window.
win_mouse_dbl_click: Double-clicks within a window.
win_mouse_drag: Drags the mouse within a window.
win_move: Moves a window to a new absolute location.
win_resize: Resizes a window.
win_restore: Restores a window from an iconized or maximized state to its previous size.
win_type: Send keyboard input to a window.
Session Functions
close_session: Closes all Baan sessions and windows.
start_session: Begins a specific Baan session.
init_session: Initializes a Baan session.
set_default_timeout: Sets the default timeout.
set_exception: Specifies how to handle exceptions.
set_think_time: Sets the think time range
Return Values
E_OK 0 Operation successful.
E_GENERAL_ERROR -10001 General error occurred.
E_ILLEGAL_OPERATION -10004 Operation invalid for object.
E_OUT_OF_RANGE -10005 Object is out of range.
E_NOT_DISPLAYED -10101 Window or object is not displayed.
E_DISABLED -10102 Window or object is disabled.
E_IMPROPER_CLASS -10103 Object class cannot perform this operation.
E_ILLEGAL_KEY -10104 Key or mouse button name is illegal.
E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND -10105 未找到符合的Item。
E_NOT_RESPONDING -10106 AUT is alive but does not respond.
E_OBJECT_SYNTAX -10107 Illegal syntax used.
E_DUPLICATE_DESC -10109 内容不唯一
E_DUPLICATE_WIN_DESC -10111 Window description is not unique.
E_ILLEGAL_NUM_OF_PARAMS -10112 Number of parameters does not match those for the command.
E_NOTICE_NOT_FOUND -10113 Notice window not found.
E_AUT_DISCONNECTED -10114 AUT is not connected to the system.
E_ATTR_NOT_SUPPORTED -10115 函数不支持该属性
E_MISMATCH -10116 Verification mismatch found.
E_ITEM_NOT_UNIQUE -10117 More than one item in list or menu has this name.
E_TEXT_TOO_LONG -10118 Text to be inserted exceeds maximum number of characters. The string will be truncated to the appropriate length.
E_DIFF -10119 未比较GUI验证点
E_CMP_FAILED -10120 比较失败
E_CAPT_FAILED -10121 抓取失败
E_WRONG_OBJ_CHKLIST -10122 Object in checklist is not the object in the command.
E_SET_WIN -10123 Window setting parameters missing.
E_BITMAP_TIMEOUT -10124 wait_bitmap exceeded specified wait time.
E_BAD_CHECK_NAME -10125 Syntax error in requested check.
E_OBJ_CAPT_FAILED -10126 Capture failed for specified object.
E_UNEXP_WIN -10127 Window in checklist is not the window in the command.
E_CAPT_FUNC_NOT_FOUND -10128 Capture function not defined.
E_CMP_FUNC_NOT_FOUND -10129 比较函数未定义
E_TSL_ERR -10130 语法错误
E_TOOLKIT_MISMATCH -10131 Incorrect toolkit detected.
E_RECT_COVERED -10132 Desired rectangle is hidden.
E_RECT_OUT -10133 Desired rectangle does not appear on screen.
E_AREA_COVERED -10134 Desired area is hidden.
E_AREA_OUT -10135 Desired area does not appear on screen.
E_STR_NOT_FOUND -10136 Text string not located.
E_WAIT_INFO_TIMEOUT -10137 wait_info exceeded specified wait time.
E_SYNC_FAIL -10138 同步失败
E_DIFF_SIZE -10139 Expected and actual bitmaps are different sizes.
E_CANT_DRAG -10140 当前对象不支持拖动
E_DROP_WITHOUT_DRAG -10141 没有下拉选项
E_VIR_OBJ -10142 函数不支持虚拟对象
E_MISSING_ATTR -10143 Virtual object not found because obligatory attribute is missing.
E_EDIT_SET_FAILED -10144 未找可编辑的对象
### LoadRunner vuser详解 #### 一、LoadRunner与Vuser概述 LoadRunner是一种软件性能测试工具,由Mercury Interactive Corporation开发,后被惠普收购。该工具主要用于预测系统行为和性能,特别是在高负载下。它...
2. **VU脚本**:LoadRunner使用Vuser脚本来定义用户行为。Vuser脚本可以通过录制、回放、编辑和增强来创建。例如,你可以先录制一个用户在网页上浏览、登录、搜索的会话,然后回放这些脚本以模拟多个用户同时执行...
LoadRunner是通过先记录并保存用户的实际操作过程、再模拟用户操作过程来测试系统性能的自动化负载测试工具。 它适用于各种体系架构,主要用于测试并发程序的性能(从软件配置主要测试用户数就可以看出)。它能自动...
"软件测试参考内容--loadrunner" LoadRunner是一款功能强大的自动化测试工具,广泛应用于软件测试中,以确保软件系统的性能、可靠性和安全性。在本篇教程中,我们将详细介绍LoadRunner的安装、简介、负载测试过程...
MI-LoadRunner是一款由Micro Focus公司开发的企业级性能测试工具,它主要用于模拟大量并发用户对应用程序进行负载和压力测试,以评估系统在高负载下的稳定性和性能。本教程为中文初级教程,虽然提及的版本可能较旧,...
**HETF-LoadRunner使用入门手册** LoadRunner是一款强大的负载测试工具,由HP(现已被Micro Focus收购)开发,用于模拟大量并发用户执行业务流程,从而测试应用系统的性能和稳定性。在“HETF-LoadRunner使用入门...
LoadRunner是一款由Micro Focus公司推出的强大性能测试工具,它允许开发者和测试人员模拟大量用户并发访问应用系统,以此来评估系统在高负载下的表现、稳定性和资源利用率。 "软件测试(性能测试--loadrunner+讲稿...
LoadRunner是一款由Micro Focus公司开发的业界广泛使用的性能测试工具,它能够模拟大量用户并发执行任务,以此来评估系统在负载下的性能表现。本教程将带你从零开始了解如何使用LoadRunner进行性能测试,特别是关于...
### 性能测试实战-loadrunner知识点总结 #### 一、性能测试基础知识 1. **性能测试定义**:性能测试是一种软件测试类型,旨在评估系统的性能水平,并验证其是否能满足预定的性能需求。它通常用于检查应用程序在...
《LoadRunner 7.8 Controller、Vuser、Analysis 使用指南》是针对HP LoadRunner这款强大的性能测试工具的一份详尽教程。LoadRunner是一款业界广泛使用的性能测试工具,它能够模拟大量用户并发执行业务流程,以此来...
2. **工作原理**:LoadRunner采用Vuser(Virtual User)技术,通过录制、回放用户操作来生成脚本,然后模拟多用户同时执行这些脚本,形成负载。 3. **LR组件**:包括Controller(控制器)、VuGen(虚拟用户生成器)...