List of Free Programming books (compiled):Meta-List
- How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming
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- MindView Inc(List of Free Books)
- Wikibooks: Programming
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- CodePlex List of Free E-Books
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- FreeBooksClub.Net
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- O’Reilly’s Open Books Project
- TechBooksForFree.com
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Graphics Programming
- NvidiaGPU Gems 1
- NvidiaGPU Gems 2
- NvidiaGPU Gems 3
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Language Agnostic
- Foundations of Programmingby Karl Seguin
- Computer Musings(Lectures by Donald Knuth)
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar(Introduction to Open Source Software)
- Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0
- Security Engineering
- Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists
- Getting Real(Courtesy37 Signals)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Domain Driven Design Quickly
- OO Design
- Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review
- NASA Software Measurement Handbook
- NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development
- Introduction to Functional Programming– Class Lectures and Slides
- How to Design Programs– MIT Press
- Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge– IEEE Computer Society Press
- Online Course Materials– MIT
- Algorithms(Draft Copy)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Essential Skills for Agile Development
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
- Learn to Program
- Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community
- How to write Unmaintainable Code
- The Art of Unix Programming
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- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
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- The Little Book of Semaphores
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- An Introduction to the Theory of Computation
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- Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
- Domain Driven Design Quickly
- Let’s Build a Compiler
- Producing Open Source Software
- How to Write Parallel Programs
- Don’t Just Roll the Dice
Assembly Language
- ProgrammingGroundUp
- Paul Carter’s Tutorial on x86 Assembly
- Software optimization resources by Agner Fog
- The new C standard – an annotated reference
- The C book
- Thinking in C++, Second Edition
- C++ Annotations
- Software optimization resources by Agner Fog
- Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4(Open Publication License)
- See.NETbelow
- Sun’s Java Tutorials
- Thinking in Java
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Java Thin-Client Programming
- OSGi in Practice(CreativeCommons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike License)
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Crockford’s JavaScript
- jQuery Fundamentals(starts with JS basics)
- Practical Common Lisp
- On Lisp
- ANSI Common Lisp
- Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
- Successful Lisp
- Let Over Lamda – 50 Years of Lisp
- Programming In Lua(for v5 but still largely relevant)
.NET (C#)
- Free C# BookCovers C#1.0 and 2.0 (Courtesy ofProgrammers Heaven)
- Visual Studio Tips and Tricks
- Entity Framework(514 pages)
- Charles Petzold’s .Net Book 0
- Threading in C#
- C# Yellow Book(Intro to programming)
- C# Programming – Wikibook
- C# Essentials
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
- Illustrated C# 2008(Download) (.ZIP) [dead link]
- O’Reilly’s C# Pocket Reference Manual(Free Ebook courtesy ofRed Gate Software) [dead link]
Parrot / Perl 6
- Perl 6(Work in progress)
- Higher Order Perl
- Perl The Hard Way
- Extreme Perl
- Perl Free Online EBooksMeta-List
- The Mason Book
- Practical mod_perl
- Beginning Perl
- Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason(Open Publication License)
- Perl & LWP
- Perl for the Web
- Web Client Programming with Perl
- Modern Perl 5(Work in progress)
- Practical PHP Programming(Wiki that contains O’Reilly’sPHP In a Nutshell)
- Zend Framework: Survive the Deep End
- Building Expert Systems in Prolog
- Adventure in Prolog
- Prolog Programming A First Course
- Logic, Programming and Prolog (2ed)
- Introduction to Prolog for Mathematicians
- Learn Prolog Now!
- Natural Language Processing Techniques in Prolog
- Dive Into Python
- Dive Into Python 3
- Byte of Python
- Building Skills in Python Version 2.5
- Python Free Online EbooksMeta-List
- Python Bibliotheca
- Think Python
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
- Python for Fun
- Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python
- Thinking in Python
- The Django Book
- Snake Wrangling For Kids
- Programming Ruby
- Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby(MirrorviaScribd)
- Mr. Neighborly’s Humble Little Ruby Book
- Ruby Best Practices
- MacRuby: The Definitive Guide
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails By Example
- A Scala Tutorial for Java programmers
- Scala By Example
- Programing Scala
- Xtrace(Github)
- List(Github)
- Pro Scala: Monadic Design Patterns for the Web
- Exploring Lift(published earlier as “The Definitive Guide to Lift”,pdf)
- SmallTalk Free EbooksCourtesy of Stéphane Ducasse
- Squeak By Example(Smalltalk IDE)
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