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jClientUploadis a client-side JAVA™ component (Applet) that allows to upload files and folders to a web or ftp server. This component could be integrated in any application. Server-side technology could be JSP/Servlet, PHP, CGI or Microsoft ASP. Front-end provides an upload progress bar, a cancel button and drag&drop support. jClientUpload supports very large uploads over 2GB and could resume broken upload. It is customizable (multilanguage, colors, size). The add-ons section includes tools such as image scaling filter, PHP sample script ...

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Features Screenshots Installation and Parameters Add-ons Download Registration
last update : 07/05/2006

Features :
jClientUpload is a Java Application (Applet and WebStart) that allows end-user to upload files and folders to a web or ftp server. It could be integrated in any application. Deployment is fast and easy. Download the features matrix .

  • Progress bar :
    jClientUpload front-end includes a progress bar. Upload could be stopped at any time thanks to a cancel button.
  • File(s) selection and Drag&Drop :
    End-user could select file(s) to upload with a dialog box or through simple drag and drop from file system explorer. Multiple files and directories selection is allowed. Recurse subdirectories feature is available too.
  • Customization :
    jClientUpload includes multilanguage support. Front-end resources (menu, text items, messages, background image, look and feel, ...) are stored in ascii files and could be modified. Image previewer could be added and colors could be modified too (see screenshots).
  • Advanced features :
    jClientUpload supports very large uploads (more than 2 GB) with low resources (RAM, CPU) usage on client-side. It could resume broken upload, rename files before upload and ZIP file on fly. It allows to limit size (in bytes) or type (e.g. *.doc, *.exe) of files to upload. It allows to pass extra parameters (e.g. login, password, sessionid, cookie, ...) and allows post-processing by redirecting to an URL after upload.
  • Cross server-side technology :
    jClientUpload is a client-side component. It provides both HTTP and FTP transport protocols support. You do need a server-side component to process upload on server :
    HTTP : jClientUpload sends files to a web server through standard HTTP multipart (RFC 1867) request, that's the reason why server-side technology could be Java/J2EE™, PHP, Microsoft ASP/.NET, Macromedia/Coldfusion or Perl/CGI. For Java/J2EE server-side script, we recommend UploadBean to process upload and store files in folder or database.
    Note that HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) is supported too.
    FTP : jClientUpload sends files to a ftp server after being authenticated (anonymous or user account).
    Note that FTPS (FTP over SSL) is supported too.
  • Flexible API :
    jClientClient API is flexible. It is designed to integrate new front-ends, plug custom filter, pass extra HTTP parameters, support cookies and session, proxies, support authentication ... However, this feature is only available in jClientUpload enterprise package.
  • Add-ons :
    An add-ons section is available with tools such as image scaling filter to generate thumbnails on the fly before upload. This filter allows to save bandwidth and lower upload time. This section also includes PHP and ColdFusion upload sample script, PGP encryption filter, FTP-like explorer ...

Installation and Parameters :

See online documentation for jClientUpload installation and samples. It includes all parameters description for both HTTP upload and FTP upload. FAQ is also available.

Registration :

jClientUpload Pro jClientUpload Enterprise
Features :
(see matrix)
Full Full
API : No Yes
Source code : No Yes
License : shareware custom
Price : $29 per domain $299 - unlimited domains
Purchase jClientUpload Pro
Purchase jClientUpload Enterprise

Download :

Download jClientUpload Profull package
(Includes samples, binaries and documentation - 1 MB)

V1.8 [zip][tar.gz]
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V1.7 [zip][tar.gz]
V1.6 [zip][tar.gz]

jClientUpload requires Java™technology

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    wav 格式文件用于 java 程序转换mp3 使用

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    这个问题的解决通常涉及到第三方库,如javazoom.jl解码库,它是一个基于Java的MP3处理库。 javazoom.jl库,全称为JLayer,是Java中广泛使用的MP3解码和处理库。它提供了一种方式来解析MP3帧,从中获取诸如比特率、...


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    2. 创建解码器:JLayer的核心类是`javazoom.jl.player.Player`,它是用来播放MP3文件的主要对象。你可以通过传递音频数据流(如FileInputStream)来创建Player实例。 ```java import javazoom.jl.player.*; ...


    4. **处理事件**:如果需要监听播放状态变化,可以注册监听器,例如`javazoom.jl.player.PlayerEvent`和`javazoom.jl.player.PlayerErrorEvent`。 值得注意的是,JLayer并不包含图形用户界面(GUI)组件,因此如果...


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