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WebSphere MQ 学习笔记

1. WebSphere MQ的对象(objects)
queue managers;
process definitions;
client connection channels;
authentication information objects
2. WebSphere MQ queues:
Local queue object

Remote queue object

Alias queue object

Model queue object

2.1 Queues used by WebSphere MQ
1) Initiation queues, they are used in triggering.
"Trigger Event" happened(eg. the number of messages on a queue reaches a predefined depth)
"Queue Manager" put the "Trigger Message" on a specified "Initiation Queue"
"Trigger Monitor" on "Initiation Queue" will retrieve the "Trigger Message", and start the application program that was specified in the trigger message.

2) Transmission queues, they are queues that temporarily store messages that are destined for a remote queue manager.

3) Cluster Transmission queues. Each queue manager within a cluster has a cluster transmission queue called "SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE."

4) Dead-letter queues, A dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue is a queue that stores messages that cannot be routed to their correct destinations. "SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE"

5) Command queues, The command queue, "SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE", is a local queue to which suitably authorized applications can send MQSC commands for processing.

6) Reply-to queues, the application that receives the message can send back a reply message to the sending application. This message is put on a queue, called a reply-to queue.

7) Event queues, When an instrumentation event occurs, the queue manager puts an event message on an event queue.

3. WebSphere MQ queue managers

4. Process definitions
A process definition object defines an application that starts in response to a trigger event on a WebSphere MQ queue manager.

5. Clusters

6. Namelists
A namelist is a WebSphere MQ object that contains a list of other WebSphere MQ objects.

7. Authentication information objects
The queue manager authentication information object forms part of WebSphere MQ support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security.

8. Channels
Channels are objects that provide a communication path from one queue manager to another.

8.1 Client connection channels

9. Listeners
Listeners are processes that accept network requests from other queue managers, or client applications, and start associated channels.

10. Services
Service objects are a way of defining programs to be executed when a queue manager starts or stops. Programs:
1) Servers, A server is a service object that has the parameter SERVTYPE specified as SERVER.
2) Commands, A command is a service object that has the parameter SERVTYPE specified as COMMAND.


. The Object Authority Manager(OAM) facility
. User-written, or third party, channel exits
. Channel security using Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)


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