Eclipse 3.3 M7 - New and Noteworthy The emphasis in this final milestone in the 3.3 release cycle has been on performance and polish. Here are some of the more noteworthy things you'll find in milestone build M7 (May 4, 2007) which is now available for
download. See the
build notes for details about bugs fixed and other changes.
State of the plug-ins |
The Plug-in Dependencies view, available under Window > Show View > Other > PDE > Plug-in Dependencies, has been enhanced to show you the state of every plug-in you have in your development environment. For each plug-in, you get to see all its dependencies and the plug-ins supplying each of its imported packages. The view now also serves as a valuable diagnostic tool that shows you the unsatisfied constraints that may prevent your plug-in from running and which may cause a chain reaction affecting other plug-ins. New filtering capabilities include:
- focusing on unresolved plug-ins only
- showing leaf plug-ins only therefore helping you prune unnecessary plug-ins when assembling a product
Hello, World - 3.3 edition |
In Eclipse 3.3, the Platform introduced a new way to contribute menu and toolbar items to the workbench. See this new support in action by selecting the Hello, World Command template in the New Plug-in Project wizard, available under File > New > Project > Plug-in Project.
platform.xml handling |
In order to handle linked directories and extension locations while building, PDE Build now constructs its state by consulting the platform.xml file contained in the base location, if available. |
JNLP file filtering |
The content of the JNLP files generated by PDE when building an application can now be filtered by the configurations being built. This filtering can be enabled by setting the property jnlp.configs in the main file of your build. |
Performance improvement |
In the presence of large products made up of many plug-ins and features, the generation time of the PDE build scripts has been significantly improved. |
Drag & drop, clipboard on Vista (WPF) |
Drag & drop and clipboard operations now work on Vista WPF. The snapshot below shows a file being dragged from Eclipse onto the Vista Desktop. ![](
Improved detection of Mozilla plug-ins |
Users of Mozilla-based browsers can now augment the default set of Mozilla plug-in paths that are searched by defining environment variable MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH. For example: export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/browser-plugins
Keys preference page improvements |
The Keys preference page displays your key bindings and can optionally display all available commands that can be bound to keys. User changes to the key bindings are marked by the "delta" icon in the User column, and action sets and internal contexts are filtered from the When field by default. You can now:
- update a selected binding immediately by modifying the Binding or When fields
- create a binding from a command by modifying the Binding field
- create a command from a binding using the Copy Command button
- remove all user changes from the system with Restore Defaults (immediate action)
New default tab colors |
Editor and view tabs have a new color scheme based on a blend of the system title background color and white. The amount of white added is dependent on the particular RGB values of the title background color. ![](
Quick access |
To quickly access UI elements such as views, commands, preference pages, and others, use the new Quick Access dialog, available under Window > Navigation and bound to Ctrl+3 by default. Start typing in the filter field to see matches. For example, to open the console view, type Ctrl+3 followed by "con". One of the first matches will be to open the console view. You can use the arrow keys to select a different match for a given filter string. Press Enter to select the highlighted entry. This will execute the command, or open the view, perspective, or wizard etc. ![]( Your previous choices will be remembered and shown the next time the dialog opens. If you enter the same filter string again, the entry you picked last time will be selected automatically.
![]( Using the initials of the words you are trying to find, you can narrow down your choices using very few letters. Here are two examples of this:
Editor area drag and drop |
Dragging external files (i.e., from the Windows file explorer) on to the editor area of a workbench window has the same effect as Open File. Also, you can now drag an editor between workbench windows associated with the same workspace.
Properties view facelift |
The Properties view has adapted to the new look and feel of UI forms. Visual enhancements include new title bar layout, colors and gradient, and new tab design and colors.
Welcome reopens after new intro content is installed |
The first time Eclipse is restarted after installing plug-ins containing new Universal Intro content, the Welcome screen will open on a page which prominently shows the new content. In the example below a plug-in (created using the PDE Universal Intro template) was installed before Eclipse was restarted. More details can be found here. ![](
Double-click + mouse move to select words in editors |
Words can now be selected using double-click + mouse move. |
Reduced palette support in text editors |
Editors now support the Reduced Palette theme. This gives better results when working in High Contrast mode. |
English spelling dictionaries |
An American and a British English dictionary are now part of the SDK: ![]( Spell checking is now enabled per default. The feature can be disabled with the new Disable Spell Checking quick assist. Tip: It's recommended that you set a user dictionary to collect custom words that are not part of the lexicon. This can be configured on the General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling preference page.
Better support for linked mode boundaries |
Home/End inside a linked area now jumps to the beginning or end of the linked area and word navigation stops at the boundaries. Note: This only works if smart caret positioning is enabled (default).
Compare Structure in Outline view |
It's now possible to show the structure pane of a Compare editor in the Outline view. To enable this, go to the General > Compare/Patch preference page and check Show structure compare in Outline view when possible. Selecting structure elements in the Outline view will scroll the content pane in the Compare editor to reveal the change in the selected element. ![](
Additional actions and key bindings available in text/Java compare |
New actions have been added to the Text and Java compare content viewer:
- Find/Replace
- Show Whitespace Characters
- Show Line Numbers
- Show In navigation submenu
All Text/Java compare actions now have key bindings in both windows and dialogs. To get the key bindings to appear in dialogs, make sure you set the scope of the commands to In Dialogs and Windows on the Keys preference page. ![](
Console launcher for Windows
There is now a second launcher "eclipsec.exe" on Windows that behaves as expected for a console application. This allows piping the output from Eclipse, as well as better behavior in general for the standard -console, -consoleLog and -debug options. |
Ant 1.7.0 |
The org.apache.ant plug-in provided by Eclipse has been upgraded to Ant 1.7.0, the latest release from Apache. |
Launch selection vs. launch last |
Selection based launching introduced in milestone 6 is now the default setting. Use the Run/Debug > Launching > Launch the selected resource or active editor preference to enable or disabled this feature. Running and debugging applications has been simplified to run or debug the selected file or active editor. When the selected resource (or active editor) is not executable, you can opt to launch the associated project by selecting Always launch project if selected resource cannot be launched.
![]( Pressing the Run or Debug toolbar button will launch the selected resource (as will the Run or Debug action in the top level Run menu). When no launch configuration exists for a file and there is only one way to launch it, the file will simply be launched in the mode you selected. When there is more than one way to launch a file, you will be prompted to select how to run or debug the application. For example, when running a JUnit test you can run as a Java application or JUnit test. A launch configuration will be created and an entry will be added to the launch history for the application.
![]( When the same resource is launched again, it will use the most recent configuration in the launch history associated with that resource.
Introduce Parameter Object refactoring |
Introduce Parameter Object is a new refactoring that replaces a set of parameters with a new container object. All calls to the method are updated to pass the new parameter object class. Use cases:
- group parameters which logically belong together; e.g., Date start, Date end, String newValue, String oldValue
- reduce number of parameters
- provide useful defaults in the parameter object
- pass the parameter down the call chain
To execute the Introduce Parameter Object refactoring, select a method, invoke Refactor > Introduce Parameter Object, select parameters that should be used as fields and give meaningful names.
![]( The following code snippet
![]( will be modified to
Quick Fix to create and use getter and setter |
A new quick fix is available for a field not accessible due to visibility restrictions. In the following scenario, use Ctrl+1 to invoke quick fix: ![]( If a getter exists for this field, you can choose to use it.
![]( And if there is no getter for this field, you can choose to create one.
Colored labels in Java views |
To enable colors in Java views, select the Java > Appearance > Use colors in labels preference. ![](
Add new Java project to a working set |
The new Java project wizard got additional input fields to specify the working sets to which the new project gets added. The fields are initialized from the current selection or the active working set filter in the Package Explorer. ![](
Assign working sets |
It's now easier to reorganize Java elements or resources in working sets. To assign an element to a different working set, select the element in the Package Explorer and invoke Assign Working Sets from the context menu. ![](
In-place rename refactoring overhauled |
The in-place rename refactoring in the Java editor has been polished: When using Refactor > Rename in the Java editor, the editor enters linked mode rather than open a modal dialog. Changes stay local until Enter is pressed, which will perform the change in the whole workspace.
![]( If you prefer the old modal dialog, you can configure that on the Java preference page.
New code formatter options |
New options have been added to the Java code formatter page:
- Binary expressions can now be wrapped before or after the operator
- Block and line comments on first column can be excluded from indentation
Unused parameter warning enhancement |
The Unused Parameter warning was improved with a new option that helps avoiding false positives. You can give the compiler a hint that a parameter is not really unused by commenting it with a @param tag. The option is located on the Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings preference page:
Sort Members on multiple elements |
The Sort Members action can now sort multiple elements at once. Select a package, a project, or a set of Java elements in the Package Explorer and invoke Source > Sort Members. ![](
Runtime type generation |
Java 5 annotation processing (APT) was introduced in Eclipse 3.2, but until now, new types could only be generated by doing a build. Annotation processors can now generate new types on the fly, as you edit the annotations. This feature is disabled by default, for performance reasons; to enable it, a processor should include "enableTypeGenerationInEditor" in the set of strings returned from AnnotationProcessorFactory.supportedOptions().
Java 6 annotation processing |
Eclipse 3.3 fully supports Java 6 annotation processing in the Eclipse Java batch compiler. Java 6 annotation processing is also minimally supported in the IDE, with more support to come in the future.
标题提到的"Eclipse3.3 svn插件",指的是为Eclipse 3.3版本特别适配的Subversion支持。Subversion是一款开源的版本控制系统,用于管理源代码和其他内容的变化,帮助多人协作开发时保持代码的一致性和可追溯性。...
**Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)**是Eclipse在2007年发布的一个重要版本,该版本在功能和性能上都有显著提升。对于Web开发人员来说,选择合适的Eclipse版本至关重要。 - **Eclipse 3.3 Europa 版本选择:** - **for Java ...
"eclipse3.3.X版本中文语言包"就是为了解决这个问题而存在的,它提供了Eclipse的中文本地化支持,使得用户可以更方便地理解和操作Eclipse的各项功能。 这个中文语言包适用于Eclipse 3.3.x系列版本。在Eclipse的历史...
标题 "Eclipse 3.3 中文PERL插件" 提到的是在Eclipse集成开发环境中安装和使用PERL语言的扩展插件。Eclipse是一款广泛使用的开源Java IDE,但通过插件支持,它也可以用于其他编程语言如PERL。在Eclipse 3.3版本中,...
首先,Eclipse 3.3,又称为Europa,是Eclipse平台的一个重要版本,发布于2007年。这个版本的主要目标是增强对多插件协作的支持,以及提高性能和稳定性。通过引入新的PDE(Plug-in Development Environment)构建系统...
Jadclipse是一款针对Eclipse集成开发环境的反编译插件,尤其在你提到的Eclipse 3.3版本中,它提供了对Java字节码进行反编译的功能。这款插件使得开发者能够查看并理解已编译的Java类文件的源代码,即便原始的源代码...
Eclipse 3.3是该IDE的一个重要版本,发布于2007年,它引入了许多增强功能和改进,提升了开发者的体验和效率。 1. **Eclipse 3.3 的主要特性**: - **改进的性能**:Eclipse 3.3(Europa)在启动速度和内存管理方面...
Eclipse3.3是该IDE的一个重要版本,发布于2007年,它提供了许多增强的功能和改进,以提升开发者的工作效率。 在Eclipse3.3中,"中文语言包"是一个至关重要的组件,尤其是对于中国用户来说,它使得界面完全汉化,...
Eclipse 3.3 版本是该IDE的一个重要里程碑,发布于2007年,它引入了许多增强功能和改进,提升了开发者的体验。 标题 "eclipse3.3 language" 指的是Eclipse 3.3版本的语言包或汉化插件。这个插件允许用户将Eclipse的...
Eclipse 3.3是该平台的一个版本,发布于2007年,它带来了许多改进和新特性,提升了开发人员的效率。 在Eclipse 3.3中,最重要的一项更新是引入了“Europa”计划,这是一个多语言平台的整合,将多个Eclipse项目组合...