The ftp4j library implements a Java full-features FTP client. With ftp4j embedded in your application you can: transfer files (upload and download), browse the remote FTP site (directory listing included), create, delete, rename and move remote directories and files.
The main class of the library is FTPClient (it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient).
Start creating a FTPClient instance:
FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
Connect now to a remote FTP service:
If the service port is other than the standard 21:
client.connect("", port);
In example:
client.connect("", 8021);
Step now to the login procedure:
client.login("carlo", "mypassword");
If no exception is thrown you are now authenticated to the remote server. Otherwise, if the authentication attempt fails, you receive a it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPException.
Anonymous authentication, if admitted by the connected service, can be done sending the username "anonymous" and an arbitrary password (note that some servers require an e-mail address in place of the password):
client.login("anonymous", "ftp4j");
Do anything you want with the remote FTP service, then disconnect:
This one sends the FTP QUIT command to the remote server, requesting a legal disconnect procedure. If you just want to break the connection, without sending any advice to the server, call:
Connecting through a proxy
The client connects to the server through a connector (an object implementing the it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPConnector interface), which returns to the client an already open connection (an object implementing the it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPConnection interface). That is why ftp4j could support a large set of proxies.
The connector for a client instance can be setted with the setConnector() method, obviously before connecting the remote server:
Browsing the remote site
Get the current directory absolute path calling:
String dir = client.currentDirectory();
Change directory with:
You can use both absolute and relative paths:
Back to the parent directory with:
Renaming files and directories
To rename a remote file or directory:
client.rename("oldname", "newname");
Moving files and directories
The rename() method can also be used to move files and directories from a location to another.
In example, think in the current working directory you have a file called "myfile.txt", and you want to move it in the sub-directory "myfolder":
client.rename("myfile.txt", "myfolder/myfile.txt");
Deleting files
To delete a remote file call:
In example:
Creating and deleting directories
You can create a new directory on the remote site, if the service gives you this oppurtunity:
You can also remove an existing one:
In example:
Please note that usually FTP servers can delete only empty directories.
Downloading and uploading files
The easiest way to download a remote file is a call to the download(String, File) method:"remoteFile.ext", new"localFile.ext"));
To upload:
在Java编程环境中,读取FTP(File Transfer Protocol)服务器上的文件是一项常见的任务,尤其是在Web服务器和Linux系统环境下。FTP提供了一种可靠的方式来传输文件,使得应用程序可以远程访问和操作存储在FTP服务器...
FTP服务器的实现还需要日志记录,这里使用了Log4j和SLF4J(Simple Logging Facade for Java)。[log4j-1.2.14.jar]是Log4j的实现,它是一个广泛使用的日志记录框架,允许开发者控制日志输出的级别和格式。SLF4J提供...
【FTP帮助 Java FTP】在Java开发中,FTP(File Transfer Protocol)被广泛用于在本地系统与远程服务器之间传输文件。Apache Commons Net库提供了一个强大的Java FTP客户端实现,使得开发者能够轻松地进行文件上传、...
在Java中实现FTP上传,首先需要创建FTPClient对象,然后连接到FTP服务器,登录后设置工作目录。将要上传的文件转换为二进制流,并调用`storeFile()`方法。注意处理异常和确保文件传输完成后关闭流。 四、FTP下载 ...
for (FTPFile file : files) { System.out.println(file.getName()); } // 改变当前目录 boolean success = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory("/public_html"); // 上传文件 InputStream in = new ...
for (FTPFile file : files) { // 检查文件最后修改时间并下载 if (needToUpdate(file)) { client.retrieveFile(file.getName(), new FileOutputStream(file.getName())); } } } catch (Exception e) { e....
Java for FTP server.docx文件可能包含了更具体的代码示例和实现细节,包括如何处理FTP命令、如何进行文件操作等,对于深入学习和实践会有很大帮助。在实际项目中,还可以考虑使用现有的开源FTP服务器库,如Apache ...
在Java编程环境中,FTP(File Transfer Protocol)是一个用于在计算机之间传输文件的标准协议。通过Java实现FTP批量下载文件以及解压的功能,可以极大地提高工作效率,特别是在处理大量数据时。以下是一份详细的步骤...
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在Java编程中,FTP(File Transfer Protocol)是一个用于在计算机之间传输文件的标准协议。这篇博客“java ftp上传 下载 文件压缩解压”很可能是关于如何使用Java实现FTP文件上传、下载以及文件的压缩与解压功能。...
for (FTPFile file : files) { if (file.getName().equals("desired_file_name")) { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("local_file_path"); ftpClient.retrieveFile(file.getName(), out); out.close();...
Java 实现 FTP 自动上传文件是一项常见的任务,尤其在自动化部署、数据同步或者日志传输等场景中。本文将深入探讨如何使用Java编程语言来构建一个FTP文件上传系统,同时结合Log4j日志框架和命令行信息的处理。 首先...
for (FTPFile file : files) { System.out.println(file.getName()); } ``` ftp4j还支持更复杂的操作,如递归上传/下载整个目录、设置传输模式(二进制或文本)、处理文件权限、以及处理异常情况。 对于需要安全...
Java实现在FTP(文件传输协议)上下载文件是一项常见的任务,尤其在集成系统或服务之间交换数据时。本文将深入探讨如何使用Java编程语言来实现这个功能,同时结合Oracle数据库来获取服务器上的文件地址。 首先,...
Java FTP服务器文件上传下载是Java开发中常见的网络编程任务,主要涉及到FTP(File Transfer Protocol)协议的应用,用于在客户端和服务器之间传输文件。本教程将详细讲解如何使用Java实现FTP服务器的文件上传、下载...
for (FTPFile file : files) { if (file.getType() == FTPFile.FILE_TYPE) { // 文件 String remoteFileName = file.getName(); File localFile = new File(localDir, remoteFileName); try { ftpClient....
for (FTPFile file : files) { // 打印或处理每个文件 } ``` - 切换目录: ```java ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(directoryPath); ``` - 创建目录: ```java ftpClient.makeDirectory(directoryPath...
for (FTPFile file : files) { System.out.println(file.getName()); } ftpClient.disconnect(); ``` 2)从FTP服务器上下传一个文件 在`getButton_actionPerformed`方法中,我们同样创建`FtpClient`对象并连接、...
### 使用Java实现FTP服务器 #### 一、简介 在互联网技术的发展过程中,文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol,简称FTP)是一种用于在网络上进行文件传输的标准服务和协议。它为用户提供了一种简单有效的方式来...
在Java编程中,多线程FTP(File Transfer Protocol)上传和下载是常见的任务,尤其在处理大量文件或者需要并发操作时。在这个场景下,我们通常会利用Java的Apache Commons Net库,它为FTP功能提供了丰富的API。正如...