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UglifyJS初探 -
amwjx 写道YUI压缩jQuery1.5.1后竟然92K。 ...
UglifyJS初探 -
YUI压缩jQuery1.5.1后竟然92K。我就觉得哪不对, ...
UglifyJS初探 -
http://thoughtscript.appspot.co ...
JavaScript浮点运算问题分析与解决 -
<p>我的博客<a title=" ...
前端工程师必备 Cheat Sheet
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.
- How jQuery Works - 这是一基础jquery教程, 教你如何使用 jQuery.
- Expandable Sidebar Menu ()- (jQuery 在线视频教程l) 关于jQuery的一个基础概念说明视频. Live Demo is here.
- jQuery Online Movie Tutorial by John Resig
- Draggable, Droppables, Selectables… Oh My!
- Multiple File Upload Magic With Unobtrusive Javascript
- Rounded Corners with Javascript (jQuery)
- Working with Events, part 1
- Animated Scrolling with jQuery 1.2
- Automatic Page Contents
- More Showing, More Hiding
- Getting Started with jQuery- 本指南介绍了该jquery库。它一步一步的解释jQuery的细节,包括一个简单的Hello World举例演示,选择和活动的基本知识,Ajax, FX和使用情况以及如何创建插件。
- JQuery To The Rescue- 一个使用jQuery的互动示范教程.
Featured Tutorials on Remy sharp’s Blog
- Text box hints- You will see a lot of web sites with search boxes have text already populated inside of the field and when you select the input text box it disappears and reappears when it’s not selected. This tutorial will show you how can add a small amount of jQuery to add this feature to any of your web sites.
- Auto-populating Select Boxes using jQuery & AJAX- Allow the user to select a top level category from one select box and to automatically populate the sub-category using jQuery and Ajax.
Featured Tutorials on jQueryForDesigners
- Using Ajax to Validate Forms- With this tutorial you will be able to have your first forms that do the following: 1) Live username checking, 2) Password confirmation and strength, 3) Checking if an email address is already registered, 4) URL validation
- Image Cross Fade Transition- How to fade one image in to another?
Web Designer Wall
- jQuery Tutorials for Designers- This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery. Effects include: Simple slide panel, Simple disappearing effect, Chain-able transition effects, Accordion, Animated hover effect, Entire block clickable, Collapsible panels.
CSS-Tricks is a home for examples, tutorials, tips, tricks, and news regarding Cascading Style Sheets. Chris Coyer is getting into jQuery lately and posting interesting jQuery tutorials in his journey to learn jQuery.
Featured Tutorials on CSS-Tricks
- Fading Menu - Replacing Content- Chris Coyer shows us a nice menu effect emphasizing the designer’s perspective: “When I do this, make the CSS do this”.
- Improved Current Field Highlighting in Forms- How to add some kind of visual feedback on web forms to indicate the currently active (or “focused“) field.
- Fade-in Spoiler Revealer- Exploiting some of the “fading in” and “fading out” different page elements functions for a really simple Spoiler Revealer.
Getting started with jQuery
- The jSkinny on jQuery- A tutorial on the jQuery javascript library (from a Ruby/Rails perspective).
- How to Get Anything You Want- An introduction to jQuery selectors and traversal methods, and their use in navigating the DOM.
- It’s all about CSS- If you’ve got a good understand of CSS selectors, then you’re already familiar with how to query the DOM.
- jQuery Crash Course- For those who’d like to learn more about jQuery, one of the more popular libraries, here’s a crash course written with code-savvy web designers in mind.
- jQuery in 15 minutes- A short introduction to jQuery.
- jQuery Basics- This section covers basic usage of jQuery from getting started to finding elements and working with CSS.
- Easy JavaScript for Designers- A nice little writeup for the jQuery Java Script Library. Designers need all of the coding shortcuts they can and jQuery seems to deliver.
jQuery Cheat Sheets
- jQuery Cheatsheet- The cheat sheet comes in two flavors: 1) Made for iPhone and iPod Touch, and any other mobile device with internet access. 2) Old-school printable A4 cheat sheet
- jQuery 1.2 Cheat Sheet
Building jQuery Plugins
- A Plugin Development Pattern- This article is meant to share a useful pattern for plugin authoring.
- Developing a jQuery Plugin- Sometimes the most difficult part is just taking the first step!
- Building Your First jQuery Plugin- This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own truncation plugin.
jQuery Effects and Techniques
- JQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial- Pop-up link menu (mouse over menu)
- jQuery For Designers- Examples of writing Unobtrusive JavaScript to add simple behavior to a web page.
- AutoCompleter Tutorial - jQuery(Ajax)/PHP/MySQL
- SlideViewer- A jQuery image slider built on a single unordered list
- LavaLamp for jQuery lovers!- A step by step tutorial to create a LavaLamp menu packaged as a plugin for the amazing jQuery javascript library.
- Auto-Complete Field with jQuery - Code Explained- An explanation of the code behind the auto-complete field in this post.
- Photo Slider Tutorial- It’s worth noting that you can easily use the photo slider to query a server script to load the images.
- Ajax will_paginate, jq-style- Using jQuery, to easily rock some gracefully degrading Ajax pagination.
- Rounded Corners- Adding rounded corners to an element, using no extra markup.
- Efficient Tag Cloud Algorithm- A post about a tag cloud algorithm , very useful.
- AutoCompleter Tutorial- This tutorial because will tell you how and why AutoCompleter works, knowing about this enables you to customise it a lot more.
- Creating a fading header- A tutorial explaining how to create the fading header graphic for Bits and Pixels.
Ajax development with jQuery
- Easy Ajax with jQuery- Akash Mehta will show us how to simplify the process of adding Ajax to the application even further with the help of jQuery, a popular JavaScript library.
- Simplify Ajax development with jQuery- Discover how easy Ajax and DOM scripting can be
- Quick and Dirty AJAX- A walk through tutorial showing some of the basic ways you could use jQuery to add AJAX functionality to your site.
- A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial- A step-by-step tutorial will show you how to combine the power of jQuery with Code Igniter (a PHP framework based on the MVC design pattern) to quickly and painlessly pass a record ID through the javascript and over to the server, where it will be passed to a mysql database, used to retrieve some data, and sent back to the page for display.
jQuery Fixing common Browser Issues
- Fixing IE overflow problem- IE has a different implementation of overflow compared to Firefox or Safari. This is a detailed account of the problem, and it’s fix.
- Using jQuery to align column heights- This tutorial will show you how to use the popular jQuery library to match the height of 2 columns in your layout.
- Hacking transparent PNG support into IE6 with IE PNG Fix, CSS and jQuery- How to enable transparent PNG support in IE6
这些都是学习Jquery很不错的资料,整理了一下,分享给大家。 希望能对大家的学习有帮助。
Noupe带来的51个最佳jQuery教程和实例, 向大家介绍了jQuery的一些基本概念和使用的相关教程, 如果你对jQuery感兴趣, 也可以查看帕兰写的文章:
John Resig
John Resig, 这位是 JQuery JavaScript脚本库的创建者, 同时也是Mozilla公司的技术人员.
进一步了解John Resig
15 Days Of jQuery
15 Days Of jQuery-15天内从零到精通的 jQuery教程.
进一步查看这个教程15 Days Of jQuery
进一步查看 LearningjQuery.com里面的教程
Bassistance- 这个教程向你展示如何通过jQuery创建插件.
Cody Lindley
Cody Lindley- ThickBox 和 jTip plugins的创建人
Featured Tutorials on Cody Lindley
Remy sharp’s Blog
Remy sharp- 在 他的博客里面, 有许多关于jQuery的教程和插件。
modulejs 模块化JavaScript框架【国产】
2011-08-29 20:20 1511modulejs是极致模块化的且面向对象的j ... -
2011-03-26 00:56 2236jquery 1.5 代码压缩工具已经从GCL(Googl ... -
2010-10-16 00:10 1783Play应用遵循了MVC模式并运用到Web架构中去。该模式 ... -
企业快速开发框架 Spring Roo
2010-08-29 16:41 1690简介: Spring Roo 是SpringSource新的 ... -
小型Java持久层框架 Persistence4J
2010-08-29 16:32 1522简介: persistence4j 是一个小型、轻量级的 J ... -
2010-07-01 16:27 1007UrlRewriteFilter ... -
开源JavaScript引擎 V8
2010-06-27 23:20 2982V8是谷歌的开源JavaScript引擎。 V8是用 ... -
国人开发的基于direct3d 10 的开源3D引擎
2010-06-15 19:33 1417evolution3d is direct3d 10 ... -
2010-06-01 11:07 3104特点 Cache4J是一个有简单API与实现快速的J ... -
Spring MVC
2010-05-21 11:57 1251概述: Spring MVC是结构最清晰的MVC Model ... -
2010-05-21 11:48 993概述: SiteMesh 是一个网页布局和修饰的框架,利用它 ... -
2010-05-21 11:42 1921概述: C3P0是一个开放源代码的JDBC连接池,它在lib ... -
Jboss Seam
2010-05-19 13:50 808概述: JBoss Seam是“Java EE 5.0的一 ... -
2010-05-16 17:23 813概述: Lucene不是一个 ... -
2010-05-16 17:17 922概述: FastAOP是一个高性能AOP框架。最初开发该框架 ... -
2010-05-16 17:14 1095概述: AspectJ是AOP(面向切面编程)的Java语 ... -
2010-05-16 17:05 1193概述: ObjectWeb ASM轻量级的Java字节 ... -
2010-05-16 16:57 3071概述: cglib(Code Generation Li ... -
2010-05-16 16:51 1126概述: Guice是一个轻量级,基于Java5(主要运用泛型 ... -
2010-05-16 16:48 1177apache 的子项目微核心 ...
"jquery-3.4.1_sangat1_jquery3.4.1"可能指的是一个特定的项目或者命名约定,"sangat1"可能是项目名或者是个人开发者的名字,而"jquery3.4.1"是jQuery库的另一种写法,它们都指向同一种资源——jQuery 3.4.1。...
JavaScript+jQuery 网页特效设计 jQuery(3.4.1)基础 1 jQuery简介 jQuery优势 jQuery安装 jQuery语法 1、jQuery简介 1.1 学习jQuery之前,需要以下基础知识 HTML CSS JavaScript 1、jQuery简介 1.2 什么是jQuery? ...
**jQuery 1.12.4 知识点详解** jQuery 是一个广泛使用的JavaScript库,它简化了HTML文档遍历、事件处理、动画以及Ajax交互等任务。在本压缩包中,我们有两个版本的jQuery核心库文件:`jquery-1.12.4.js` 和 `jquery...
jquery插件库大全(200个): jqueryQQ表情插件 jquery下拉菜单导航 jquery下拉菜单栏 jquery仿Windows系统选中图标效果 jquery仿京东商品详情页图片放大效果 jquery仿百度新闻焦点轮播 jquery分离布局模版 jquery...
1. 2款jQuery图片自动切换常用广告代码 2. jquery+css五屏焦点图淡入淡出+圆形按钮切换广告图片代码 3. jQuery+CSS实用图片收缩与放大效果插件 4. jquery+div实现同时滑动切换的图文展示特效插件下载 5. ...
《jQuery 1.11.0与jQuery UI 1.10.4:经典组合的深度解析》 在Web开发领域,jQuery与jQuery UI是两个不可或缺的重要库,它们极大地简化了JavaScript的DOM操作和用户界面设计。本篇将深入探讨jQuery 1.11.0与jQuery ...
**jQuery Multiselect插件详解** 在网页开发中,我们经常需要处理用户的选择操作,特别是当选项较多时,传统的HTML `<select>` 元素显得不够友好。为此,jQuery提供了一个强大的多选下拉列表插件——jQuery ...
开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-1.11.3.min开发工具 jquery-...
开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery.dataTables.min开发工具 jquery....
编写基于Jquery的表单验证插件 Java Web Jquery表单验证 jQuery是一个流行的JavaScript库,可用于在网页上进行各种操作,包括表单验证。 1、将基于Jquery的表单验证的调查问卷分为四个部分:FrontPage.html、write....
### jQuery实战第二版知识点概述 #### 一、书籍基本信息与评价 - **书籍名称**:《jQuery实战第二版》(jQuery in Action, Second Edition) - **作者**:Bear Bibeault 和 Yehuda Katz - **出版商**:MANNING - **...
**jQuery.mmenu与jQuery Mobile:打造最佳侧边菜单** jQuery.mmenu是一款强大的JavaScript插件,专为构建响应式、交互式的侧边菜单而设计。它与jQuery Mobile框架结合使用,可以创造出用户界面(UI)中最具吸引力的...
《jQuery 2.1.1:JavaScript 的强大库》 jQuery 是一个广泛应用于网页开发的JavaScript库,它的出现极大地简化了JavaScript的复杂性,使得网页交互变得更加简单和高效。在这个主题中,我们将深入探讨jQuery 2.1.1...
资源名称:jquery1.7 中文手册 CHM文档(附jquery1.82 chm手册)内容简介:因国内jquery中文手册更新太慢了,等了一段时间实在等不下去了,干脆自己动手做一个丰衣足食,时刻更新. 最后感谢Shawphy提供1.4.1版,jehn提供...
《jQuery 2.0.3:JavaScript库的里程碑版本》 在JavaScript的世界里,jQuery以其易用性、高效性和广泛支持的特性,成为了开发者们最钟爱的库之一。本篇将深入探讨jQuery 2.0.3这个特定版本,以及它在Web开发中的...