1. What's New in MyEclipse 7 - A Quick Flyover
MyEclipse 7 is the next generation of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench IDE for enterprise Java and web developers. Built on the Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) and Genuitec Pulse Eclipse Management and Runtime Services platforms, MyEclipse 7 provides hundreds of new and improved code development, testing and deployment features.
myeclipse 7 是新一代企业和Web开发的Myeclipse Ide,基于Eclipse 3.4构建,是Genuitec的加强版的管理和运行时服务平台。MyEclipse 7提供几百个新的改良的编码,测试,发布的新特性。
MyEclipse 7 Enterprise Workbench
7.0.0 Release Notes
December 3, 2008
What's New in MyEclipse 7 - A Quick Flyover
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1. What's New in MyEclipse 7 - A Quick Flyover
MyEclipse 7 is the next generation of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench IDE for enterprise Java and web developers. Built on the Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) and Genuitec Pulse Eclipse Management and Runtime Services platforms, MyEclipse 7 provides hundreds of new and improved code development, testing and deployment features.
Following are highlights of key new and improved features. For a more complete list of all MyEclipse 7 features and screenshots see the MyEclipse 7 New and Noteworthy .
Web 2.0/Ajax Developer Tools
New JavaScript Editor and Validation Tools: this new JavaScript source code editor is OOP aware and provides editing features such as smart content-assist, coding templates, code folding, real-time error checking and marking, and break-point management to work with the MyEclipse JavaScript debugger. The JavaScript editor and validation tools automatically recognize project resident JS libraries. This editor is built upon Eclipse 3.4 JSDT and provides many fixes and improvements for base JSDT features.
JSF and Facelet Developer Tools
Visual JSF Page Designer: this WYSIWYG JSF editor now provides code-assist and validation for all facelets libraries and EL expressions, integrated Apache Trinidad JSF component library support, and a new previewer mode that renders JSF components.
faces.xml Flow Editor: this new faces.xml configuration editor includes a new form-based design mode with configuration wizards and managed-bean validation and content-assist
ICEfaces 1.7.2 JSF Ajax UI component libraries are integrated to allow easy upgrade of your JSF projects to use the popular ICEfaces components.
REST Web Services Developer Tools
REST Web Services Developer Tools (JAX-RS): this new feature set supports the development of JAX-RS (JSR-311) specification RESTful web services. Key features include REST project support including servlet configuration, bottom-up Java REST web services creation, code-assist for JAX-RS annotations within the Java source code editor, an integrated version the JAX-RS reference implementation (project Jersey), and the REST Web Services Explorer.
REST Web Services Deployment and Testing: an integrated version the JAX-RS reference implementation (project Jersey) enables MyEclipse to package and deploy RESTful web service projects to any JEE server through a configured MyEclipse JEE application server connector. For quick testing purposes, REST web applications can be deployed directly to the MyEclipse Tomcat server and tested using the REST Web Services Explorer. The REST Web Services Explorer enables you to view and run any REST web service defined by a WADL file.
Java EE, Spring and Hibernate
SpringIDE 2.2 for MyEclipse Upgrade: this new SpringIDE implementation for MyEclipse 7 adds Spring Web Flow 2.0 support with a graphical web flow editor, new Spring Explorer, Bean cross reference and AOP events views, improved Project Explorer view integration, fine-grained bean validation control, Spring Java configuration support and optional AOP analysis and validation and Mylyn task management support. AOP and Mylyn plugins for SpringIDE are available from the MyEclipse Dashboard.
OpenJPA support: the MyEclipse JPA developer tools have been extended to support the development and deployment of the OpenJPA framework.
Maven For MyEclipse is an implementation of the Eclipse M2Eclipse plugin tailored to simplify the infamous Maven learning-curve for MyEclipse users. In addition to providing the core M2Eclipse features and project support, Maven4MyEclipse provides automatic installation and configuration of a local Maven repository with essential libraries, Jar library import wizard and quick JDK configuration. Maven4MyEclipse works directly with MyEclipse web, EJB and basic Java projects and provides dependency support for MyEclipse capabilities such as Struts, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, ICEfaces, JPA, Portlets, MyEclipse Reports. Users can build MyEclipse Maven projects from within MyEclipse or externally from a Maven commandline
UML Modeling
UML2 (Early Access 1): MyEclipse 7 is introducing an early-access release of new UML2 modeling tools as an option to its UML1 tools. This release includes basic UML2 modeling and drawing features. Future releases with include Java developer specific features such as Java->UML2 and UML2->Java. UML2 (EA-1) is available for installation from the MyEclipse Dashboard.
Business Report Development
MyEclipse Reports is an implementation of Eclipse BIRT (2.3.1) and provides new JavaScript support and cross-tab capabilities. MyEclipse Reports greatly simplifies web report design, deployment and testing.
IDE Manageability
Pulse Eclipse Management and Runtime Services Platform: this new platform provides life-cycle services for managing the installation, update, configuration and uninstallation of Eclipse-based products such as MyEclipse. Pulse provides much more reliable and performant services than the Eclipse 3.4 Update Manager. The MyEclipse 7 architecture is built upon the Pulse platform and will incrementally provide more advanced customization and enterprise-ready services.
Pulse Eclipse IDE Services Support: MyEclipse 7 can be installed and managed directly using the Pulse Explorer or upgraded a Pulse managed profile.
MyEclipse Dashboard: a new dashboard is provided for managing and updating MyEclipse plugins. The dashboard is a custom Pulse-based MyEclipse service and replaces the former Community Essentials Updater in MyEclipse 6. Watch for more plugin management and information feature improvements to dashboard in the near future.
1-Click Deploy and Test Service
Jar Library Repository enhancements include library upgrades for Hibernate 3.2, Spring 2.5, JAX-WS 2.0 web services and REST JAX-RS web services
MyEclipse Tomcat 6 Server (6.0.11-custom) includes JAX-WS 2.1 runtime and an example security realm for use in developing and testing secure web services.
MyEclipse 7.0 GA版是MyEclipse的一个重要版本,相较于之前的版本,7.0 GA版在性能优化、新特性支持等方面进行了大量的改进和增强。 #### 特性与改进 1. **增强的Web开发工具**:MyEclipse 7.0 GA增加了对最新Web...
MyEclipse支持多种数据库、框架和开发工具,使得开发者能够在一个统一的环境中完成从编码到部署的全过程。 ### 软件注册的重要性 软件注册是确保软件正常运行并享受官方技术支持和服务的关键步骤。对于像MyEclipse...
### MyEclipse 7.0 相关知识点 #### 一、MyEclipse 7.0 概述 - **版本特点**:MyEclipse 7.0 是一款集成了大量开发工具的集成开发环境(IDE),专为Java开发者设计。它支持多种流行的Java框架,并且将这些框架升级...
Myeclipse 7.0 注册码 Myeclipse 7.0 注册码 Myeclipse 7.0 注册码 Myeclipse 7.0 注册码 Myeclipse 7.0 注册码 Myeclipse 7.0 注册码
### MyEclipse 7.0简介 MyEclipse是基于Eclipse平台的一个增强版开发工具,它不仅包含了Eclipse的所有功能,还在此基础上增加了许多实用的功能模块。MyEclipse 7.0版本作为一款成熟的集成开发环境(IDE),特别适用...
《MyEclipse 7.0汉化包详解与应用指南》 MyEclipse是一款功能强大的集成开发环境(IDE),尤其在Java EE应用开发领域享有盛誉。MyEclipse 7.0版本是其系列中的一个重要迭代,为开发者提供了更加友好的界面和更高效...
本文将深入探讨如何在Myeclipse7.0集成jad反编译,帮助开发者更好地理解和调试代码。 首先,JAD(Java Decompiler)是一款强大的反编译工具,能够将字节码转换回接近原始的Java源代码。它对于没有源代码的第三方库...
MyEclipse 7.0是基于Eclipse的一款强大的Java集成开发环境,尤其在企业级应用开发方面具有广泛的应用。这款软件提供了丰富的功能,包括代码编辑、调试、部署、数据库管理等,但默认界面为英文,对于一些不熟悉英文的...
MyEclipse7.0 下载地址: downloads.myeclipseide.com/downloads/products/eworkbench/7.0M1/MyEclipse_7.0M1_E3.4.0_Installer.exe http://downloads.myeclipseide.co ... 3.4.0_Installer.exe 1、建立java ...
myeclipse 7.0 破解另类的破解方法
例如,7.0GA可能是对7.0版本的全局可用(General Availability)版本,意味着它是稳定且面向大众发布的。而8.5G则可能增加了对更多技术和框架的支持,优化了用户体验。 对于中文用户来说,虽然MyEclipse提供了多...
Myeclipse7.0的注册机源代码 Myeclipse7.0的注册机源代码 Myeclipse7.0的注册机源代码 Myeclipse7.0的注册机源代码 Myeclipse7.0的注册机源代码
【MyEclipse 7.0 Milestone-1汉化包】是针对MyEclipse集成开发环境的一个语言包,主要用于将MyEclipse的工作界面从英文转换为简体中文,以适应中国用户的需求。MyEclipse是一款功能强大的Java EE集成开发工具,它...
【标题】"MyEclipse 7.0 M1注册码" 涉及的是一个流行的Java集成开发环境MyEclipse的早期版本——MyEclipse 7.0 Milestone 1(M1)的激活码问题。MyEclipse是基于Eclipse平台的商业扩展,提供了丰富的功能,包括Java...
《MyEclipse 7.0中文攻略》是针对这款强大的Java集成开发环境(IDE)的中文使用指南,旨在帮助用户更好地理解和操作MyEclipse 7.0版本。本攻略不仅涵盖了基本功能,还深入到高级特性,使得中文用户能够无障碍地进行...