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GAE SDK 1.4.0 发布了!

  • The Always On feature allows applications to pay and keep 3 instances of their application always running, which can significantly reduce application latency.
  • Developers can now enable Warmup Requests. By specifying a handler in an app's appengine-web.xml, App Engine will attempt to send a Warmup Request to initialize new instances before a user interacts with it. This can reduce the latency an end-user sees for initializing your application.
  • The Channel API is now available for all users.
  • Task Queue has been officially released, and is no longer an experimental feature. The API import paths that use 'labs' have been deprecated. Task queue storage will count towards an application's overall storage quota, and will thus be charged for.
  • The deadline for Task Queue and Cron requests has been raised to 10 minutes. Datastore and API deadlines within those requests remain unchanged.
  • For the Task Queue, developers can specify task retry-parameters in their queue.xml.
  • Apps that have enabled billing are allowed up to 100 queues with the Task Queue API.
  • Metadata Queries on the datastore for datastore kinds, namespaces, and entity properties are available.
  • URL Fetch allowed response size has been increased, up to 32 MB. Request size is still limited to 1 MB.
  • The request and response sizes for the Images API have been increased to 32 MB.
  • The total size of Memcache batch operations is increased to 32 MB. The 1 MB limit on individual Memcache objects still applies.
  • The attachment size for outgoing emails has been increased from 1 MB to 10 MB. The size limit for incoming emails is still 10 MB.
  • Size and quantity limits on datastore batch get/put/delete operations have been removed. Individual entities are still limited to 1 MB, but your app may batch as many entities together for get/put/delete calls as the overall datastore deadline will allow for.
  • When iterating over query results, the datastore will now asynchronously prefetch results, reducing latency in many cases by 10-15%.
  • The Admin Console Blacklist page lists the top blacklist rejected visitors.
  • The automatic image thumbnailing service supports arbitrary crop sizes up to 1600px.
  • Overall average instance latency in the Admin Console is now a weighted average over QPS per instance.
  • Added a low-level AysncDatastoreService for making calls to the datastore asynchronously.
  • Added a getBodyAsBytes() method to QueueStateInfo.TaskStateInfo, this returns the body of the task state as a pure byte-string.
  • The whitelist has been updated to include all classes from javax.xml.soap.
  • Fixed an issue sending email to multiple recipients.
  • Revert the default logging level during GWT hosted mode back to INFO.
  • Fixed an issue with OpenId over SSL.


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    6. **测试与调试**:在本地开发环境中使用GAE SDK进行测试是非常重要的,确保你的应用在部署到生产环境之前能够在模拟的GAE环境中正常工作。你还需要使用GAE的控制台来监控应用的性能和错误日志。 7. **源码分析**...


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    1. **Google App Engine环境设置**:首先,你需要在本地机器上安装Google Cloud SDK,这是一个包含所有必要的工具来与GAE交互的软件开发套件。通过SDK,你可以使用命令行工具`gcloud`进行项目创建、部署和管理。 2....




    通过这个入门教程,你将学会如何使用 GAE 构建一个完整的 web 应用,包括基础的页面显示、用户认证、数据存储、表单处理和应用发布。这个教程覆盖了 GAE 开发的关键概念和技术,是学习 GAE 开发的良好起点。

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    This file comes with the GAE SDK. * Edit jiql.jsp accordingly. * Test jiql with the jiql.jsp 发布版本: 2010年1月4日修正版下载 更新地址:http://red-power.appspot.com 注意关注新版本


    8. **测试与部署**:在本地运行GAE开发服务器进行测试,确认一切正常后,使用GAE SDK的命令行工具将应用上传到Google云进行部署。 标签中的"源码"提示我们关注实际的代码实现,而"工具"可能指的是GAE SDK和Django这...


    1. **开发环境设置**:首先,你需要安装Google的SDK,它包含了必要的开发工具,如SDK管理器、App Engine SDK和本地开发服务器。这使得开发者可以在本地环境中测试和调试应用,确保在部署到云端前一切正常。 2. **...


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