AbstractChannel 是ChannelOutboundInvoker 的子类。
DefaultPipeLine 是ChannelOutboundInvoker 的子类。
那么哪个类才是真正实现ChannelOutboundInvoker 的功能? 是DefaultPipeLine 。
那AbstractChannel 为什么要实现ChannelOutboundInvoker ?
AbstractChannel 中实现了ChannelOutboundInvoker 的方法:只是简单的委派给DefaultPipeLine 。
AbstractChannel 中实现了ChannelOutboundInvoker 目的:在channel中平滑的调用ChannelOutboundInvoker 方法(委派给DefaultPipeLine ),相当于AbstractChannel 是DefaultPipeLine 的代理。
/** * * 持有多个Attribute对象,并通过AttributeKey可以获了 * 实现必须是线程安全的 */ public interface AttributeMap { /** * 通过AttributeKey 获取Attribute,如果没有就创建一个默认的Attribute返回 */ <T> Attribute<T> attr(AttributeKey<T> key); /** * 是否存在AttributeKey对应的Attribute */ <T> boolean hasAttr(AttributeKey<T> key); } /** * DefaultAttributeMap 实现了AttributeMap,内部使用 * private volatile AtomicReferenceArray<DefaultAttribute<?>> attributes; 保存DefaultAttribute 。 **/ public class DefaultAttributeMap implements AttributeMap { } public interface ChannelOutboundInvoker { /** * 请求端口绑定到SocketAddress并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} method * called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress); /** * 请求连接远端地址(SocketAddress)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * * 如果连接超时,触发ChannelFuture 失败with ConnectTimeoutException * 如果连接拒绝,触发ChannelFuture 失败with ConnectException * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)—>this */ ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress); /** * 请求连接远端地址(SocketAddress)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)—>this */ ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress); /** * 请求远端断开连接并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture disconnect(); /** * Request to close the {@link Channel} and notify the {@link ChannelFuture} once the operation completes, * either because the operation was successful or because of * an error. * 请求连接关闭 并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 一旦连接关闭,不能再重复使用它 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture close(); /** * 请求从关联的EventExecutor上取消注册(不再获取此channel上的网络事件,read,write等)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#deregister(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#deregister(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture deregister(); /** * 请求端口绑定到SocketAddress并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} method * called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise); /** * Request to connect to the given {@link SocketAddress} and notify the {@link ChannelFuture} once the operation * completes, either because the operation was successful or because of an error. * * The given {@link ChannelFuture} will be notified. * 请求连接远端地址(SocketAddress)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * <p> * If the connection fails because of a connection timeout, the {@link ChannelFuture} will get failed with * a {@link ConnectTimeoutException}. If it fails because of connection refused a {@link ConnectException} * will be used. * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, ChannelPromise promise); /** * 请求连接远端地址(SocketAddress)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler#connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise); /** * 请求远端断开连接并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture disconnect(ChannelPromise promise); /** * Request to close the {@link Channel} and notify the {@link ChannelFuture} once the operation completes, * either because the operation was successful or because of * an error. * * After it is closed it is not possible to reuse it again. * 请求连接关闭 并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 一旦连接关闭,不能再重复使用它 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * The given {@link ChannelPromise} will be notified. * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture close(ChannelPromise promise); /** * 请求从关联的EventExecutor上取消注册(不再获取此channel上的网络事件,read,write等)并通知ChannelFuture 操作成功或失败 * 同时 ChannelPromise被通知操作成功或失败 * <p> * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#deregister(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.deregister(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)-->this */ ChannelFuture deregister(ChannelPromise promise); /** * 从channel中读取数据-->第1个InBoundBuffer: * 1.触发ChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object)事件(读出数据的情况下) * 2.触发ChannelInboundHandler.channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext) 事件 * 如果已经有挂起的读取操作,则此方法不执行任何操作。 * This will result in having the * {@link ChannelOutboundHandler#read(ChannelHandlerContext)} * method called of the next {@link ChannelOutboundHandler} contained in the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the * {@link Channel}. * 调用源: * channel-->ChannelPipeline-->ChannelOutboundHandler.read(ChannelHandlerContext)-->this */ ChannelOutboundInvoker read(); /** * Request to write a message via this {@link ChannelHandlerContext} through the {@link ChannelPipeline}. * This method will not request to actual flush, so be sure to call {@link #flush()} * once you want to request to flush all pending data to the actual transport. * 这个方法调用->ChannelHandlerContext.ChannelPipeline 写入缓冲区,但不会立即发送出去,除非调用Flush方法 * */ ChannelFuture write(Object msg); /** * Request to write a message via this {@link ChannelHandlerContext} through the {@link ChannelPipeline}. * This method will not request to actual flush, so be sure to call {@link #flush()} * once you want to request to flush all pending data to the actual transport. * 这个方法调用->ChannelHandlerContext.ChannelPipeline 写入缓冲区,但不会立即发送出去,除非调用Flush方法 * 方法调用完成,ChannelPromise会得到通知 */ ChannelFuture write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise); /** * Request to flush all pending messages via this ChannelOutboundInvoker. * 写入缓冲区数据发送出去 */ ChannelOutboundInvoker flush(); /** * 先调用write(Object, ChannelPromise)再调用flush() */ ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise); /** * 先调用write(Object)再调用flush() */ ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg); /** * 创建一个ChannelPromise */ ChannelPromise newPromise(); /** * 创建一个newProgressivePromise */ ChannelProgressivePromise newProgressivePromise(); /** * * 创建一个标记为成功的ChannelFuture,ChannelFuture.isSuccess()==true,添加到此ChannelFuture上的FutureListener立即被通知 */ ChannelFuture newSucceededFuture(); /** * 创建一个标记为失败的ChannelFuture,ChannelFuture.isSuccess()==false,添加到此ChannelFuture上的FutureListener立即被通知 */ ChannelFuture newFailedFuture(Throwable cause); /** * Return a special ChannelPromise which can be reused for different operations. * <p> * It's only supported to use * it for {@link ChannelOutboundInvoker#write(Object, ChannelPromise)}. * </p> * <p> * Be aware that the returned {@link ChannelPromise} will not support most operations and should only be used * if you want to save an object allocation for every write operation. You will not be able to detect if the * operation was complete, only if it failed as the implementation will call * {@link ChannelPipeline#fireExceptionCaught(Throwable)} in this case. * </p> * <strong>Be aware this is an expert feature and should be used with care!</strong> */ ChannelPromise voidPromise(); } /** * 一个channel(socket)通道,支持 read,write,connect,bind * 提供: * 1.查询channel状态 ,如 open? connected? * 2.通过ChannelConfig 配置channel参数 ,如接收发送缓冲区大小等 * 3.IO操作read, write, connect, and bind * 4.通过此channel关联的ChannelPipeline 触发IO事件 * 所有的IO操作都是异步的,所有操作立即返回ChannelFuture,通过ChannelFuture来获取操作结果 * SocketChannel 的parent()方法返回accept它的ServerSocketChannel * */ public interface Channel extends AttributeMap, ChannelOutboundInvoker, Comparable<Channel> { /** * 返回channel 唯一的ID */ ChannelId id(); /** * 每一个Channel都注册到EventLoop,返回Channel关联的EventLoop */ EventLoop eventLoop(); /** * 返回此channel的parent */ Channel parent(); /** * 返回channel对应的配置类ChannelConfig */ ChannelConfig config(); /** * channel 是否open? */ boolean isOpen(); /** * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Channel} is registered with an {@link EventLoop}. * channel 是否被注册到EventLoop(EventExecutor的实现) */ boolean isRegistered(); /** * Return {@code true} if the {@link Channel} is active and so connected. * 返回Channel是否是active?(已经连接Connected) */ boolean isActive(); /** * Return the {@link ChannelMetadata} of the {@link Channel} which describe the nature of the {@link Channel}. */ ChannelMetadata metadata(); /** * * 返回channel 的本地地址(可转换为InetSocketAddress类型获取详细信息) */ SocketAddress localAddress(); /** * 返回channel 的连接的远程地址(可转换为InetSocketAddress类型获取详细信息) */ SocketAddress remoteAddress(); /** * 返回ChannelFuture,当channel被关闭时,ChannelFuture被触发,多次调用返回同一实列 */ ChannelFuture closeFuture(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the I/O thread will perform the * requested write operation immediately. Any write requests made when * this method returns {@code false} are queued until the I/O thread is * ready to process the queued write requests. */ boolean isWritable(); /** * Get how many bytes can be written until {@link #isWritable()} returns {@code false}. * This quantity will always be non-negative. If {@link #isWritable()} is {@code false} then 0. * 获取当前channel能够写入多少字节 * 当isWritable()==false,返回0 * 理解:写入缓冲区能写多少数据 */ long bytesBeforeUnwritable(); /** * Get how many bytes must be drained from underlying buffers until {@link #isWritable()} returns {@code true}. * This quantity will always be non-negative. If {@link #isWritable()} is {@code true} then 0. */ long bytesBeforeWritable(); /** * Returns an <em>internal-use-only</em> object that provides unsafe operations. */ Unsafe unsafe(); /** * 返回关联的ChannelPipeline */ ChannelPipeline pipeline(); /** * 返回ByteBufAllocator,用于创建ByteBuf对象 */ ByteBufAllocator alloc(); @Override Channel read(); @Override Channel flush(); /** * Unsafe不应该由用户代码调用。 * Unsafe提供了IO调用方法(从IO线程调用) * invoker()、localAddress()、remoteAddress()、closeForcibly()、register(EventLoop, ChannelPromise)、 * deregister(ChannelPromise)、voidPromise() 可由其它线程调用。 */ interface Unsafe { /** * 返回 RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle, * RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle 用来给接收的数据分配ByteBuf */ RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle recvBufAllocHandle(); /** * 返回本地网络地址 */ SocketAddress localAddress(); /** * 返回远程网络地址 */ SocketAddress remoteAddress(); /** * 注册ChannelPromise里的channel,当注册完成后通知ChannelFuture */ void register(EventLoop eventLoop, ChannelPromise promise); /** * Bind the SocketAddress ,完成后通知ChannelPromise */ void bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise); /** * 本地channel(ChannelPromise内部)连接远程地址,完成后通知ChannelPromise * localAddress可空 */ void connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise); /** * 断开连接(Channel在ChannelPromise内部),完成后通知ChannelPromise */ void disconnect(ChannelPromise promise); /** * 关闭Channel(Channel在ChannelPromise内部),完成后并通知ChannelPromise */ void close(ChannelPromise promise); /** * 立即关闭channel 并不触发任务事件,但当注册失败情况下触发。 */ void closeForcibly(); /** * Deregister the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelPromise} from {@link EventLoop} and notify the * {@link ChannelPromise} once the operation was complete. * 通过EventLoop注销(Deregister)channel(Channel在ChannelPromise内部),完成后通知ChannelPromise */ void deregister(ChannelPromise promise); /** * Schedules a read operation that fills the inbound buffer of the first {@link ChannelInboundHandler} in the * {@link ChannelPipeline}. If there's already a pending read operation, this method does nothing. * 调用读操作添充缓冲区(ChannelInboundHandler 在ChannelPipeline 内部) */ void beginRead(); /** * Schedules a write operation. */ void write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise); /** * Flush out all write operations scheduled via {@link #write(Object, ChannelPromise)}. */ void flush(); /** * Return a special ChannelPromise which can be reused and passed to the operations in {@link Unsafe}. * It will never be notified of a success or error and so is only a placeholder for operations * that take a {@link ChannelPromise} as argument but for which you not want to get notified. */ ChannelPromise voidPromise(); /** * Returns the {@link ChannelOutboundBuffer} of the {@link Channel} where the pending write requests are stored. * 返回一个ChannelOutboundBuffer(缓冲区对象) */ ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer(); } } public abstract class AbstractChannel extends DefaultAttributeMap implements Channel { private final Channel parent;//构建器参数赋值 private final ChannelId id;//构建器创建一个DefaultChannelId private final Unsafe unsafe;//构建器 创建一个 newUnsafe private final DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline;//构建器 创建 new DefaultChannelPipeline(this); private final VoidChannelPromise unsafeVoidPromise = new VoidChannelPromise(this, false); private final CloseFuture closeFuture = new CloseFuture(this);//一个实例 private volatile SocketAddress localAddress;//localAddress()调用时通过 unsafe().remoteAddress()获取; private volatile SocketAddress remoteAddress;//remoteAddress()调用时通过 unsafe().remoteAddress()获取; private volatile EventLoop eventLoop; //在unsafe.register方法被调时,赋值,值来源于参数 private volatile boolean registered;//在unsafe.register方法被调时,赋值,值来源于注册结果 protected AbstractChannel(Channel parent) { this.parent = parent;//父channel id = newId();//创建一个DefaultChannelId unsafe = newUnsafe();//创建Unsafe pipeline = newChannelPipeline();//创建 new DefaultChannelPipeline(this); } public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress) { return pipeline.bind(localAddress); } public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress) { return pipeline.connect(remoteAddress); } public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress) { return pipeline.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress);} /** * 以下网络IO方法都与上面三个类都,功能都委派给pipeline的同名方法执行。 **/ public ChannelFuture disconnect() ; public ChannelFuture close() ; public ChannelFuture deregister(); public Channel flush() ; public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) ; public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, ChannelPromise promise) ; public ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) ; public ChannelFuture disconnect(ChannelPromise promise); public ChannelFuture close(ChannelPromise promise); public ChannelFuture deregister(ChannelPromise promise); public Channel read() ; public ChannelFuture write(Object msg) ; public ChannelFuture write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise); public ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg) ; public ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) ; public ChannelPromise newPromise(); public ChannelProgressivePromise newProgressivePromise() ; public ChannelFuture newSucceededFuture(); public ChannelFuture newFailedFuture(Throwable cause) ; /** * * AbstractUnsafe 功能: * 1.触发网络IO事件调用(方法是AbstractChannel子类实现)doBind、doDisconnect、doClose、doBeginRead、doWrite * 2.对ChannelPromise 设置结果:成功或失败 * 3.触发pipeline.fireXXXX();方法 */ protected abstract class AbstractUnsafe implements Unsafe { //io缓存 private volatile ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = new ChannelOutboundBuffer(AbstractChannel.this); //用来给接收的数据分配ByteBuf private RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle recvHandle; //是否Flush private boolean inFlush0; //默认未注册 private boolean neverRegistered = true; @Override public RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle recvBufAllocHandle() { if (recvHandle == null) {//从config中获取RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle recvHandle = config().getRecvByteBufAllocator().newHandle(); } return recvHandle; } @Override public final SocketAddress localAddress() { return localAddress0(); } @Override public final SocketAddress remoteAddress() { return remoteAddress0(); } @Override public final void register(EventLoop eventLoop, final ChannelPromise promise) { AbstractChannel.this.eventLoop = eventLoop;//给AbstractChannel.eventLoop赋值 if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) {//如果是内部线程(NioEventLoop启动的线程),直接调用register0注册 register0(promise); } else { try { eventLoop.execute(new Runnable() {//添加到NioEventLoop的任务队列,由内部线程从队列中取出再执行任务->调用register0 @Override public void run() { register0(promise); } }); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } private void register0(ChannelPromise promise) { try { // check if the channel is still open as it could be closed in the mean time when the register // call was outside of the eventLoop if (!promise.setUncancellable() || !ensureOpen(promise)) { return; } boolean firstRegistration = neverRegistered; doRegister();//执行注册操作 neverRegistered = false;//改为状态 registered = true;//channel 改变状态 // Ensure we call handlerAdded(...) before we actually notify the promise. This is needed as the // user may already fire events through the pipeline in the ChannelFutureListener. pipeline.invokeHandlerAddedIfNeeded(); safeSetSuccess(promise);//设置ChannelPromise 为成功 pipeline.fireChannelRegistered();//触发注册事件 // Only fire a channelActive if the channel has never been registered. This prevents firing // multiple channel actives if the channel is deregistered and re-registered. if (isActive()) { if (firstRegistration) { pipeline.fireChannelActive();//只触发一次ChannelActive事件 } else if (config().isAutoRead()) {//config 自动读取为true,则自动调用读取IO读取 // This channel was registered before and autoRead() is set. This means we need to begin read // again so that we process inbound data. // // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/4805 beginRead(); } } } catch (Throwable t) { } } @Override public final void bind(final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) { boolean wasActive = isActive(); try { doBind(localAddress); } catch (Throwable t) {} if (!wasActive && isActive()) {// invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {//只触发一次ChannelActive事件 pipeline.fireChannelActive(); } }); } safeSetSuccess(promise);//设置ChannelPromise 为成功 } @Override public final void disconnect(final ChannelPromise promise) { boolean wasActive = isActive(); try { doDisconnect();//执行网络断开 } catch (Throwable t) { safeSetFailure(promise, t); closeIfClosed(); return; } if (wasActive && !isActive()) { invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {//只触发一次ChannelInactive事件 pipeline.fireChannelInactive(); } }); } safeSetSuccess(promise); closeIfClosed(); // doDisconnect() might have closed the channel } @Override public final void close(final ChannelPromise promise) { close(promise, CLOSE_CLOSED_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION, CLOSE_CLOSED_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION, false); } private void close(final ChannelPromise promise, final Throwable cause, final ClosedChannelException closeCause, final boolean notify) { final ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; if (closeFuture.isDone()) {//closeFuture 只有一个实例,如果已经close了,直接返回 // Closed already. safeSetSuccess(promise);//设置ChannelPromise 为成功 return; } final boolean wasActive = isActive(); this.outboundBuffer = null; // Disallow adding any messages and flushes to outboundBuffer. try { // Close the channel and fail the queued messages in all cases. doClose0(promise);//关闭 } finally { } if (inFlush0) { invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fireChannelInactiveAndDeregister(wasActive);//触发deregister、fireChannelInactive } }); } else { fireChannelInactiveAndDeregister(wasActive);//触发deregister、fireChannelInactive } } private void doClose0(ChannelPromise promise) { try { doClose();//执行关闭 closeFuture.setClosed();//设置closeFuture 状态 safeSetSuccess(promise);//设置ChannelPromise 为成功 } catch (Throwable t) { closeFuture.setClosed(); safeSetFailure(promise, t); } } private void fireChannelInactiveAndDeregister(final boolean wasActive) { deregister(voidPromise(), wasActive && !isActive()); } @Override public final void deregister(final ChannelPromise promise) { assertEventLoop(); deregister(promise, false); } private void deregister(final ChannelPromise promise, final boolean fireChannelInactive) { if (!registered) {//没有注册过,直接设置ChannelPromise成功并返回 safeSetSuccess(promise); return; } doDeregister();//调用doDeregister方法 } @Override public final void beginRead() { try { doBeginRead(); } catch (final Exception e) { invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { pipeline.fireExceptionCaught(e);//读取时有异常,触发ExceptionCaught事件 } }); close(voidPromise()); } } @Override public final void write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) { ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; msg = filterOutboundMessage(msg); size = pipeline.estimatorHandle().size(msg); outboundBuffer.addMessage(msg, size, promise);//写入的数据存入ChannelOutboundBuffer } @Override public final void flush() { ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; outboundBuffer.addFlush();//将未flush过的数据打上状态,以便flush时取出发送 flush0(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void flush0() { if (inFlush0) { // Avoid re-entrance return; } final ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this.outboundBuffer; inFlush0 = true; try { doWrite(outboundBuffer); } catch (Throwable t) { //异常处理 } finally { inFlush0 = false; } } private void invokeLater(Runnable task) { try { eventLoop().execute(task);//添加到NioEventLoop 执行队列,由内部线程执行 } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { logger.warn("Can't invoke task later as EventLoop rejected it", e); } } } /** * 以下方法为真正调用IO的代码,由子类实现 */ protected abstract SocketAddress localAddress0(); protected abstract SocketAddress remoteAddress0(); protected void doRegister() throws Exception { // NOOP } protected abstract void doBind(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception; protected abstract void doDisconnect() throws Exception; protected abstract void doClose() throws Exception; protected void doDeregister() throws Exception { // NOOP } protected abstract void doBeginRead() throws Exception; protected abstract void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception; protected Object filterOutboundMessage(Object msg) throws Exception { return msg; } /** * 实现部分selector及selectkey相关操作:注册,取消注册,监听channel的读取 * 以及AbstractNioUnsafe 实现了connect方法 */ public abstract class AbstractNioChannel extends AbstractChannel { @Override protected void doRegister() throws Exception {//在selector上注册channel boolean selected = false; for (;;) { try { selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().selector, 0, this);//attachment==AbstractNioChannel return; } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { } } } @Override protected void doDeregister() throws Exception { eventLoop().cancel(selectionKey());//取消channel所有事件监听 } @Override protected void doBeginRead() throws Exception { final int interestOps = selectionKey.interestOps(); if ((interestOps & readInterestOp) == 0) { selectionKey.interestOps(interestOps | readInterestOp);//让selector 监听channel的读取 } } protected abstract class AbstractNioUnsafe extends AbstractUnsafe implements NioUnsafe { @Override public final void connect( final SocketAddress remoteAddress, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) { try { if (doConnect(remoteAddress, localAddress)) {//由子类实现 if (!wasActive && active) { pipeline().fireChannelActive();//只触发一次fireChannelActive事件 } } else { // } } catch (Throwable t) { promise.tryFailure(annotateConnectException(t, remoteAddress)); closeIfClosed(); } } } } /** * 实现io read,write */ public abstract class AbstractNioByteChannel extends AbstractNioChannel { protected class NioByteUnsafe extends AbstractNioUnsafe { @Override public final void read() { final ChannelConfig config = config(); final ChannelPipeline pipeline = pipeline(); final ByteBufAllocator allocator = config.getAllocator(); final RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle allocHandle = recvBufAllocHandle(); allocHandle.reset(config); ByteBuf byteBuf = null; boolean close = false; try { do { byteBuf = allocHandle.allocate(allocator); allocHandle.lastBytesRead(doReadBytes(byteBuf)); doReadBytes//由子类实现 allocHandle.incMessagesRead(1); readPending = false; pipeline.fireChannelRead(byteBuf);触发pipeline.fireChannelRead事件(对象类型为ByteBuf) byteBuf = null; } while (allocHandle.continueReading()); allocHandle.readComplete(); pipeline.fireChannelReadComplete();触发pipeline.fireChannelReadComplete事件 } catch (Throwable t) { //ignore } finally { //ignore } } } } /** * 执行写入操作 * 在写入缓中区中ChannelOutboundBuffer 获取需要发送的数据进入网络发送(Write)直到没有发送的事件---》在selector上取消write监听 * 如果由于网络写入缓冲区没有空间,在selector上注册write监听,并写添加任务队列任务,由线程调用flush方法继续发送 */ protected void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception { int writeSpinCount = -1; boolean setOpWrite = false; for (;;) { Object msg = in.current();//flush方法标记过的需要发送的数据 if (msg == null) { // Wrote all messages. clearOpWrite();//如果没有需要写入的数据,则在select 取消write监听 // Directly return here so incompleteWrite(...) is not called. return;//退出 } if (msg instanceof ByteBuf) { ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg; int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes();// boolean done = false; long flushedAmount = 0; if (writeSpinCount == -1) { writeSpinCount = config().getWriteSpinCount(); } for (int i = writeSpinCount - 1; i >= 0; i --) { int localFlushedAmount = doWriteBytes(buf); //doWriteBytes由子类实现数据写入 if (localFlushedAmount == 0) {//网络写入缓冲区不可以写入了,停止写入,退出 setOpWrite = true;//标记为未完成写入 break; } flushedAmount += localFlushedAmount; if (!buf.isReadable()) {//没有数据需要发送了 done = true; break; } } in.progress(flushedAmount);//标记已发送的数据量,以便下次发送时接着发送 if (done) {//没有数据需要发送了 in.remove();//ChannelOutboundBuffer 移除已发送的数据 } else { // Break the loop and so incompleteWrite(...) is called. break; } } else if (msg instanceof FileRegion) { //ignore } else { // Should not reach here. throw new Error(); } } incompleteWrite(setOpWrite); } /** * 未完成写入,在selector上注册写入事件,添加到任务队列执行:flush-->this.doWrite() 继续发送 **/ protected final void incompleteWrite(boolean setOpWrite) { // Did not write completely. if (setOpWrite) { setOpWrite();//在selector上注册写入事件 } else { // Schedule flush again later so other tasks can be picked up in the meantime Runnable flushTask = this.flushTask; if (flushTask == null) { flushTask = this.flushTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flush(); } }; } eventLoop().execute(flushTask);//线程中调用继续写入 } } } /** * * 调用jdk SocketChannel 实现网络操作,read,write , */ public class NioSocketChannel extends AbstractNioByteChannel implements io.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannel { @Override public boolean isActive() { SocketChannel ch = javaChannel(); return ch.isOpen() && ch.isConnected(); } @Override protected SocketAddress localAddress0() { return javaChannel().socket().getLocalSocketAddress(); } @Override protected SocketAddress remoteAddress0() { return javaChannel().socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); } @Override protected void doBind(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception { doBind0(localAddress); } private void doBind0(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception { if (PlatformDependent.javaVersion() >= 7) { javaChannel().bind(localAddress); } else { javaChannel().socket().bind(localAddress); } } @Override protected boolean doConnect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception { if (localAddress != null) { doBind0(localAddress); } boolean success = false; try { boolean connected = javaChannel().connect(remoteAddress); if (!connected) { selectionKey().interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); } success = true; return connected; } finally { if (!success) { doClose(); } } } @Override protected void doFinishConnect() throws Exception { if (!javaChannel().finishConnect()) { throw new Error(); } } @Override protected void doDisconnect() throws Exception { doClose(); } @Override protected void doClose() throws Exception { super.doClose(); javaChannel().close(); } @Override protected int doReadBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf) throws Exception { final RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle allocHandle = unsafe().recvBufAllocHandle(); allocHandle.attemptedBytesRead(byteBuf.writableBytes()); return byteBuf.writeBytes(javaChannel(), allocHandle.attemptedBytesRead()); } @Override protected int doWriteBytes(ByteBuf buf) throws Exception { final int expectedWrittenBytes = buf.readableBytes(); return buf.readBytes(javaChannel(), expectedWrittenBytes); } }
这个“netty-4.1.zip”压缩包包含的是Netty框架的4.1版本源代码,对于Java后端开发者来说,深入学习和理解Netty的源码能极大地提升网络编程的能力。 Netty的核心设计理念是基于Reactor模式,这是一种处理并发I/O...
Channel有多种实现,如NioSocketChannel、NioServerSocketChannel等,对应不同的网络通信方式。 4. **EventLoop和EventLoopGroup**:每个Channel都关联一个EventLoop,负责处理该Channel上的事件。EventLoopGroup是...
半挂汽车列车横向稳定性控制研究:基于模糊PID与制动力矩分配的联合仿真分析在典型工况下的表现,半挂汽车列车在典型工况下的横向稳定性控制研究:基于模糊PID与制动力矩分配的联合仿真分析,半挂汽车列车4自由度6轴整车model,横向稳定性控制,在低附着系数路面,进行典型3个工况,角阶跃,双移线,方向盘转角。 采用算法:模糊PID,制动力矩分配,最优滑移率滑膜控制。 以上基于trucksim和simulink联合仿真,有对应 p-a-p-e-r参考 ,关键词: 1. 半挂汽车列车 2. 4自由度6轴整车model 3. 横向稳定性控制 4. 低附着系数路面 5. 典型工况(角阶跃、双移线、方向盘转角) 6. 模糊PID算法 7. 制动力矩分配 8. 最优滑移率滑膜控制 9. Trucksim和Simulink联合仿真 10. P-A-P-E-R参考; 用分号隔开上述关键词为:半挂汽车列车; 4自由度6轴整车model; 横向稳定性控制; 低附着系数路面; 典型工况; 模糊PID算法; 制动力矩分配; 最优滑移率滑膜控制; Trucksim和Simulink联合仿真; P-A-P-E-R参考
路径规划人工势场法及其改进算法Matlab代码实现,路径规划人工势场法及其改进算法Matlab代码实现,路径规划人工势场法以及改进人工势场法matlab代码,包含了 ,路径规划; 人工势场法; 改进人工势场法; MATLAB代码; 分隔词“;”。,基于Matlab的改进人工势场法路径规划算法研究
三菱FX3U步进电机FB块的应用:模块化程序实现电机换算,提高稳定性和移植性,三菱FX3U步进电机换算FB块:模块化编程实现电机控制的高效性与稳定性提升,三菱FX3U 步进电机算FB块 FB块的使用可以使程序模块化简单化,进而提高了程序的稳定性和可移植性。 此例中使用FB块,可以实现步进电机的算,已知距离求得脉冲数,已知速度可以求得频率。 程序中包含有FB和ST内容;移植方便,在其他程序中可以直接添加已写好的FB块。 ,三菱FX3U;步进电机换算;FB块;程序模块化;稳定性;可移植性;距离与脉冲数换算;速度与频率换算;FB和ST内容;移植方便。,三菱FX3U步进电机换算FB块:程序模块化与高稳定性实现
光伏逆变器TMS320F28335设计方案:Boost升压与单相全桥逆变,PWM与SPWM控制,MPPT恒压跟踪法实现,基于TMS320F28335DSP的光伏逆变器设计方案:Boost升压与单相全桥逆变电路实现及MPPT技术解析,光伏逆变器设计方案TMS320F28335-176资料 PCB 原理图 源代码 1. 本设计DC-DC采用Boost升压,DCAC采用单相全桥逆变电路结构。 2. 以TI公司的浮点数字信号控制器TMS320F28335DSP为控制电路核心,采用规则采样法和DSP片内ePWM模块功能实现PWM和SPWM波。 3. PV最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)采用了恒压跟踪法(CVT法)来实现,并用软件锁相环进行系统的同频、同相控制,控制灵活简单。 4.资料包含: 原理图,PCB(Protel或者AD打开),源程序代码(CCS打开),BOM清单,参考资料 ,核心关键词:TMS320F28335-176; 光伏逆变器; 升压; 逆变电路; 数字信号控制器; 规则采样法; ePWM模块; PWM; SPWM波; MPPT; 恒压跟踪法; 原理图; PCB; 源程序代码; BOM
昆仑通态触摸屏与两台台达VFD-M变频器通讯实现:频率设定、启停控制与状态指示功能接线及设置说明,昆仑通态TPC7062KD触摸屏与两台台达VFD-M变频器通讯程序:实现频率设定、启停控制与状态指示,昆仑通态MCGS与2台台达VFD-M变频器通讯程序实现昆仑通态触摸屏与2台台达VFD-M变频器通讯,程序稳定可靠 器件:昆仑通态TPC7062KD触摸屏,2台台达VFD-M变频器,附送接线说明和设置说明 功能:实现频率设定,启停控制,实际频率读取等,状态指示 ,昆仑通态MCGS; 台达VFD-M变频器; 通讯程序; 稳定可靠; 频率设定; 启停控制; 实际频率读取; 状态指示; 接线说明; 设置说明,昆仑通态MCGS与台达VFD-M变频器通讯程序:稳定可靠,双机控制全实现
研控步进电机驱动器方案验证通过,核心技术成熟可生产,咨询优惠价格!硬件原理图与PCB源代码全包括。,研控步进电机驱动器方案验证通过,核心技术掌握,生产准备,咨询实际价格,包含硬件原理图及PCB源代码。,研控步进电机驱动器方案 验证可用,可以生产,欢迎咨询实际价格,快速掌握核心技术。 包括硬件原理图 PCB源代码 ,研控步进电机驱动器方案; 验证可用; 可生产; 核心技术; 硬件原理图; PCB源代码,研控步进电机驱动器方案验证通过,现可生产供应,快速掌握核心技术,附硬件原理图及PCB源代码。
高质量的OPCClient_UA源码分享:基于C#的OPC客户端开发源码集(测试稳定、多行业应用实例、VS编辑器支持),高质量OPC客户端源码解析:OPCClient_UA C#开发,适用于VS2019及多行业现场应用源码分享,OPCClient_UA源码OPC客户端源码(c#开发) 另外有opcserver,opcclient的da,ua版本的见其他链接。 本项目为VS2019开发,可用VS其他版本的编辑器打开项目。 已应用到多个行业的几百个应用现场,长时间运行稳定,可靠。 本项目中提供测试OPCClient的软件开发源码,有详细的注释,二次开发清晰明了。 ,OPCClient_UA; OPC客户端源码; C#开发; VS2019项目; 稳定可靠; 详细注释; 二次开发,OPC客户端源码:稳定可靠的C#开发实现,含详细注释支持二次开发
三菱FX3U六轴标准程序:六轴控制特色及转盘多工位流水作业功能实现,三菱FX3U六轴标准程序:实现3轴本体控制与3个1PG定位模块,轴点动控制、回零控制及定位功能,结合气缸与DD马达控制转盘的多工位流水作业模式,三菱FX3U六轴标准程序,程序包含本体3轴控制,扩展3个1PG定位模块,一共六轴。 程序有轴点动控制,回零控制,相对定位,绝对定位。 另有气缸数个,一个大是DD马达控制的转盘,整个是转盘多工位流水作业方式 ,三菱FX3U;六轴控制;轴点动控制;回零控制;定位模块;DD马达转盘;流水作业方式,三菱FX3U六轴程序控制:转盘流水作业的机械多轴系统
在 GEE(Google Earth Engine)中,XEE 包是一个用于处理和分析地理空间数据的工具。以下是对 GEE 中 XEE 包的具体介绍: 主要特性 地理数据处理:提供强大的函数和工具,用于处理遥感影像和其他地理空间数据。 高效计算:利用云计算能力,支持大规模数据集的快速处理。 可视化:内置可视化工具,方便用户查看和分析数据。 集成性:可以与其他 GEE API 和工具无缝集成,支持多种数据源。 适用场景 环境监测:用于监测森林砍伐、城市扩展、水体变化等环境问题。 农业分析:分析作物生长、土地利用变化等农业相关数据。 气候研究:研究气候变化对生态系统和人类活动的影响。