
wow macro notes

A mostly complete list of slash commands is available at http://www.wowwiki.com/List_of_Slash_Commands

in wow 2.3.2 patch notes

Ready check (/readycheck) will now display a visual display of each party/raid member's status next to their name. This will display in the Party UI, the Raid UI and the Raid pullout UI. A player will get a check mark if they are ready, a question mark if they have not replied and a red X if they are not ready or are afk.

/cast will toggle spells again unless the name is prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g. /castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot

wow 2.3.0 patch notes

  • New macro commands: /targetlastenemy, /targetlastfriend
  • New macro command to target by entire name: /targetexact
  • If you get a message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn", this means that an AddOn interfered with the Blizzard UI in some way. To diagnose this, enter the following into chat "/console taintLog 1" and restart the game and try to reproduce it. If you reproduce it, you can quit the game and search through the file Logs\taint.log for the word "blocked" and mail the log to the author of the AddOn listed there. Once you have done this you can turn off logging by entering the following into chat "/console taintLog 0”
  • For more details on UI macro and scripting changes, see the UI & Macro forum


    WOW_API.rar_WOW Macro A_WOW_API_wow_万年历_魔兽世界

    而“WOW Macro A”可能是指一个特定的宏脚本或教程,可以帮助玩家更好地理解和利用这一系统。通过学习和实践WOW API,玩家不仅可以深入理解游戏机制,还可以提升自己的游戏技能,享受更深层次的魔兽世界体验。

    SAS COURSE NOTES 吐血收集(含:programming1-3、statistic1-2,SQL、macro共8个课程)

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    [confluence插件] confluence-markdown-macro-1.6.22.jar

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    新代数控系统 OpenCNC MACRO手册

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    excel macro

    好用 的 excel macro,可以build好用 的 excel macro,可以build好用 的 excel macro,可以build好用 的 excel macro,可以build



    SAS Macro Make it easy

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    QuickMacro 8

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    开源免费宏自动化工具 Pulover’s Macro Creator 5.4.0 中文免费版.zip

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    在IT领域,宏(Macro)是一种自动化工具,尤其在Microsoft Office应用程序如Word、Excel和PowerPoint中广泛使用。宏允许用户记录和执行一系列操作,以提高工作效率。然而,宏有时可能会引发问题,尤其是在不安全的...


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    赠送jar包:macro-compat_2.12-1.1.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:macro-compat_2.12-1.1.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:macro-compat_2.12-1.1.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:macro-compat_2.12-1.1.1.pom; ...



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    【德意志银行-2024研报-】Asia Macro Strategy Notes India – Signs of.pdf


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