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Pipelines Using Fibers in Ruby 1.9

Ruby1.9中加入的轻量级线程fiber,纤程,让人很迷茫:这玩意到底有啥用?一开始人们说可以用来模拟continuation,然后呢?Dave Thomas给我们指出了一条小路:用来模拟pipeline! 该牛人通过文章告诉我们,人们最终可以利用fiber实现如下效果:
puts (even_numbers | tripler | incrementer | multiple_of_five ).resume




    Generic Pipelines Using Docker(True PDF)

    Generic Pipelines Using Docker The DevOps Guide to Building Reusable, Platform Agnostic CI/CD Frameworks Generic Pipelines Using Docker Author: Brandon Atkinson, Dallas Edwards ISBN-10: 1484236548 ...

    Huggingface NLP pipelines using Transformers.ipynb

    Huggingface NLP pipelines using Transformers.ipynb

    Apress - Generic Pipelines Using Docker.2019

    Apress - Generic Pipelines Using Docker.2019

    Building (Better) Data Pipelines using Apache Airflow

    Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows (a.k.a. DAGs or Directed Acyclic Graphs)

    Future-proof, portable batch and streaming pipelines using Apache Beam

    在现代数据处理领域,Apache Beam是一个重要的开源数据处理框架,它提供了一种统一的方式来表达批处理和流处理算法。使用Apache Beam构建的数据管道具有未来性、可移植性和扩展性,能够跨多个分布式处理运行时环境...

    Beginning Jenkins Blue Ocean: Create Elegant Pipelines With Ease

    What You Will Learn Discover Jenkins Blue Ocean and how to use it ...pipelines from classic Jenkins in Blue Ocean Configure and view test results in Blue Ocean Accurately diagnose pipeline failures ...


    Chapter 8: Building ETL Pipelines Using Kafka Chapter 9: Building Streaming Applications Using Kafka Streams Chapter 10: Kafka Cluster Deployment Chapter 11: Using Kafka in Big Data Applications ...

    Mastering Lambdas Java Programming in a Multicore World

    This Oracle Press book covers: Why lambdas were needed, and how they will change Javaprogramming Syntax of lambda expressions The basic operation of streams and pipelines Using collectors and ...




    Azure Pipelines 是 Azure DevOps 的一个重要组成部分,它提供了一种强大的持续集成 (CI) 和持续交付 (CD) 解决方案,适用于多种应用程序和平台。这个服务允许开发团队自动化代码构建、测试和部署流程,确保软件项目...

    Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow v1

    本资料"Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow v1"可能涵盖了如何使用Apache Airflow v1版本来构建高效的数据处理流程。 Apache Airflow的核心概念包括任务(Task)、DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph,有向无环图)和...

    TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects

    Build efficient deep learning pipelines using the popular Tensorflow framework Train neural networks such as ConvNets, generative models, and LSTMs Includes projects related to Computer Vision, ...

    藏经阁-Building Data Pipelines with S.pdf

    大数据 pipelines 构建和 Spark 集成 本资源摘要信息主要介绍了使用 Spark 和 StreamSets 构建数据 pipelines 的方法,讨论了数据漂移、数据质量和数据集成等问题,并对 Spark 和 StreamSets 的集成进行了详细介绍...


    problem, using too much swap space, and using inefficient backup strategies. Chapter 7, Security Techniques (Guard Your Data), shows how to set up basic security with Redis, disable and obfuscate ...

    【12】Deep speech 2 End-to-end speech recognition in english and mandarin.pdf

    Finally, using a technique called Batch Dispatch with GPUs in the data center, we show that our system can be inexpensively deployed in an online setting, delivering low latency when serving users at ...

    [英文] Tekton Pipelines Document.pdf

    Tekton Pipelines 项目旨在在 Kubernetes 环境中运行,将 Kubernetes 集群作为一个一等公民,并使用容器作为构建块。Tekton Pipelines 的设计哲学在于解耦,意味着一个管道可以被用来部署到任何 Kubernetes 集群,...

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