




看Programming in Scala 源码 33.6

abstract class Parser[+T] ... { p =>
  def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]) = new Parser[T~U] {
  def apply(in: Input) = p(in) match {
    case Success(x, in1) =>
      q(in1) match {
         case Success(y, in2) => Success(new ~(x, y), in2)
         case failure => failure
    case failure => failure


def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]] = { lazy val p = q // lazy argument
      (for(a <- this; b <- p) yield new ~(a,b)).named("~")


def named(n: String): this.type = {name=n; this}

 对这个地方一直不明白,查到了这篇文章 后才了解到它的作用。

  class A {def method1: A = this }
  class B extends A (def method2: B = this}
  val b = new B



class A { def method1: this.type = this }
class B extends A { def method2: this.type = this }
val b = new B








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