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neo4j 未修改jdbc驱动中的连接用户名与密码错识 -
小菜求指点 ivy.xml里面怎么声明 能不说详细点 大 ...
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Flex4项目html-template文件夹解析 -
你好,我在创建Flex4SDK的Project为什么不生成ht ...
Usage Notes
1. Accessing Help and Documentation
The SMDK for .NET components can be easily accessed using the "Symbol Mobility Developer Kit v1.7 for .NET" program group on the Windows Start Menu. This program group provides access to the Help file, Readme file and the Sample applications source code. SMDK for .NET Help has also been integrated with the Microsoft® Visual Studio® environment to provide an enhanced development experience through quicker lookups and intellisense.
2. Developing Applications
Once this package has been installed, creating .NET Compact Framework Applications that target SMDK is fairly simple. Follow the steps below to create a new application.
Create a new "Smart Device Application" project that uses either the Microsoft® Visual Basic.NET or Microsoft® Visual C# languages.
From the "Project" pull-down menu select "Add Reference...".
From the list of .NET assemblies, select the "Symbol" assembly as well as the particular SMDK assembly that matches the functionality you would like to develop with (Example: For barcode scanning applications select "Symbol" and "Symbol.Barcode").
Begin programming your application. Refer to the SMDK API documentation for information on the methods and properties of each class.
3. Developing Applications in VS2005/2008 using the "Symbol" Design Time Components
The device applications for scanning, imager and MSR can be developed using the design time (toolbox) components. SMDK v1.7 for .NET will automatically install these design time components to the toolbox in Visual Studio 2005/2008. These components can be dragged onto a form and begin the development without having to add references.
4. Adding the BarcodeReader Design Time Control to the VS2003 Toolbox
BarcodeReader Design Time control is a design time component that can be dragged onto a form. Before the BarcodeReader design-time control can be used, it must be added to the Visual Studio.NET 2003 toolbox:
- Activate the Toolbox window (Menu: View/Toolbox) from Visual Studio .NET.
- Within the Toolbox, right click the tab where you want to put the BarcodeReader control, and then select "Add/Remove Items..." from the pop-up menu.
- In the "Customize Toolbox" dialog, select the ".NET Framework Components" tab and then click Browse to locate the Symbol.Barcode.Design.dll. This DLL can be found at the following location:
\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003\CompactFrameworkSDK\v1.0.5000\Windows CE\Designer\
- Open Symbol.BarcodeDesign.dll. The BarcodeReader control will show up in the Customize Toolbox dialog. Click OK to close the dialog.
Note: Barcode Design Time is the only component available for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 environment.
5. Application Deployment through Visual Studio
During development, Visual Studio will automatically copy the .NET Compact Framework and SMDK CAB files to your device if they have not already been installed. Your application will then be deployed onto the device. For devices that have the .NET Compact Framework or SMDK class libraries installed, Visual Studio .NET will download the application only.
6. Application Mass Deployment
The following Mass Deployment directories are provided by the SMDK v1.7 for .NET:
Devices OS/CABs Location under \Program Files Windows CE, Windows Mobile 2003 \Symbol Mobility Developer Kit for .NET\v1.7\Windows CE\MassDeployment\CE.NETorWM2003 MKSeries CE 4.2 \Symbol Mobility Developer Kit for .NET\v1.7\Windows CE\MassDeployment\MKSeries
Included in these directories are files (.cab, .cpy, and .reg) that can be used to copy the .NET CF*** and SMDK cab files from an "\Application" partition into the "\Windows" directory and installed on a cold boot. The CAB files are installed using "Startup.exe" to launch wceload.exe (standard CAB installation method) with the command line that contains the name of the CAB file.
*** Please note that the .NET CF CAB files are not provided in the MassDeployment directory.
They can be manually copied from the Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005 directory to the "\Application" folder located on the
device.For Windows CE.NET or Windows Mobile 2003 devices the .NET CF CAB files can be found under "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\CompactFrameworkSDK\v1.0.5000\Windows CE\wce400\armv4" or "Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\CompactFramework\2.0\v2.0\WindowsCE\wce400\armv4".
The included .cpy and .reg files are designed for CF1 cab installation. These files can be customized for CF2 installation. The following lines in the files "symbolmdk.cpy" and "symbolmdk.reg" should be modified to match the .NET CF CAB file.
For Windows CE 5.0 devices, the .NET CF CAB files can be found under "Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\CompactFramework\2.0\v2.0\WindowsCE\wce500\armv4i".
With Visual Studio 2008, these will be avaiable under \Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v2.0\WindowsCE.
\application\netcfv2.ppc.armv4.cab > \windows\netcfv2.ppc.armv4.cab
7. Caution with Power Samples
The CS_PowerSample1 and VB_PowerSample1 have been provided to demonstrate the Power Management features of devices that utilize a Microsoft Power Management architecture (MC9000, MC50, MC3000 etc.). The sample may not function with certain devices. Using Power Management features to change device and system power states should be avoided as it may interfere with the working of the device and may result in unexpected behavior and loss of data.8. Running Samples on MC1000
ScanSample1, AudioSample1 and ResCoordSample1(CS and VB) have been updated to fit the smaller display of the MC1000. Further modifications in the samples have been made to allow for keyboard navigation on the MC1000 where keyboard is the only means of input. Support for keyboard navigation requires the presence of CF1 SP3. Other samples may not be usable on the MC1000 without further modifications.9. Caution with WAN Samples
The WAN sample is provided for demonstrating the usage of TAPI and other WAN related features. This sample program is provided for demonstration purpose only and it should not be used as a production application. This sample will work on only those device that provide WAN capabilities like MC9090.10. Caution with CaptureAccumulateTransfer (CAT) Samples
The CAT sample is provided for demonstrating the usage of capturing and storing data on a device and transmitting it to a host PC using socket technology. This sample program is provided for demonstration purpose only and it should not be used as a production application. Please note that only one client device can connect to the host at any given time.11. Using RFID2 Host Assembly with RD5000
Using the RFID2.Host assembly with RD5000 requires installing additional software package. To obtain this package search for "RFID Control Daemon Package (RFIDControl) For The RD5000" on Support Central. Refer to the documentation provided in the package for installing and performing the remote control operation on RD5000.12. RFID2 Requires that the Application Keeps Track of Configuration
When reconnecting to reader (after incidental or manual disconnect), API assumes default configuration. When the customer application configures reader, and a disconnect operation is performed, the application would need to reconfigure the reader after reconnecting to reader.13. RFID2 Antenna Configuration
If an application needs to change any antenna settings, it must first get the current antenna configuration using IRFIDReader.GetAntennaConfiguration, make the desired changes, and then set the modified antenna configuration using IRFIDReader.SetAntennaConfiguration.14. RFID2 Migration
The help file contains a migration section for porting applications from the Keytone RFID API to the new RFID2 API. Applications written using the older RFID API cannot be ported. A complete rewrite is required.15. RFID2 Write ID exception
When using RD5000 or MC9090 readers, the user application may receive an exception indicating that the write operation could not be verified. The application must handle this exception and either reissue the command or read the tag ID to determine if the write operation actually succeeded.16. RFID2 API Product Support
Refer to Symbol.RFID2.Device assembly section in help file to find out the products supported by Symbol.RFID2
The Symbol Mobility Developer Kit (SMDK) for .NET provides all of the tools necessary to develop C# and VB.NET managed applications for Symbol Mobile Devices. These tools include class libraries, ...
motorola symbol WinCE开发包 for .Net,MK2000 CE 4.2 MK1100 CE 4.2 MC3000 CE 4.2 MC9000 CE 4.2 MC9000 CE 4.2 RFID MC1000 CE 4.2 MC3000 CE 5.0 PPT8800 CE 4.2 MC9000 CE 5.0 MC9090 CE 5.0 MC70 WM 5.0 MC50...
WINCE c#开发经典!
Symbol Mobility Developers Kit for .NET Samples Documentation
Sample applications are designed to demonstrate the usage of assemblies available in SMDK for .NET. They are provided as a learning tool and for quick reference during application development for ...
标题中的“smdk2410 BSP for wince”指的是Samsung S3C2410微处理器在Windows CE(WINCE)操作系统上的板级支持包(Board Support Package,简称BSP)。BSP是硬件厂商为特定硬件平台提供的软件组件,它包含驱动程序...
Sample applications are designed to demonstrate the usage of assemblies available in SMDK for .NET. They are provided as a learning tool and for quick reference during application development for ...
此工具包在V1.3版本中,特别针对.NET框架进行了深度集成,为开发人员提供了一个高效、稳定的开发环境,以提升在移动计算和数据采集设备上的软件性能。 文档内容可能涵盖以下几个关键知识点: 1. **SMDK概述**:...
2. **SMDK2440_GPIO_Usage_v1.0-040628.pdf**:这部分内容可能会讲解S3C2440的GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output)引脚的使用方法,包括配置、驱动模式、中断处理等,对于外设接口的编程至关重要。 3. **SMDK2440...
《SMDK2410与Windows CE 5.0 BSP详解》 SMDK2410(Samsung Mobile Development Kit 2410)是由三星电子推出的一款基于ARM920T内核的微处理器开发板,广泛应用于嵌入式系统设计。它集成了丰富的外围设备接口,如LCD...
【SMDK2410原理图】及【SMDK2410评估板设计图纸】主要涉及的是基于ARM9处理器的系统级开发板,主要用于开发者进行硬件原型设计、软件开发以及性能测试。SMDK是Samsung Mobile Development Kit的缩写,其中SMDK2410是...
这个是我之前上传一个“SMDK2440A_CE5.0_20060703(官方终结版)”的一些遗漏文件,请有需要的及时更新! 下载解压后,请先查看里头的“说明.txt”,他会告诉你改这么做! ------------------------------------- 该...
【SMDK6410】是Samsung Electronics推出的一款基于ARM Cortex-A8处理器的系统级模块(System-on-Module,SoM)。这款模块主要用于嵌入式应用开发,尤其是在工业、汽车电子、医疗设备和消费电子等领域。SMDK6410集成...
《SMDK2440 V1.0电路设计详解》 SMDK2440,全称为Samsung Mobile Development Kit 2440,是一款由三星电子推出的基于ARM920T处理器的开发板。它广泛应用于嵌入式系统、物联网(IoT)设备以及各种智能硬件的研发。SMDK...
描述中的“the loan of an SMDK2443 for Linux v2.13.6”意味着这是一个借阅服务或者资源分享,提供的是SMDK2443开发板在Linux 2.13.6内核环境下的支持。这可能包括驱动程序、库、配置文件等,帮助用户在开发板上...
三星SMDK2450、SMDK2416和SMDK2451是三星电子推出的基于ARM926EJ-S处理器的系统级开发套件(System-on-Module Development Kit)。这些开发板主要用于嵌入式系统的设计与开发,广泛应用于工业控制、消费电子和物联网...
《SMDK2410官方代码和原理图解析》 SMDK2410是Samsung公司推出的一款基于ARM920T处理器的开发板,广泛应用于嵌入式系统设计和开发。官方提供的SMDK2410代码和原理图是开发者深入理解和调试该平台的关键资源。本文将...
《SMDK2410_ZY_V11:深入解析WINCE 5.0在S3C2410上的板级支持包》 在嵌入式系统领域,板级支持包(Board Support Package,简称BSP)是至关重要的组成部分,它为特定硬件平台提供了操作系统运行所需的驱动程序和...
标题中的"SMDK2450.rar_2450_BSP_SMDK2450 bsp_smdk2450_wince6.0 SMDK2450"指的是Samsung SMDK2450开发板的Bootable Software Package (BSP) 文件,该BSP是为Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (WinCE6.0) 操作系统设计的。...