Launch the Terminal application on your computer running Mac OS X. The application is located in Utilities folder within Applications.
In the command-line prompt window that appears, type "man ssh" without the quotation marks. A man (short for manual) page appears. Read the man page to familiarize yourself with using SSH. When you are ready, type the letter q at the prompt to quit the page.
Type "ssh user@hostname" without quotation marks. Substitute the appropriate username for "user." The hostname should be either the domain or the IP address of the remote machine.
You are prompted for a password for the remote machine. Enter the user's password. You are connected to the remote machine and can execute commands remotely.
Tips & Warnings
You may see the following message: "Connection refused: port 22 is not accepting connections." Check with the remote administrator to see what port to use. Use the -p000 option after ssh, where 000 is the actual port number.
If you get the message "Could not resolve hostname," check and correct the hostname, or IP address and repeat the steps given.
Read more: How to use SSH for Mac OS X |
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