5.5 The memory message store
5.5 内存消息存储
The memory message store holds all persistent messages in memory. No active caching
is involved, so you have to be careful that both the JVM and the memory limits you
set for the broker are large enough to accommodate all the messages that may exist in
this message store at one time.
The memory message store can be useful if you know that the broker will only
store a finite amount of messages, which will typically be consumed quickly. But it
really comes into its own for small test cases, where you want to prove interaction with
a JMS broker, but don’t want to incur the cost of a message store start time, or the hassle
of cleaning up the message store after the test has finished.
5.5.1 Configuring the memory store
5.5.1 配置内存消息存储
Configuring the memory store is simple. The memory store is the implementation
used when the broker property named persistent is set to false (the default is true).
Here’s an example of configuration which enables use of the ActiveMQ message store:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<broker brokerName="test-broker" persistent="false" xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core">
<transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:61635"/>
By setting the persistent attribute on the broker element to false, this effectively tells
the broker not to persist messages to long-term storage. Instead, the ActiveMQ broker
will hold messages in memory until the messages are either consumed or the
ActiveMQ broker is shut down.
Embedding an ActiveMQ broker with the memory store is easy. The following
example starts a broker with the memory store:
import org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService;
public void createEmbeddedBroker() throws Exception
BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
//configure the broker to use the Memory Store
//Add a transport connector
//now start the broker
Note the bold text that sets persistence to false on the broker object. This is equivalent
to the previous XML configuration example.
There are currently no utilities to change from one type of ActiveMQ message
store to another. If you want to change message stores for an application, it’s recommended
that you only do so on a new ActiveMQ broker, or wait until your application
has consumed all the messages sent, then close down the ActiveMQ broker, reconfigure
it for a new message store, and restart it.
This concludes the discussion of the various message store implementations for
message persistent in ActiveMQ. Another topic that bears some discussion regarding
message persistence is a more specialized case for caching messages in the ActiveMQ
broker for nondurable topic subscribers.
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