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One 1


One Lesson 11-12

Whose is this ...
This is My/your/his/her

Whose is that ...
That is my/your/his/her


One Lesson13-14

What coluor's your hat?
it's green.

What coluor is that dog?
this's black and white.



One Lesson15-16

Here they are(是找到东西时说的).
Here it is(here you are就是 here it is的复数形式).
Here  you  are(是给别人东西时的回答).
are  you  Chinese?


One Lession17-18
How do you do (你们好)?
What are their jobs(他们是做什么工作的)?
They're keyboard operators.
who is this young man ?
this is jack.


why do the children thank their mother?

What's the matter , children?/what's wrong children?

we're tired and thirsty.

These ice creams are nice.
are you all right?
Yes ,we are.


Which book does the man want ?

Give me a book pleas , jack.
which book ?
this one ?
No ,not that one . The red one.


Which glasses does the man want?
Which glasses ?
There glasses?
No,not those.
The ones on the shelf.
there ?


Give me/him/her/us/them some ...
Which ones?


Whtat colour is the electric cooker ?
it's blue.

electric cooker

there is... on/in


where are the books?
Mrs. Smith's living room is large.

There are some armchairs in the room.
The armchairs are near the table.

There are some ... on/in/near ...



How must Amy clean the floor ?

Come in ,Amy.
Shut the door,please
This bedroom's very untidy.
Open the window and air the room.
then put these clothes in the wardrobe.
Dust the dressing table.
then sweep the floor.

what  must I do?
Put on your coat.
turn on/off the television.

take off your watch.

tap 水龙头


Is the cat climbing the tree ?

she is in the garden.

What's she doing ?
She's sitting under the tree.

I beg your pardon?
Who's climbing the tree?
Tim is == Tim is climbing the tree.

who's making the bed ?
Amy is.

the dog is running after a cat.

be + 现在分词
what's he/she/it doing ?
He/She/it is....

What are you doing ?
What is Emma doing ?
She's cooking a meal.

Who is sharpening a pencil.
Who is turning on the light?

What is she turning off?




Where is the Jones family?
It's a fine day today ?
There are some clouds in the sky ,
but the sun is shining.

who is Mr. jones with?
Mr. Jones is with his family.
They are walking over the bridge.

The ship is going under the bridge.
The aeroplane is flying over the river.
There are some boats on the river.

What are they doing ?
they are ...
they are doing their homework.
They're waiting for a bus.



Are the children coming out of the park or going into it?
it is between two hills.
it is between a hill and a river.

the village is on the river
a house on the road.

Where is he going?
He's going into a park.




What is Susan's favourite colour ?
You're working hard,jack.
study hard/play hard.

what are you doing ?
I'm making a bookcase.

What are you going to do?
I'm going to cook a meal.

These flowers are for you.
who is the bookcase for ?

be going to + 动词原形


Where does Sam put the vase in the end ?
What are you going to do with that vase ,Penny?

I'm going to put it on this table,Sam.

What are you going to do with these photographs.
I'm going to put them into the box.
Don't do that .
Give it to me.

Give me the vase = Give the vase to me.
Be careful with the glasses.
don't drop them.

What are you going to do with that / those ...?
I'm going to give / show /send /take ...?


Who is the tin of tobacco for ?
What's in that bag?

A piece of cheese.
A loaf of bread.
A bar of soap.
A bar of chocolate.

Is there a book on that desk?
Is there any soap on the dressing table?
Yes , there's some on the dressing table.




How do you know Sam doesn't make the tea very often.

Can you make the tea ,sam?
Yes, of course I can,Penny.

Where's the tea?
It's over there ,behind the teaport.

The table is over there .
in front of  the window .

Can you see it .

Where are the cups.
There are some in the cupboard.

Hurry up .Sam !
The kettle's boiling.

Hurry up .
We'll be late.

Are there any ....?可数名词的复数(提问)。
Is  there any ....?不可数名词复数(提问)。



Why can't Pamela type the letter ?

Can you come here a minute please , Bob ?
Yes ,sir?

Where's Pamela ?
She's next door.
She's in her office. sir .

Can she type this letter for me?
Ask her please.

Ask a question.
Can you type this letter for  the boss please.Pamela.
Yes, of course I can.

What's the matter?
I can't type this letter.
I can't read it !
the boss's handwriting is terrible.

Can you .....?

what can you do?



Do you like coffee, Ann?
Yes,I do.
Do you want a cup ?
Yes , please.
Do you want any sugar?
yes , please.
Do you want any milk.
No ,thanks.

I don't like milk in my coffee.
i like black coffee.

Do you like biscuits?
Yes , I do.

Do you like ...?
Do you want ...?



What does Mr. Bird like?
Do you want beef or lamb?
Beef ,please.

Do you want wine or beer ?
Wine .please.

This lamb's very good.
I like lamb,
but my husband doesn't.

My sister likes coffee.
but she doesn't want a cup now .
Do you want a chicken, Mrs.bird
They're very nice .
No ,thanks

To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird,
I don't like chicken either!
My husband wants a glass of milk
I want a glass too.

He likes ...
But he doesn't like ...
He like beef.
but he doesn't like lamb.

Do you like patatoes?
yes ,I do.




Does it ever snow in Greece?
Where do you come from ?==where are you from ?
I come from Greece.
what's the climate like in your country?
What's jimmy like ?
what's your village like ?
It's very pleasant.

What's the weather like in spring ?
it's often windy in March ?
It's always warm in April and May.
but it rains sometimes.

What's it like in summer?
it's always hot.
Is it very cold in winter?
It's often cold.

What nationality is/are ...?
he is ...?



What is the favourite subject of conversation in England ?

It's mind.
which seasons do you like best ?
I like spring and summer.

My daughter likes pop music best.

I come from England . I'm English.
What's the weather like in the North?
It's very cold.



when do the children do their homework?
The Sawyers live at 87 King Street./ I live in beijing.

Their father takes them to school every day.

Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.
She does the housework

She always eats her lunch at noon.

She usually sees her friends
They often drink tea together. /go shopping together.

In the evening.
the children come home from school
they array home early

Mr. Sawyer comes home from work.
he arrives home late.
arrive at a village.

at night.

the children always do their homework
then they go to bed.

Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,
but sometimes he and his wife watch tv

What do / does ...usually do ?

They always go to school in the morning.




What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight?
he's reading an interesting book.
What's the time?
What ting is it?

how do the children go to school every day?
How are they going to school today.
The children go to school by car every day.
but today,they are going to school on foot.

where is your baby playing this afternoon?
He is playing in the garden.

When does he usually shave every day ?
He usually shaves at seven o'clock.

When is he shaving today?
Today ,he's shaving at eight o'clock.



writing paper.
shop assistant


Does the lady buy any chalk?
No , she doesn't.

Do you hava any writing paper?
Yes, we do.

I don't hava any small pads.
I only have large ones.

And I want a large box of chalk, too.
I only have small boxes.

Is that all?
That's all, thank you.

That's all for today.

What else do you want .
I want my change. / keep the change.

Do you have any ...?







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