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For video stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYPhEgbiWrk
#http://alexkaskasoli.com/wansview.pdf <-- notes
#wansview IPCAM telnet firmware
#user: root
#password: 123456
#get full version of busybox
#download to desktop mipsel version
wget "http://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries/latest/busybox-mipsel" -O busybox
#now on the camera itself connect to your desktop and get the file
#note that there is very limited space on this device,
#but you can put the binary of busybox in "/tmp"
#it's running in RAM, so will be lost on reboot of camera
cd /tmp
/system/system/bin/ftp <desktop ip>
#once you download the file, make sure it's executable and then run it
chmod 777 busybox
#now you can use DD and NetCat in busybox to image partitions
#mtdblock6 device is the main fs # use mount to figure this out
#on camera
./busybox nc -l -p 60000 < /dev/mtdblock6
#on desktop
nc <camera IP> 60000 > system.img
#note that Netcat does not disconnect when done
#watch file and when it stops growing it's done
#in this case it's 3MB
#this image is a jffs2 file, which I can't seem to mount or extract directly
#but, you can create a partition and mount it from there
sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=32768 erase_size=256
sudo modprobe mtdblock
#modprobe mtdchar
sudo mknod /dev/mtdblock2 b 31 0
sudo dd if=system.img of=/dev/mtdblock2
mkdir mnt
sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock2 mnt/
#ssh server
cd /tmp
/tmp/busybox wget "http://landley.net/aboriginal/downloads/binaries/extras/dropbearmulti-mipsel" -O dropbearmulti
chmod +x dropbearmulti
ln -s dropbearmulti dropbearkey
ln -s dropbearmulti dbclient
ln -s dropbearmulti dropbear
mkdir /etc/dropbear
cd /etc/dropbear
/tmp/dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key
/tmp/dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key
/tmp/dropbear start
#/tmp/dropbear dropbear -i
#have fun
#http://alexkaskasoli.com/wansview.pdf <-- notes
#wansview IPCAM telnet firmware
#user: root
#password: 123456
#get full version of busybox
#download to desktop mipsel version
wget "http://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries/latest/busybox-mipsel" -O busybox
#now on the camera itself connect to your desktop and get the file
#note that there is very limited space on this device,
#but you can put the binary of busybox in "/tmp"
#it's running in RAM, so will be lost on reboot of camera

cd /tmp
/system/system/bin/ftp <desktop ip>
#once you download the file, make sure it's executable and then run it
chmod 777 busybox
#now you can use DD and NetCat in busybox to image partitions
#mtdblock6 device is the main fs # use mount to figure this out
#on camera
./busybox nc -l -p 60000 < /dev/mtdblock6
#on desktop
nc <camera IP> 60000 > system.img
#note that Netcat does not disconnect when done
#watch file and when it stops growing it's done
#in this case it's 3MB
#this image is a jffs2 file, which I can't seem to mount or extract directly
#but, you can create a partition and mount it from there
sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=32768 erase_size=256
sudo modprobe mtdblock
#modprobe mtdchar
sudo mknod /dev/mtdblock2 b 31 0
sudo dd if=system.img of=/dev/mtdblock2
mkdir mnt
sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock2 mnt/
#ssh server
cd /tmp
/tmp/busybox wget "http://landley.net/aboriginal/downloads/binaries/extras/dropbearmulti-mipsel" -O dropbearmulti
chmod +x dropbearmulti
ln -s dropbearmulti dropbearkey
ln -s dropbearmulti dbclient
ln -s dropbearmulti dropbear
mkdir /etc/dropbear
cd /etc/dropbear
/tmp/dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key
/tmp/dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key
/tmp/dropbear start
#/tmp/dropbear dropbear -i
#have fun
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Hardware Hacking Projects for Geeks 英文chm 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
这个是Game Console Hacking的相关篇目,由于很难找所以从外国网盘拖了回来。仅供于学习参考用途。
根据提供的文件信息,“10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home”这本书由Barry Press和Marcia Press共同编写,出版于2005年。本书聚焦于介绍十个家庭环境下的硬件黑客项目,旨在帮助读者掌握和应用硬件知识...
Game Console Hardware Hacking.rar
硬件黑客工具包(Hardware Hacking Toolkit): 硬件黑客活动通常涉及对硬件内部工作机理的理解,并且攻破其安全保护措施,以便尽可能多地利用硬件资源及其配合的软件。硬件黑客过程往往从逆向工程开始,这从硬件...
For over a decade, Andrew "bunnie" Huang, one of the world's most esteemed hackers, has shaped the fields of hacking and hardware, from his cult-classic book Hacking the Xbox to the open-source laptop...
Moving on you will cover malware analysis and Forensis along with hardware hacking. Lastly you will learn how to create an optimum quality pentest report! By the end of this book, you will learn how...
藏经阁-Hacking Hardware with a $10 SD Card Reader 本文档主要介绍如何使用一个仅仅10美元的SD卡读卡器来 hack 硬件,特别是eMMC闪存芯片。下面是对该文档的详细解读和知识点总结: 一、什么是eMMC闪存? eMMC...
“hardware hacking”是指对物理电子设备的逆向工程和破解,这在CTF中是常见的挑战类型。参赛者可能需要通过分析电路板、读取内存或接口通信来寻找漏洞。在Rhme-2017中,这可能涉及解码硬件信号、模拟输入或识别脆弱...
DefCon 23 Hardware Hacking Village学习焊料套件,作者: Smitty, (概念,加密和固件(2014年)) Krux, (硬件) Cmdc0de, (固件(2015)) 这些是构建DefCon DarkNet ID徽章的固件所需的文件,该固件已...
Hardware Hacking | Blogger |Speaker </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <...