Automatically find the most active WLAN users then spy on one of them and/or inject arbitrary HTML/JS into pages they visit.
Individually poisons the ARP tables of the target box, the router and the DNS server if necessary. Does not poison anyone else on the network. Displays all most the interesting bits of their traffic and can inject custom html into pages they visit. Cleans up after itself.
Also can be used to continuously jam nearby WiFi networks. This has an approximate range of a 1 block radius, but this can vary based off of the strength of your WiFi card. This can be fine-tuned to allow jamming of everyone or even just one client. Cannot jam WiFi and spy simultaneously.
计算机网络路由与交换技术 计算机网络路由与交换技术是计算机网络中的一种基本技术,用于将数据包从源主机路由到目的主机。路由技术是计算机网络中最基本的技术之一,用于连接多个网络,实现数据的传输。...
Cambridge.Next Generation Wireless LANs.802.11n and 802.11ac,英文原版,清晰PDF带目录,非影印
— IEEE Std 802.11kTM-2008: Radio Resource Measurement of Wireless LANs (Amendment 1) — IEEE Std 802.11rTM-2008: Fast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition (Amendment 2) — IEEE Std 802.11yTM-2008: 3650...
《Next Generation Wireless LANs - 802.11n and 802.11ac, 2nd Ed 2013》是关于下一代无线局域网技术的重要参考资料,主要聚焦于802.11n和802.11ac这两种标准。这些标准代表了无线通信领域的重大进步,显著提升了Wi...
Network Adapters and LANs. CMOS RAM and Realtime Clock. Keyboard. Mice and Other Pointing Devices. The Power Supply. Documentation. Looking after Data and Users. The Operating System, ...
802.11n Next.Generation.Wireless.LANs.Throughput.Robustness.and.Reliability
Cambridge.Next Generation Wireless LANs系列教材,包含Cambridge.Next Generation Wireless LANs.802.11n与Cambridge.Next Generation Wireless LANs.802.11n and 802.11ac.
5. 关键词:在描述中给出了与该标准相关的关键词,例如桥接局域网、桥接、帧消除、帧复制、IEEE802®、IEEE 802.1CB™、IEEE 802.1Q™、局域网(LANs)、MAC桥接、冗余性、时间敏感网络(TSN)以及虚拟局域网...
- LANs(Local Area Networks):局域网,用于限定在较小地理区域内的一组计算机和其他网络设备。 - MAC Bridges:媒体接入控制桥接,是一种网络设备,用来连接并转发来自不同局域网段的数据帧。 - VLANs(Virtual ...
《信息通信网络概论》第六章主要探讨了介质访问控制(Medium Access Control, MAC)协议与局域网(Local Area Networks, LANs)的相关概念。介质访问控制是数据链路层的一部分,其主要目的是协调多个设备共享同一...
这款软件适用于从长距离通信系统到局域网(LANs)和城域网(MANSs)等各种类型的网络。它的主要功能包括虚拟光连接的建立,以及对有源和无源光学元件的设计、模型参数调整和性能分析。 在OptiSystem中,用户可以...
Cisco - Deploying Voice over Wireless LANs.chm Copyright About the Author Acknowledgments Icons Used in This Book Command Syntax Conventions Introduction Part I: Fundamental Elements Chapter ...
计算机网络英文课件:Chapter5 Link Layer and LANs.ppt
计算机网络第6版课件:Chapter 5 Link layer and LANs.ppt
双绞线常用于以太网连接,如Ethernet LANs,因其成本低、安装方便而广泛使用。 3. 光纤:光纤是一种利用光束传输信息的介质,主要由石英玻璃制成的纤芯和包层构成。光纤具有高速率、长距离传输、抗干扰能力强等优点...
标题中的“LANs.zip_OPNET 程序_opnet_opnet_leach”表明这是一个与局域网(LAN)相关的OPNET程序,其中可能包含了用于模拟和分析局域网性能的工具,尤其是关于LEACH(Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy,低...