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Introduction to ROKU Testing


WIFI Share

use a mac to share WIFI, so that it can share VPN with ROKU
Basic introduce

1. power on ROKU devices
2. Connect ROKU to WIFI (through which it can vist break site)
3. install the APP in ROKU through a computer that can get access to ROKU ip
How to install App in ROKU

1. Connect roku device to wifi sharing from the mac or pc.
2. open ROKU,Go to Settings > Player info, find Player Info section, and get the IP address of roku box.
3. On a computer that can get access to the IP address of ROKU box, and enter it in the Chrome browser (currently it doesn’t work in safari browser)
4. You will be prompted for a roku user account, if you don’t have that information you will have to reset the roku box in Developer mode. Here are the instructions:
       a. Developer mode can be activated by pressing the following key combinations: Home key -3 times, Up key 2 times, Right key, Left Key, Right Key, Left Key, Right Key
       b. Once in developer mode, you will see the Username and there is a option to reset the password. 
5. Download the attachment to your computer that can get access to the ip address of Roku.
6. If there is an installed application, click on “Choose File” button and pick the attachment that you have downloaded.
7. Click on “Replace” button and that will install the break app on the Roku.
8. If there isn't an application installed, click on “Choose File” and pick the attachment, and then click “Install” button.



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