NULL in Oracle
A column in a table can be defined with the not null
, nvl2
and lnnvl
are SQL constructs that are related to NULL handling.
Empty string
Oracle treats the empty string ('') as null. This is not
ansi compliant. Consequently, the length
of an emtpy string is null
, not 0.
Null means unknown value
The valuenull
can be regarded as an unknown value. Therefore, the following select statement returns null:
This is because five plus seven plus an unknown value plus nine is of course unknown as well, hence Oracle returns null. However, aggregate functions such as sum()
disregard nulls and return the sum of all non-null values.
Truth table
In the following, I create a truth table for booleans and the operatorsand
. I create a table to insert booleans.
create table booleans (
bool varchar2(5)
Because I cannot store booleans directly in a table, I use varchar2 as the column type and insert the english names for the booleans:
insert into booleans values ('true');
insert into booleans values ('false');
insert into booleans values ('null');
Then, I compare every boolean to every other and print the truth table:
bool_1 boolean;
bool_2 boolean;
bool_and boolean;
bool_or boolean;
res_and varchar2(5);
res_or varchar2(5);
function string_to_bool(str in varchar2) return boolean is begin
return case when str = 'true' then true
when str = 'false' then false
when str = 'null' then null end;
function bool_to_str(bool in boolean) return varchar2 is begin
return case when bool = true then 'true'
when bool = false then 'false'
when bool is null then 'null' end;
dbms_output.put_line('bool1 bool2| and or');
for b1 in (select bool from booleans) loop
for b2 in (select bool from booleans) loop
bool_1 := string_to_bool(b1.bool);
bool_2 := string_to_bool(b2.bool);
bool_and := bool_1 AND bool_2;
bool_or := bool_1 OR bool_2;
res_and := bool_to_str(bool_and);
res_or := bool_to_str(bool_or );
dbms_output.put_line(lpad(b1.bool, 5) || ' ' ||
lpad(b2.bool, 5) || '| ' ||
lpad(res_and, 5) || ' ' ||
lpad(res_or , 5));
end loop; end loop;
bool1 bool2| and or
true true| true true
true false| false true
true null| null true
false true| false true
false false| false false
false null| false null
null true| null true
null false| false null
null null| null null
As can be seen, for example,falseand
is false. This makes sense because null, being an unknown value, could in this this context either be true or false. Bothfalse and true
andfalse and false
are false, hencefalse and null
is certainly false as well. On the other hand,falseor
is null because the result is true forfalse or true
and false forfalse or false
, hence the expression's value is unknown, or null.
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null and not null
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