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A Speech in Gettysburg


I’ve listened for several times,but I cannot ensure to be the same,but the main meaning .

See follows:

This regiment was formed last summer in Maine.
There was 1000 of us then
There are less than 300 of us now
All of us volunteered to fight for the Union,just as you did
Some came mainly because we were bored at home
Thought this looked like it might be fun
Some came becouse we were ashemed not so
Many of us came becouse it was the right thing to do
And all of us have seen men die
This is a different kind of army
If you look back through history,you’ll see men fighting for pay, for women,for some other kind of loot
They fight for land,power,
Becouse a king leads them,or just becouse they like killing
We are here for something new
This has not happened much in the history of the world
We are an army out to set other men for free
America should be free ground
All of it
Not divided by a line between slave state and free
All the way from here to the Pacific Ocean
No man has to bow
No man born to royalty
Here we judge you by what you do ,not by who your father was
Here you can be something
Here is the place to build a home
But it’s not the land
There is always more land
It’s the idea that we all have value
You and me
What we’re fighting for,in the end,
we’re fighting for each other




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