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Java Pattern Oriented Framework (Jt)

·         Project Name: Java Pattern Oriented Framework (Jt)

·         Latest Release: Jt2.7

·         Latest Release Status: released

·         Project Type: framework (open source technology)

Jt is a pattern oriented framework for the rapid implementation of Java applications. This integrated framework is based on a messaging architecture which provides software simplicity , strong encapsulation and loose coupling; framework components can be interchangeably plugged into complex framework applications using a “lego" approach.

The framework addresses the following goals and requirements:

A)     The pattern oriented framework  implements and/or facilitates the implementation of well-known design patterns like GoF design patterns and  J2EE Design patterns. The framework itself  is conceived and implemented based on design patterns (from the ground up). The framework also facilitates and accelerates the implementation of applications based on design patterns.

B)      The framework architecture is based on a messaging design pattern: framework objects are able to interchange information and perform computations by sending, receiving and processing messages. A messaging API provides strong encapsulation and loose coupling; framework components can be easily plugged into complex framework applications using a “lego/messaging” architecture. The framework takes full advantage of the power and simplicity of the messaging design pattern.

C)      The framework lego/messaging architecture provides transparent access to remote components: remote framework objects should be treated as local objects. Design patterns implemented by the framework (adapters, remote proxies and facades) make this posible by hiding the complexities associated with remote APIs.

D)      The framework provides transparent integration with other technologies via framework adapters, proxies and the implementation of related design patterns. These technologies include BPM,  DAO implementations, MVC implementations, EJBs, JMS, XML and Web Services. 

E)       The framework is designed to be lightweight and fast in terms of performance (low overhead).

F)       The framework messaging/lego architecture should improve and simplify design/development efforts. There should be a tight correspondence between UML design diagrams and the framework messaging based applications and components needed for the implementation. Ideally, the framework should provide wizards and automated capabilities for generating framework applications. Framework components should be easily added to BPM process diagrams. In future versions of the framework, it should be possible for applications to be generated directly from the UML design diagrams. 

G)      The framework  messaging architecture facilitates testing and debugging efforts. The framework provides capabilities for testing components independently (each component as a unit) by sending messages and verifying the reply (output) messages.

H)      In order to provide additional productivity benefits, the framework is integrated with open source IDEs.




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