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Isaac Z. Schlueter 靓照


Isaac Z. Schlueter
Web Developer, Front-end Engineer, Browser UI Builder
865 Pomeroy Ave #207A
Santa Clara, CA 95051
408 212 0124

Current Resume (text version)

    * Price
    * Skills
    * Full Time
    * Distractions
    * School
    * Awards



(It's not negotiable.)

This is not a joke.

I truly love working at Yahoo!, and believe that my position here offers the best avenue to further my career. I was not laid off. I have no plans to leave. I am not worried about mergers or buy-outs. I know that some executive just quit, and clearly, I don't care even a little.

Yes, yes, you've recently gotten a million gillion dollars in venture capital, and you were founded by 2 brain surgeon rocket scientist Stanford PhD grads who invented a perpetual motion machine, blah blah blah.

I have actually heard it already, that line of yours. Probably very recently. So don't bother.

Please don't "reach out to me directly" unless you can actually afford me; it is demeaning and absurd to think that the sound of your voice would somehow change my opinion on this matter.

I have tried so very hard to put this in the strongest possible language, but some people just never get it.

If you have a new or exciting web application, and you'd like my feedback on it, feel free to contact me. If I feel like it, and have the time, I'll play with your beta and let you know what I think.

If you want more than my hobby time, I do product consultation on an ad hoc basis at $300 per hour.
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Very Extremely Competent

        * Semantic HTML/XHTML
        * XML
        * CSS
        * Javascript
        * JSON
        * AJAX
        * Object-oriented Javascript
        * Cross Browser Development/Browser Quirks
        * Object Oriented Design
        * Troubleshooting
        * Perceived/Actual Page Load Time Optimization
        * Regular Expressions
        * YUI Library
        * Bash Scripting Language
        * Accessibility

Lots of Experience

        * PHP 4
        * PHP 5, including Object Oriented Programming in PHP
        * Apache
        * FreeBSD
        * Macintosh OS X
        * Darwin
        * CVS
        * SVN
        * Service Oriented Architecture
        * Agile Scrum
        * Adobe Photoshop

Some Experience

        * XUL
        * Git
        * MySQL
        * Windows 95-XP
        * IIS
        * ASP
        * Visual Basic 6
        * Microsoft SQL
        * Macromedia (Adobe) Flash
        * Actionscript 2
        * Flex/AS3
        * Localization/Internationalization
        * Perl
        * Java
        * C/C++
        * Awk
        * VB.NET

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Full Time

      Yahoo! Inc. — YAP (Yahoo Application Platform)
      Sunnyvale CA
      Lead Web Developer/Front-End Engineer
      March 2008 2008-03-15 - Present

          o Front-end architect/technical lead on YAP, Yahoo!'s part in the OpenSocial initiative (see: intent agreement).
          o Deeply involved in keeping many moving parts all moving together properly.
          o Solving technical issues and helping to ensure that Yahoo!'s offering in this space meets the needs of many different types of developers.
          o We're looking for creative javascript and PHP experts with a hacker bent, and have open reqs in other engineering areas as well. Talk to me if you want to change the web.
      Yahoo! Inc. — Buzz
      Sunnyvale CA
      Lead Web Developer/Front-End Engineer
      July 2007 2007-07-15 - March 2008 2008-03-15

          o Made others more productive by building process to allow low-friction development as well as a deployment that carefully follows Yahoo!'s Exceptional Performance Guidelines.
          o Nearly 100% feature support in both javascript and non-javascript cases.
          o Wrote badge code to insert vote button on many third-party news sites and prevent gaming.
          o Rapid iterative development responsive to user research and industry changes.
          o Led front end development among a team of 6 webdevs.
      Yahoo! Inc. — Yahoo! Entertainment Module Team
      Santa Monica CA, Sunnyvale CA
      Technical Yahoo (Web Developer/Front-End Engineer)
      April 2007 2007-04-01 - July 2007 2007-07-15

      http://pirates.yahoo.com, http://harrypotter.yahoo.com, http://gta.yahoo.com, http://starwars.yahoo.com

      Note: Sites have since been redesigned or removed
          o Built reusable modular framework to support several Yahoo! Entertainment web sites.
          o Recruited by engineering management due to excellent performance on Games team.
          o Saw, made, and learned from several catastrophic mistakes in execution, architecture, and project management. Have managed to not repeat most of them since.
      Yahoo! Inc. — Yahoo! Games
      Santa Monica CA
      Technical Yahoo Intermediate (Web Developer/Front-End Engineer)
      January 2006 2006-01-01 - March 2007 2007-03-31

          o Web developer on fast-paced development team
          o Built DHTML widgets and modules which were subsequently used throughout the Yahoo! Media properties
          o Wrote CSS, Javascript, and HTML for several redesigns
          o Provided mentorship and guidance for other web developers in Santa Monica and throughout the company
          o Also worked on http://food.yahoo.com
      Data Strategies, Inc.
      San Diego CA, Poway CA
      Knowledge Manager
      October 2004 2004-10-15 - December 2005 2005-12-31

      http://elligence.net, http://elligence.net/ellipedia

      Note: Site has since been redesigned
          o Responsible for nearly all internet-related company activities
          o Implemented systems to smooth out "problem areas" of the Data Strategies knowledge flow, including web-based help system, ellipedia.
          o Technical writing: system requirements and setup documentation, tutorials, troubleshooters, and general help file content
      Data Strategies, Inc.
      San Diego CA
      Senior Technical Support Representative
      December 2002 2002-12-01 - October 2004 2004-10-15
          o Provided technical support to CompuMedic and elligence clients
          o Kicked ass with advanced troubleshooting in business-critical situations
          o Gathered client needs and delivered custom solutions
          o Product development using Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, and SQL
      Southern Connecticut State University
      New Haven CT
      University Assistant, Faculty Support
      August 1999 1999-08-01 - June 2002 2002-06-30
          o Hardware/Software installation and troubleshooting for Academic Faculty.
          o Incredibly boring job that helped pay for an otherwise very interesting education.
      Southern Connecticut State University
      New Haven CT
      University Assistant, Lab Assistant
      August 1998 1998-08-01 - August 1999 1999-08-31
          o Assisted students in University Computer Labs
          o Even more boring than the other SCSU job, but I got to play a lot of chess and do homework while getting a paycheck.

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      Foo Hack
      Blog about programming and web development
      2007 - Present

          o Discussion of life in the web development world.
          o Personal testing ground for experimentation and sharing web development information with the internet community
      Personal Website and Blog
      2002 - Present

          o Mostly dead blog, kept alive for historical purposes.
          o Tableless layout, using valid HTML and CSS
      Web Reports
      Independent Project for Lien on Me, Inc.
      2004 - 2005

          o Created system that allows the client's customers to securely access their data online
          o Data can be uploaded in either TXT or ZIP format, and imported into a MySQL database
          o Designed application to meet business needs, wrote all the code, and managing installation.
      b2evolution Blog Platform: Support, Hacks, and Testing
      2003 - 2005

          o Provided help on the support forums
          o Created several "skins" for the application
          o Helped to make sure that b2evolution worked in all target environments
      Other Bits
          o I am a whiz with devil sticks.
          o I played the viola for 7 years. I can play the guitar, albeit fairly badly.
          o I use Twitter more often than my phone.
          o I use my real name online.
          o If not for the money, I might have gone into Linguistics or Philosophy instead of computers.

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      Southern Connecticut State University
      Bachelor of Science, Liberal Studies: Computer Science/Physics/Math
      1997 1997-08-01 - 2002 2002-06-01
          o The most important thing that I learned in school was how to learn new topics quickly.
          o My thirst for intellectual stimulation drove me to get the most out of my time in college.

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COMAP Math Contest in Modeling

    Part of SCSU team which earned an Honorable Mention
National Science Olympiad

    Best in Class: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993

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Some YUI Library components used according to the terms of BSD license.

All other XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript for this offline-friendly page by Isaac Z. Schlueter, coded in a text editor.

转自: http://foohack.com/resume/ and http://www.cnblogs.com/piggy/archive/2008/08/27/1277961.html



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