Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find all unique quadruplets in the array which gives the sum of target.
Elements in a quadruplet (a,b,c,d) must be in non-descending order. (ie, a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ d)
The solution set must not contain duplicate quadruplets.
For example, given array S = {1 0 -1 0 -2 2}, and target = 0.
A solution set is:
(-1, 0, 0, 1)
(-2, -1, 1, 2)
(-2, 0, 0, 2)
Elements in a quadruplet (a,b,c,d) must be in non-descending order. (ie, a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ d)
The solution set must not contain duplicate quadruplets.
For example, given array S = {1 0 -1 0 -2 2}, and target = 0.
A solution set is:
(-1, 0, 0, 1)
(-2, -1, 1, 2)
(-2, 0, 0, 2)
这道题可以参考3Sum 和3Sum Closest ,只需要在3Sum的外层再加一层循环即可。不了解的请戳这里。时间复杂度为O(n^3),但是我在网上看到一个算法时间复杂度只有O(n^2),但是空间复杂度太大,而且网上只提供了算法思想,并没有给出实现,本以为O(n^3)过不去,因此把O(n^2)的算法实现了一下。代码太长太丑,阅览请慎重:
List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); Set<String> duplicate = new HashSet<String>(); public List<List<Integer>> fourSum(int[] num, int target) { if (num == null || num.length < 4) { return result; } HashMap<Integer, Integer> hash = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Map<Integer, List<int[]>> twoSum = new HashMap<Integer, List<int[]>>(); Set<Integer> processed = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < num.length; i++) { hash.put(num[i], hash.containsKey(num[i]) ? hash.get(num[i]) + 1 : 1); for (int j = i + 1; j < num.length; j++) { int[] node = new int[] { num[i], num[j] }; if (twoSum.containsKey(num[i] + num[j])) { twoSum.get(num[i] + num[j]).add(node); } else { List<int[]> list = new ArrayList<int[]>(); list.add(node); twoSum.put(num[i] + num[j], list); } } } for (int k : twoSum.keySet()) { if (processed.contains(k)) continue; if (twoSum.containsKey(target - k)) { processed.add(k); if (target == k << 1) { for (int[] node1 : twoSum.get(k)) { for (int[] node2 : twoSum.get(k)) { if (node2 != node1) { process(node1, node2, hash); } } } } else { processed.add(target - k); List<int[]> list1 = twoSum.get(k); List<int[]> list2 = twoSum.get(target - k); for (int[] node1 : list1) { for (int[] node2 : list2) { process(node1, node2, hash); } } } } } return result; } private void process(int[] a, int[] b, HashMap<Integer, Integer> map) { int[] sum = new int[] { a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1] }; Arrays.sort(sum); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Map<Integer, Integer> cloneMap = (HashMap<Integer, Integer>) map .clone(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sb.append(sum[i]); cloneMap.put(sum[i], cloneMap.get(sum[i]) - 1); if (cloneMap.get(sum[i]) < 0) return; } if (!duplicate.contains(sb.toString())) { duplicate.add(sb.toString()); List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; list.add(sum[i++])); result.add(list); } }
Leetcode two sum java 解法
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* 4Sum(4Sum):找到数组中四个元素的和等于目标值的元素。 这些知识点涵盖了算法设计、数据结构、数学运算、字符串操作、链表操作、栈和队列操作、字符串匹配和排序搜索等多方面的内容,为LeetCode刷题提供了一...
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c c语言_leetcode 0001_two_sum