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用惯了Windows的右键新建文本文件, 在Finder里面没有这个功能,感觉很不方便.
于是就自己动手, 在Automator里用AppleScript现查现学现用作了一个.
这是我写的第一个Apple Script. 写下来感觉Apple Script还是满方便的, 基本跟英文差不多.
要在Finder里面添加这个功能, 具体步骤如下:
1 打开Automator, 选择自定, 然后将 操作->实用工具->运行 AppleScript 拖到右边工作区.
2 在右边的AppleScript的内容删掉, 用附件中的代码代替
3 另存为Automator的插件, 名称为"新建文本文件", OK, 搞定
现在进入Finder的一个目录,然后 右键->更多->Automator->新建文本文件. 就会在当前目录新建一个文本文件, 并用TextEdit打开让你编辑.
(* --Author: Libok Zhou (libk.8800.org, libkhorse@gmail.com). Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this script --Usage: This script is used for Automator to add an "new text file" to the context menu, when you want to create a new text file in current folder of Finder *) tell application "Finder" try set currentFolder to (folder of the front window) set currentPath to (POSIX path of (target of the front window as alias)) set libkIsDeskTop to false on error set currentFolder to desktop set currentPath to (POSIX path of (desktop as alias)) set libkIsDeskTop to true end try (* set currentPath to (POSIX path of (target of the front window as alias)) set currentFolder to (folder of the front window) *) set txtName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the text name, " default answer "untitled.txt") --if txtName is empty using "untitled.txt" as default --no trailing extension, suffix with ".txt" --have extension, don't touch it. if length of txtName = 0 then set ext to "txt" set baseName to "untitled" set txtName to "untitled.txt" else set prevTID to text item delimiters of AppleScript set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "." set libkNameParts to text items of txtName set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTID set len to length of libkNameParts if len = 1 then set ext to "txt" set baseName to txtName set txtName to baseName & "." & ext else if len = 2 then set ext to last text item of libkNameParts set baseName to item 1 of libkNameParts as text else set ext to last text item of libkNameParts set baseName to text 1 thru -((length of ext) + 1) of txtName end if end if -- if the file name already exists in current folder, attach the "_n" to the filename set n to 1 considering case tell (get name of currentFolder's files) to repeat while txtName is in it set txtName to baseName & "_" & n & "." & ext set n to n + 1 end repeat end considering set newTxt to currentPath & txtName do shell script "touch " & newTxt if libkIsDeskTop is false then select the file txtName in currentFolder tell application "TextEdit" activate open newTxt end tell end tell
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这个压缩包包含了所有必要的文件和库,可以直接替换原有的uiautomatorviewer目录。 2. **环境配置**:确保你的开发环境已经配置了Android SDK,并且在PATH环境变量中添加了`tools`和`platform-tools`目录。 3. **...
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