- Cloud Controller-管理着一个数据库,表中记录orgs, spaces, apps, services, service instances, user roles, and more。
- Droplet Execution Agent-管理应用实例的生命周期,跟踪启动了的实例,广播状态消息。
- Health Manager-监控应用,比对它们的实际状态与盼望的状态,不一致时指导Cloud controller做出处理。
- Messaging(NATS)-轻量级消息框架,基于发布-订阅及分布式。
- (Go)Router-接收外部请求,并负责路由到相应的模块(一般为cloud-controller或DEA节点上的运行应用)。
- Services-应用的外部依赖,比如数据库,或者第三方SaaS上的帐户。
- Stacks-预制文件,包含了一个操作系统,用于支持应用的某种特性。
- User Account and Authentication(UAA) Server-用于标准管理的服务
- Warden-提供API用于管理环境隔离与资源控制。
Cloud Controller
Ruby编写;提供REST API接入(管理客户端接入);包含一个数据库用于管理orgs, spaces, apps, services, service instances, user roles。
使用Postgres 。对象-关系数据库。
Blob Store
resources(资源)- 上传到CC的文件,使用SHA进行计算散列码用于唯一标识文件。对于已经存在的文件,不需要下次上传时重传。
app packages(应用包)- 还没有打包(unstaged)的应用的文件。
droplets- app packages经过打包以后(执行对应的buildpack),生成的准备执行的包。
--块存储的框架是使用ruby gem Fog ,它可以使用Amazon S3或者NFS-mounted文件系统。
NATS Messaging
- 运行应用前,命令DEAstage这个应用(processing a buildpack the app,命令DEA执行一个buildpack)。
- 命令DEA启动或停止应用。
- 接收HealthManager返回的应用的信息
- Subscribes to Service Gateways that advertise available services(订阅)当有可用的服务时接收通知。
- Instructs Service Gateways to handle provisioning, unprovision, bind and unbind operations for services
rspec 命令用于跑测试集,默认使用sqlite3数据库,也可以使用环境变量:DB_CONNECTION
,来替换为postgres and mysql。
DB_CONNECTION="postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/ccng" rspec DB_CONNECTION="mysql2://root:password@localhost:3306/ccng" rspec
使用Steno 来管理日志。Each log entry includes a “source” field to designate which module in the code the entry originates from. Some of the possible sources are cc.app
, cc.app_stager
, cc.dea.client
and cc.healthmanager.client
. Some of the keys that are read from this configuration file are:
- a steno configuration hash。 -
- basic auth credentials(证书) for the application state bulk API. In Cloud Foundry, this endpoint is used by the health manager to retrieve the expected state of every user application. -
- URL and credentials for connecting to the UAA, Cloud Foundry's OAuth 2.0 server.
Droplet Execution Agent(DEA)
- Manage Warden Containers- DEA负责打包应用,并且将应用跑在Warden Container上。
- Stage Applications- 当新的应用或者应用的新版本被push到CF时,CoudController负责从DEA池中取出一个可用的DEA进行打包。打包的过程就是使用相对应的buildpack来执行,产生的就是droplet。
- 运行Droplets- DEA管理着每一个在其上运行的应用的生命周期,听众CC的启动与停止应用命令,并监控应用的运用状态,定时通过NATs广播给HealthMnager。
Directory Server目录服务器
当DEA接收到访问目录或文件的请求时,会把请求转换为到目录服务器的URL,这个URL由DEA sign,目录服务器会先验证它的正确性。
DEA也会检查 应用的AppState对象。
运行DEA:$bin/dea config/dea.yml 传入配置文件
DEA Configration
- logging- A Steno configuration.
— A URI of the formnats://host:port
that the DEA will use to connect to NATS -
— The path to a unix domain socket that the DEA will use to communicate to a warden server.
# See src/lib/dea/config.rb for optional config values. # Base directory for dea, application directories, dea temp files, etc. are all relative to this. base_dir: /tmp/dea_ng logging: level: debug resources: memory_mb: 2048 memory_overcommit_factor: 2 disk_mb: 2048 disk_overcommit_factor: 2 nats_uri: nats://localhost:4222/ pid_filename: /tmp/dea_ng.pid warden_socket: /tmp/warden.sock evacuation_delay_secs: 10 index: 0 staging: enabled: true platform_config: cache: /var/vcap/data/stager/package_cache/ruby environment: PATH: /usr/local/ruby/bin BUILDPACK_CACHE: /var/vcap/packages/buildpack_cache memory_limit_mb: 1024 disk_limit_mb: 2048 max_staging_duration: 900 # 15 minutes dea_ruby: /usr/bin/ruby # For Go-based directory server directory_server: v1_port: 4385 v2_port: 5678 file_api_port: 1234 streaming_timeout: 10 logging: level: info stacks: - lucid64 # Hook scripts for droplet start/stop # hooks: # before_start: path/to/script # after_start: path/to/script # before_stop: path/to/script # after_stop: path/to/script ## <a id='run-standalone'></a>Running the DEA Standalone ##
DEA运行作为一个标准模块。This section has instructions for doing so on Vagrant 1.1x.
Refer to the Vagrant documentation for instructions on installing Vagrant.
$ git clone http://github.com/cloudfoundry/dea_ng $ bundle install # check that your version of vagrant is 1.1 or greater $ vagrant --version # create your test VM $ rake test_vm
# initialize the test VM $ vagrant up # shell into the VM $ vagrant ssh # start warden $ cd /warden/warden $ bundle install $ rvmsudo bundle exec rake warden:start[config/test_vm.yml] > /tmp/warden.log & # start the DEA's dependencies $ cd /vagrant $ bundle install $ git submodule update --init $ foreman start > /tmp/foreman.log & # run the dea tests $ bundle exec rspec
有文章描述DEA的打包过程:How Applicatoins Are Staged 。中文翻译
— Stagers (now DEA's) broadcast their capacity/capability -
— Stagers respond to any message on this subject with astaging.advertise
message (CC uses this to bootstrap) -
— Stagers respond to requests on this subject to stage applicationss -
— Stagers (in a queue group) respond to requests to stage an application (old protocol)
The DEA's logging is handled by Steno. The DEA can be configured to log to a file, a syslog server or both. If neither is provided, it will log to its stdout. The logging level specifies the verbosity of the logs (e.g. warn
, info
, debug
添加services到CF的两种方式: Managed Services and User-provided Service Instances,前者是CF已经提供的可根据API调用获取服务实例,后者是一种扩展机制。
Managed Services
CF内置的服务实现了指定的API,CC是它的客户端,称为Service Broker API。与CC API不是一个概念;常说的“Cloud Foundry v2”就CC的版本,而不是这个。
Service Brokers是指那些实现了Service Broker API的服务模块,以前被称为Service Gateway。
Service Broker会向CF注册自己提供的服务,CF调用它是通过下面五个方法进行: fetch catalog, provision (create), bind, unbind, and deprovision (delete),What a broker does with each call can vary between services;
provision(供应) -预订服务上的资源
Service Arthitecture服务框架
服务实现由开发者或厂商提供,实现Service Broker API,实现可以是一个单应用,也可以是通过HTTP请求已经存在的服务。几种常见的开发模型:
- Entire service packaged(整个包) and deployed by BOSH alongside Cloud Foundry
- Broker的包由BOSH搞到CF上,剩下的以其它形态部署。
- Broker(及可先的服务)作为应用存在于CF的用户空间-Broker (and optionally service) pushed as an application to Cloud Foundry user space
- 整个服务,包括broker,部署与维护在CF之外-Entire service, including broker, deployed and maintained outside of Cloud Foundry by other means
Service Broker API
Developing a Service Broker
- 开发环境- 需要一个安装CF,对CF实例要有admin权限,可以部署一个全新的CF,通过 Both Lite 。
- Documentation - Read the following docs:
- GitHub repository service - this is designed to be an easy-to-read example of a service broker, with complete documentation, and comes with a demo app that uses the service. The broker can either be deployed as an application on CF or hosted anywhere. The service itself (GitHub) is separate from the broker.
- MySQL database service - this broker and its accompanying MySQL server are designed to be deployed together as a BOSH release. BOSH is responsible for deployment and operation of all of the processes necessary for the service. The broker code can be found here.
- Spring Service Broker - this repo provides a template for building service brokers in Spring, and includes an example implementation for MongoDB.
- MySQL Java Broker - a Java port of the Ruby MySQL broker above.
User-provided Service Instances
Both operators and developers frequently ask how applications pushed to their Cloud Foundry instances can bind with external services, such as Oracle, which they operate themselves or are outside of Cloud Foundry's control. User-provided Service Instances enable developers to use external services with their applications using familiar workflows.
标题 "Spring 与 Cloud Foundry:在云中珠联璧合" 暗示了本文将探讨Spring框架如何与Cloud Foundry云平台相结合,发挥出强大的云计算能力。这两个技术的结合,为企业提供了高效的开发和部署环境,实现了快速迭代和可...
Cloud Foundry是一个开源的PaaS(平台即服务)平台,旨在为开发者提供一个快速开发、部署和运行应用程序的环境。它最初由VMware发起,并于2011年公开发布,随后在Pivotal公司得到了进一步的发展。Cloud Foundry支持...
Cloud Foundry是一个开源的平台即服务(PaaS)框架,由Pivotal Software公司发起,并由Cloud Foundry基金会维护。这个平台旨在简化应用程序的部署和管理,为开发者提供了一个高效且灵活的开发环境,同时也为企业提供...
Cloud Foundry是一个开源的Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 平台,旨在简化应用程序的部署、运行和扩展。这个平台是由VMware公司发起,并由技术权威Mark Lucovsky领导的团队进行开发。Cloud Foundry的核心理念是让开发...
By introducing the underlying concepts beyond the core components, this practical guide will bootstrap your understanding of this service.Learn how to run Cloud Foundry in a highly available and ...
【标题】"cloudfoundry-runtime-0.8.4_Java8_cloud_" 指的是一个针对 Cloud Foundry 运行时环境的特定版本,这个版本是为 Java 8 语言定制的。Cloud Foundry 是一个开源的平台即服务(PaaS)系统,允许开发者构建、...
Cloud Foundry是一个开源的平台即服务(PaaS)系统,由Pivotal Software维护,用于构建、部署和管理云应用程序。这个技术的核心在于提供了一种高效、可扩展的方式来托管和运行各种应用程序,无论它们是基于微服务...
CloudFoundry开源云计算平台简介rar,提供“CloudFoundry开源云计算平台简介”免费资料下载,主要包括Cloud Foundry的概述、Cloud Foundry的架构、使用Cloud Foundry部署应用等内容,可供学习使用。
这个“CF-Help.rar”压缩包显然包含了与CloudFoundry相关的帮助文档,旨在为用户提供简洁而实用的搜索功能。 CloudFoundry的核心功能包括: 1. **应用生命周期管理**:它支持多种编程语言,如Java, .NET, Ruby, ...
根据给定的信息,本文将深入探讨“Cloud Foundry的弹性设计”,主要围绕以下几个方面进行解析:Cloud Foundry产品概述、架构剖析以及其中的关键模块(如NATS、Router和Warden Container)。 ### Cloud Foundry产品...
描述Cloud Foundry核心组件的功能,及各组件之间的联系