Process Management
1. The exec Function
Because Perl is no longer in control once the requested command has started, it doesn't make any sense to have any Perl code following the exec, except for handling the error when the requested command cannot be started
2. The Environment Variables
For example, suppose you wished to run the system's make utility (which typically runs other programs), and you want to use a private directory as the first place to look for commands (including make itself). And let's say that you don't want the IFS environment variable to be set when you run the command, because that might cause make or some subcommand do the wrong thing. Here we go:
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/home/rootbeer/bin:$ENV{'PATH'}";
delete $ENV{'IFS'};
my $make_result = system "make";
3. Using Backquotes to Capture Output
1) Standard error of a backquoted command is inherited from Perl's current standard error output. If the command spits out error messages to standard error, you'll probably see them on the terminal, which could be confusing to the user who hasn't personally invoked the frobnitz command. If you want to capture error messages with standard output, you can use the shell's normal "merge standard error to the current standard output," which is spelled 2>&1 in the normal Unix shell:
my $output_with_errors = `frobnitz -enable 2>&1`;
2) So, stay away from commands that read standard input. If you're not sure whether something reads from standard input, then add a redirection from /dev/null for input, like this:
my $result = `some_questionable_command arg arg argh </dev/null`;
《Perl编程:深入理解哈希》 Perl是一种强大的脚本编程语言,尤其在处理文本、正则表达式和数据结构方面表现出色。哈希(Hash)是Perl中一种极其重要的数据结构,它允许我们以键值对的形式存储数据,便于快速查找和...
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bugreport-Redmi Note 11T
python库。 资源全名:notetool-0.6.14-py3-none-any.whl
标题中的"PyPI 官网下载 | notetool-0.1.3-py3.7.egg"指的是一个从Python Package Index (PyPI)官方源下载的名为`notetool`的Python库,版本号为0.1.3,且是针对Python 3.7编译的。PyPI是Python社区用来分发和共享...
标题中的"Python库 | notetool-0.4.0-py3.7.egg"指的是一款名为`notetool`的Python库,版本号为0.4.0,适用于Python 3.7环境。这个库是通过`.egg`格式进行打包的,这是一种Python的软件分发格式,便于安装和管理。 ...