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The Developer's Guide 开发指南


Welcome to the Android Dev Guide! The Dev Guide provoids a practical introduction to developing application for Android and documention about major platform features. It explores the concepts behind Android, the framework for constructing an application, and the tools for developing, testing, and publishing software for the platform.


欢迎来到安卓开发指南! 该开发指南提供实用的安卓应用开发介绍和主要平台特性文档.它将探讨安卓的一些概念, 构建应用的框架、开发工具和测试、以及在平台上发布软件.


The Dev Guide holds most of the documentation for the Android platform, except for reference material on the framework API. For API specifications, go to the Reference.


除了框架API参考资料外,开发指南拥有大量的安卓平台文档. 有关API的说明, 请进入参考网站.


As you can see in panel on the left, the Dev Guide is divided into serveral sections:




Android Basics

       An initial orientation to Adroid - what it is, what it offers, and how your application fits in.



     安卓最初的定位 - 它是什么?它提供什么? 你的那些应用合适使用安卓?


Framework Topics

       discussions of particular parts of the Android framework an API. For an introduction to the framework, begin with Application Fundamentals. Then explore topics - from designing a user interface and setting up resources to storing data and useing permissions - as needed.



      安卓框架和API部分的详细讨论. 关于框架的介绍, 先是应用基础、 然后探讨的话题有用户界面设计, 应用资源创建到数据存储和在必要情况下使用权限.


Android Market Topics

       Documentation for topics that concern pulishing and monetizing application on Android Market, such as how to enforce licensing policies and implement in-app biling .



      涉及在安卓商店发布应用程序和收费的主题文档, 例如怎么强制执行许可策略和实现程序内置计费.



        Direction for using Android's development and debugging tools, and for testing the results.






       Instructions on how to prepare your application for deploymen and how to publish it when it's ready.





Best Practices

       Recommendations on preferred techniques for writing applications that perform efficiently and work well form the user.



     推荐使用最优的技巧实现应用程序, 对于用户来说能够带来高效率和人性化的应用.


Web Applications'

        Documentation about how to create web application that work seamlessly on Android-powered devices and create Android applications that embed web-based content.













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