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Return today's date and time
Display a clock
Defining Dates
var myDate=new Date()
Manipulate Dates
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setFullYear(2010,0,14)
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate()+5)
Comparing Dates
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setFullYear(2010,0,14)var today = new Date()if (myDate>today) alert("Today is before 14th January 2010")else alert("Today is after 14th January 2010")
Complete Date Object Reference
For a complete reference of all the properties and methods that can be used with the Date object, go to our complete Date object reference.
Date[日期]对象中的所有属性和方法参数,我们将在完整Date对象参数 中罗列说明。
The reference contains a brief description and examples of use for each property and method!
Date Object Methods
FF: Firefox, N: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
方法 Description
描述 FF N IE
Date() Returns today's date and time
返回今天的日期和时间 1 2 3
getDate() Returns the day of the month from a Date object (from 1-31)
返回月中的第几天(1到31) 1 2 3
getDay() Returns the day of the week from a Date object (from 0-6)
返回一周中的第几天(0到6) 1 2 3
getMonth() Returns the month from a Date object (from 0-11)
返回月份数(0到11) 1 2 3
getFullYear() Returns the year, as a four-digit number, from a Date object
返回完整的年份数 1 4 4
getYear() Returns the year, as a two-digit or a four-digit number, from a Date object. Use getFullYear() instead !!
返回年份,可以是两位的或是四位的 1 2 3
getHours() Returns the hour of a Date object (from 0-23)
返回日期对象的小时数(0到23) 1 2 3
getMinutes() Returns the minutes of a Date object (from 0-59)
返回日期对象的分钟(0到59) 1 2 3
getSeconds() Returns the seconds of a Date object (from 0-59)
返回日期对象的秒(0到59) 1 2 3
getMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds of a Date object (from 0-999)
返回毫秒(0到999) 1 4 4
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
从1970年1月1号午夜到现在一共花去的毫秒数 1 2 3
getTimezoneOffset() Returns the difference in minutes between local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
本地时间和GMT相差多少分钟 1 2 3
getUTCDate() Returns the day of the month from a Date object according to universal time (from 1-31)
依据国际时间来得到月中的第几天(1到31) 1 4 4
getUTCDay() Returns the day of the week from a Date object according to universal time (from 0-6)
依据国际时间来得到现在是星期几(0到6) 1 4 4
getUTCMonth() Returns the month from a Date object according to universal time (from 0-11)
依据国际时间来得到月份(0到11) 1 4 4
getUTCFullYear() Returns the four-digit year from a Date object according to universal time
依据国际时间来得到完整的年份 1 4 4
getUTCHours() Returns the hour of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-23)
依据国际时间来得到小时(0-23) 1 4 4
getUTCMinutes() Returns the minutes of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来返回分钟(0到59) 1 4 4
getUTCSeconds() Returns the seconds of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来返回秒(0到59) 1 4 4
getUTCMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-999)
依据国际时间来返回毫秒(0到999) 1 4 4
parse() Takes a date string and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970
或得并返回自1970年1月1号凌晨到现在一共花掉了多少毫秒 1 2 3
setDate() Sets the day of the month in a Date object (from 1-31)
设置日 1 2 3
setMonth() Sets the month in a Date object (from 0-11)
设置月 1 2 3
setFullYear() Sets the year in a Date object (four digits)
设置年份 1 4 4
setYear() Sets the year in the Date object (two or four digits). Use setFullYear() instead !!
用setFullYear()来取代 1 2 3
setHours() Sets the hour in a Date object (from 0-23)
设置小时 1 2 3
setMinutes() Set the minutes in a Date object (from 0-59)
设置分钟 1 2 3
setSeconds() Sets the seconds in a Date object (from 0-59)
设置秒 1 2 3
setMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds in a Date object (from 0-999)
设置毫秒 1 4 4
setTime() Calculates a date and time by adding or subtracting a specified number of milliseconds to/from midnight January 1, 1970 1 2 3
setUTCDate() Sets the day of the month in a Date object according to universal time (from 1-31)
依据国际时间来设置日期 1 4 4
setUTCMonth() Sets the month in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-11)
依据国际时间来设置月 1 4 4
setUTCFullYear() Sets the year in a Date object according to universal time (four digits)
依据国际时间来设置年份 1 4 4
setUTCHours() Sets the hour in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-23)
依据国际时间来设置小时 1 4 4
setUTCMinutes() Set the minutes in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来设置分钟 1 4 4
setUTCSeconds() Set the seconds in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来设置秒 1 4 4
setUTCMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-999)
依据国际时间来设置毫秒 1 4 4
toSource() Represents the source code of an object
显示对象的源代码 1 4 -
toString() Converts a Date object to a string
将日期对象转换为字符串 1 2 4
toGMTString() Converts a Date object, according to Greenwich time, to a string. Use toUTCString() instead !!
根据格林威治时间将Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串。可以使用toUTCString()替代这种方法 1 2 3
toUTCString() Converts a Date object, according to universal time, to a string
根据通用时间将一个Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串 1 4 4
toLocaleString() Converts a Date object, according to local time, to a string
根据本地时间将一个Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串 1 2 3
UTC() Takes a date and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 according to universal time
根据通用时间将日期计算为从1970年1月1日午夜至今所经过的时间(单位:毫秒) 1 2 3
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a Date object
返回日期对象的原始值 1 2 4
Date Object Properties
属性 Description
描述 FF N IE
constructor A reference to the function that created the object
所建立对象的函数参考 1 4 4
prototype Allows you to add properties and methods to the object
能够为对象加入的属性和方法 1 3 4
Return today's date and time
Display a clock
Defining Dates
var myDate=new Date()
Manipulate Dates
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setFullYear(2010,0,14)
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate()+5)
Comparing Dates
var myDate=new Date()myDate.setFullYear(2010,0,14)var today = new Date()if (myDate>today) alert("Today is before 14th January 2010")else alert("Today is after 14th January 2010")
Complete Date Object Reference
For a complete reference of all the properties and methods that can be used with the Date object, go to our complete Date object reference.
Date[日期]对象中的所有属性和方法参数,我们将在完整Date对象参数 中罗列说明。
The reference contains a brief description and examples of use for each property and method!
Date Object Methods
FF: Firefox, N: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer
方法 Description
描述 FF N IE
Date() Returns today's date and time
返回今天的日期和时间 1 2 3
getDate() Returns the day of the month from a Date object (from 1-31)
返回月中的第几天(1到31) 1 2 3
getDay() Returns the day of the week from a Date object (from 0-6)
返回一周中的第几天(0到6) 1 2 3
getMonth() Returns the month from a Date object (from 0-11)
返回月份数(0到11) 1 2 3
getFullYear() Returns the year, as a four-digit number, from a Date object
返回完整的年份数 1 4 4
getYear() Returns the year, as a two-digit or a four-digit number, from a Date object. Use getFullYear() instead !!
返回年份,可以是两位的或是四位的 1 2 3
getHours() Returns the hour of a Date object (from 0-23)
返回日期对象的小时数(0到23) 1 2 3
getMinutes() Returns the minutes of a Date object (from 0-59)
返回日期对象的分钟(0到59) 1 2 3
getSeconds() Returns the seconds of a Date object (from 0-59)
返回日期对象的秒(0到59) 1 2 3
getMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds of a Date object (from 0-999)
返回毫秒(0到999) 1 4 4
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
从1970年1月1号午夜到现在一共花去的毫秒数 1 2 3
getTimezoneOffset() Returns the difference in minutes between local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
本地时间和GMT相差多少分钟 1 2 3
getUTCDate() Returns the day of the month from a Date object according to universal time (from 1-31)
依据国际时间来得到月中的第几天(1到31) 1 4 4
getUTCDay() Returns the day of the week from a Date object according to universal time (from 0-6)
依据国际时间来得到现在是星期几(0到6) 1 4 4
getUTCMonth() Returns the month from a Date object according to universal time (from 0-11)
依据国际时间来得到月份(0到11) 1 4 4
getUTCFullYear() Returns the four-digit year from a Date object according to universal time
依据国际时间来得到完整的年份 1 4 4
getUTCHours() Returns the hour of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-23)
依据国际时间来得到小时(0-23) 1 4 4
getUTCMinutes() Returns the minutes of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来返回分钟(0到59) 1 4 4
getUTCSeconds() Returns the seconds of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来返回秒(0到59) 1 4 4
getUTCMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds of a Date object according to universal time (from 0-999)
依据国际时间来返回毫秒(0到999) 1 4 4
parse() Takes a date string and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970
或得并返回自1970年1月1号凌晨到现在一共花掉了多少毫秒 1 2 3
setDate() Sets the day of the month in a Date object (from 1-31)
设置日 1 2 3
setMonth() Sets the month in a Date object (from 0-11)
设置月 1 2 3
setFullYear() Sets the year in a Date object (four digits)
设置年份 1 4 4
setYear() Sets the year in the Date object (two or four digits). Use setFullYear() instead !!
用setFullYear()来取代 1 2 3
setHours() Sets the hour in a Date object (from 0-23)
设置小时 1 2 3
setMinutes() Set the minutes in a Date object (from 0-59)
设置分钟 1 2 3
setSeconds() Sets the seconds in a Date object (from 0-59)
设置秒 1 2 3
setMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds in a Date object (from 0-999)
设置毫秒 1 4 4
setTime() Calculates a date and time by adding or subtracting a specified number of milliseconds to/from midnight January 1, 1970 1 2 3
setUTCDate() Sets the day of the month in a Date object according to universal time (from 1-31)
依据国际时间来设置日期 1 4 4
setUTCMonth() Sets the month in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-11)
依据国际时间来设置月 1 4 4
setUTCFullYear() Sets the year in a Date object according to universal time (four digits)
依据国际时间来设置年份 1 4 4
setUTCHours() Sets the hour in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-23)
依据国际时间来设置小时 1 4 4
setUTCMinutes() Set the minutes in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来设置分钟 1 4 4
setUTCSeconds() Set the seconds in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-59)
依据国际时间来设置秒 1 4 4
setUTCMilliseconds() Sets the milliseconds in a Date object according to universal time (from 0-999)
依据国际时间来设置毫秒 1 4 4
toSource() Represents the source code of an object
显示对象的源代码 1 4 -
toString() Converts a Date object to a string
将日期对象转换为字符串 1 2 4
toGMTString() Converts a Date object, according to Greenwich time, to a string. Use toUTCString() instead !!
根据格林威治时间将Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串。可以使用toUTCString()替代这种方法 1 2 3
toUTCString() Converts a Date object, according to universal time, to a string
根据通用时间将一个Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串 1 4 4
toLocaleString() Converts a Date object, according to local time, to a string
根据本地时间将一个Date[日期]对象转换为一个字符串 1 2 3
UTC() Takes a date and returns the number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1, 1970 according to universal time
根据通用时间将日期计算为从1970年1月1日午夜至今所经过的时间(单位:毫秒) 1 2 3
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of a Date object
返回日期对象的原始值 1 2 4
Date Object Properties
属性 Description
描述 FF N IE
constructor A reference to the function that created the object
所建立对象的函数参考 1 4 4
prototype Allows you to add properties and methods to the object
能够为对象加入的属性和方法 1 3 4
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`Date`对象在JavaScript中用于处理日期和时间相关的操作。它提供了丰富的方法来获取和设置日期时间的不同部分。 1. **构造函数** `new Date()` - 用于创建一个新的`Date`对象,可以接受一个字符串或数字参数来指定...
在JavaScript中,处理日期和时间的核心对象是`Date`。本篇将深入探讨JavaScript日期时间控件的实现原理、使用方法以及与JSP(JavaServer Pages)的结合应用。 1. **JavaScript `Date` 对象** - `Date`对象是...
总结来说,"动态显示当前时间的js"是一种利用JavaScript Date对象和定时器功能实现网页上实时更新当前时间的技术。通过理解和应用这些知识,开发者可以创建各种动态时间显示功能,适应不同项目的需求。
javascript常用对象及方法 javascript中有许多常用的对象和方法,了解这些对象和方法可以帮助我们更好地使用javascript。下面我们将详细介绍这些对象和方法。 一、窗口对象Window Window对象是javascript中的顶级...
在本案例中,“时间线js 根据时间进度 显示节点位置”表明我们正在处理一个JavaScript实现的时间线组件,它能够动态更新,以反映时间的流逝和进度变化,并且能够在时间线上定位各个关键节点。 首先,我们需要理解...
1. **JavaScript时间对象**: JavaScript中的`Date`对象是处理时间的核心。你可以通过构造函数创建一个新的日期实例,如`new Date()`,它会自动获取当前系统时间。也可以传入特定日期和时间参数来创建特定的日期...
本文将深入探讨如何使用原生JavaScript(简称Js)开发一款可自定义颜色、格式化输出的时间轴插件。这款插件旨在帮助开发者更方便地在网页上展示时间序列信息,提供高度定制化的功能,以满足不同场景的需求。 首先,...
- **Date, Array, RegExp**: 分别表示日期时间、数组和正则表达式的封装对象,提供了更高级的操作接口。 这些内置对象本质上都是函数的派生类型,可以通过继承的方式实现新的功能。例如,`Number`对象既可以作为...
### JS 获取页面上的时间和当前时间进行比较判断 在前端开发中,经常需要处理与时间相关的逻辑,例如验证用户输入的时间是否有效、判断某个事件是否已经过期等。本篇文章将详细解析如何使用JavaScript来获取页面上...
JavaScript时间轴组件是一种用于在网页上展示序列事件的可视化工具,它可以帮助用户更好地理解数据的顺序和时间关系。本文将详细介绍这种基于JavaScript的时间轴组件及其使用。 首先,时间轴组件通常包含一系列标记...
1. JavaScript时间:JavaScript内置了Date对象,可以用来处理日期和时间。通过创建Date实例,我们可以获取当前时间,也可以设置特定的时间点。 2. 时分秒:在JavaScript中,时间分为小时(hours)、分钟(minutes)...