/** * An interface to represent clocks, so that they can be mocked out in unit tests. */ private[spark] trait Clock { def getTimeMillis(): Long def waitTillTime(targetTime: Long): Long } /** * A clock backed by the actual time from the OS as reported by the `System` API. */ private[spark] class SystemClock extends Clock { val minPollTime = 25L /** * @return the same time (milliseconds since the epoch) * as is reported by `System.currentTimeMillis()` */ def getTimeMillis(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() /** * @param targetTime block until the current time is at least this value * @return current system time when wait has completed */ def waitTillTime(targetTime: Long): Long = { var currentTime = 0L currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() var waitTime = targetTime - currentTime if (waitTime <= 0) { return currentTime } val pollTime = math.max(waitTime / 10.0, minPollTime).toLong while (true) { currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() waitTime = targetTime - currentTime if (waitTime <= 0) { return currentTime } val sleepTime = math.min(waitTime, pollTime) Thread.sleep(sleepTime) } -1 } } private[streaming] class RecurringTimer(clock: Clock, period: Long, callback: (Long) => Unit, name: String) extends Logging { private val thread = new Thread("RecurringTimer - " + name) { // setDaemon(true) override def run() { loop } } @volatile private var prevTime = -1L @volatile private var nextTime = -1L @volatile private var stopped = false /** * Get the time when this timer will fire if it is started right now. * The time will be a multiple of this timer's period and more than * current system time. */ def getStartTime(): Long = { (math.floor(clock.getTimeMillis().toDouble / period) + 1).toLong * period } /** * Get the time when the timer will fire if it is restarted right now. * This time depends on when the timer was started the first time, and was stopped * for whatever reason. The time must be a multiple of this timer's period and * more than current time. */ def getRestartTime(originalStartTime: Long): Long = { val gap = clock.getTimeMillis() - originalStartTime (math.floor(gap.toDouble / period).toLong + 1) * period + originalStartTime } /** * Start at the given start time. */ def start(startTime: Long): Long = synchronized { nextTime = startTime thread.start() logInfo("Started timer for " + name + " at time " + nextTime) nextTime } /** * Start at the earliest time it can start based on the period. */ def start(): Long = { start(getStartTime()) } /** * Stop the timer, and return the last time the callback was made. * * @param interruptTimer True will interrupt the callback if it is in progress (not guaranteed to * give correct time in this case). False guarantees that there will be at * least one callback after `stop` has been called. */ def stop(interruptTimer: Boolean): Long = synchronized { if (!stopped) { stopped = true if (interruptTimer) { thread.interrupt() } thread.join() logInfo("Stopped timer for " + name + " after time " + prevTime) } prevTime } private def triggerActionForNextInterval(): Unit = { clock.waitTillTime(nextTime) callback(nextTime) prevTime = nextTime nextTime += period logInfo("Callback for " + name + " called at time " + prevTime) } /** * Repeatedly call the callback every interval. */ private def loop() { try { while (!stopped) { triggerActionForNextInterval() } triggerActionForNextInterval() } catch { case e: InterruptedException => } } } private[streaming] object RecurringTimer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { var lastRecurTime = 0L val period = 2000 def onRecur(time: Long) { val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() logInfo("" + currentTime + ": " + (currentTime - lastRecurTime)) lastRecurTime = currentTime } val timer = new RecurringTimer(new SystemClock(), period, onRecur, "Test") timer.start() // Thread.sleep(30 * 1000) // timer.stop(true) } }
Spark Streaming 与 Kafka 集成原理 Spark Streaming 与 Kafka 集成原理是指 Spark Streaming 框架与 Kafka 消息队列系统的集成,旨在实现高效、实时的数据处理和分析。该集成原理主要包括两种方案:Receiver-based...
在IT领域,特别是数据库管理与自动化任务调度方面,Oracle的JOB定时器机制提供了一种高效且灵活的方式来执行定期任务,如备份、数据清理或报告生成等。本文将深入解析如何利用Oracle JOB定时器来操作存储过程,包括...
通常,我们会选择两个定时器:一个作为主定时器,负责生成基本的PWM时钟;另一个作为从定时器,根据正弦表或查表法计算出当前脉冲的宽度,并触发中断来改变输出状态。 #### 主定时器 主定时器设置为连续计数模式,...
本教程将详细讲解如何使用FlexIO(Flexible Input/Output)接口和定时器在单片机平台上生成任意个数的PWM和PFM信号。 1. PWM与PFM概述: - PWM是一种通过调整脉冲宽度来改变信号平均电压的技术。其工作原理是通过...
本文档的主要内容详细介绍的是555定时器电路设计软件V1.2免费下载。 555定时器电路图设计软件,一个小巧的电路设计工具,它列出了555电路可实现的十几种应用电路单元,如丢失脉冲探测器、长延时定时器、压控振荡...
SparkStreaming_HBase将从Kafka收集过来的数据保存到HBase中数据来源:日志生成器。 编写一个python工程,用于产生行为日志,每运行一次,产生所设定的数量数据,使用Linux的定时器,每隔60s执行一次,行为日志保存...
dsp定时器/计数器原理是指dsp(Digital Signal Processor,数字信号处理器)中的一种计时机制,它可以生成各种时钟信号,实现dsp系统的时钟控制。dsp定时器/计数器原理主要包括定时器结构、时钟发生器、PLL(Phase-...
6. **代码生成**:软件能够自动生成51单片机汇编语言或C语言的定时器初始化代码,方便直接应用到项目中,节省编程时间。 7. **用户友好界面**:51定时器计算工具通常具备直观的图形用户界面,使得用户无需深入理解...
在编程实现过程中,应使用STM32CubeMX进行初始化配置,生成对应的HAL或LL库代码。然后在应用程序中编写相应的中断服务程序或轮询函数,处理定时器的事件和状态。 总结来说,STM32定时器级联是一种强大的功能,能够...
辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 定时器计算器辅助软件 ...
在通信协议中,它们可以用来生成精确的时序信号。 总结来说,ARM处理器的定时器0和定时器1是极其灵活的硬件资源,通过合理的配置和编程,可以满足各种复杂的定时需求。在PROTEUS仿真环境中,开发者可以直观地看到...
在本项目中,我们将聚焦于利用其高级定时器TIM8来同时生成四路可调频率和占空比的PWM(脉宽调制)信号。 高级定时器TIM8是STM32F103单片机中的一个重要组件,它提供了一种灵活的方法来产生精确的时间间隔,特别适合...
在Windows编程环境中,MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)库提供了一种方便的方式来实现应用程序中的定时功能,这就是MFC定时器。MFC定时器主要用于在特定时间间隔后触发一个事件,这在许多应用场景中都非常有用,...