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Preparing the Database Environment(准备数据库环境)


certification objectives:


  • Identify the Tool for Administratering an Oracle Database(识别Oracle数据库管理工具)
  • Plan an Oracle Database Installation(准备Oracle数据库安装)
  • Install the Oracle Software by Using the Oracle Universal Installer(OUI)(使用OUI安装Oracle软件)

A number of tools are available for managing an Oracle database,beginning with the Oracle Universal Installer(the OUI).This is an Oracle product in its own right that is used to manage the installation and maintenance of many other products.(可以获得的Oracle数据库管理工具有很多,让我们从OUI开始。这是一个具有Oracle版权的产品,常被用来管理Oracle的安装和其他产品的维护。)The installation of Oracle software has,as fas as possible,been standardized for all products on all platforms-but there are platform and product variations.(Oracle软件的安装尽可能地做到不同平台上的所有产品标准化,但是,平台和产品是由许多版本的。)Before isntalling anthing,it is essential to read the product's release notes for the platform concerned.(在安装之前,有必要阅读一下产品的有关本平台的发布说明。)This chapter goes through the process of planning the installation and then installing the Oracle Database 11g software width examples from Linux and Widnows.(本章主要涉及到安装的准备过程和在Linux和Windows上安装带例子的11g数据库。)

Indentify the Tools for Administering an Oracle Database

Oracle Corporation provides a number of tools for managing the Oracle environment.First(and the main subject of this chapter) there is the OUI,the Oracle Universal Installer.Second,there are tools for creating and upgrading a database.These can be launched from the OUI or run separately(as is done in Chapter 4).Third,the OUI will install a number of other tools for managing a database and related components,notably SQL*Plus.Depending on the installation type chosen,it may install SQL Developer,but iSQL*Plus,a product strongly advocated with database releases 9i and 10g,is no longer supplied.

(Oralce公司提供了许多管理Oracle环境的工具。首先(也是本章的主题)是OUI。其次是创建和升级数据库的工具,可以从OUI中启动或单独运行(在第四章中有描述)。第三,OUI会安装许多管理数据库的其他工具和相关组件,例如常见的SQL*Plus。依据选择的安装类型,可能会安装SQL Developer,但是将不再支持9i和10g强烈主张的产品iSQL*Plus。)

Oracle Enterprise Manager needs a special mention.It comes in several forms,one of which(the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control) will be used extensively in this book.

(需要特别注意一下Oracle 企业管理器,它的展现方式多种多样,在本书中广泛运用的是OEMDC)。

The Oracle Universal Installer

Historically,managing Oracle softeware could be a painful task.This was because the DBA was largely responsible for ensuring that incompatible products were kept separate.It was not uncommon to install one product,a second,and a third satisfactorily-then installation of a fourth would break the other three.The problem of incompatibilities lies in the use of the base libraries.The base libraries provide facilities that are common to all Oracle products.For example,all Oracle products use the Oracle Net communications protocal;it is impossible to install a product without it.If two products are built on the same version of the base libraries,then(theoretically) they can coexist in the same Oracle Home.An Oracle Home is the location of an Oracle product isntallation:a set of files in a directory structure.Before the Oracle Universal Installer,each product had its own self-contained installation routine,which was sometimes not clever at identifying incompatibilities with already installed products.

(以前,管理Oracle软件可能是一件痛苦的工作。那是因为DBA的主要职责是确保不兼容的产品能独立运行。很少有安装了一个产品之后,再顺利地安装第二个、第三个-这时候如果再安装第四个,可能会破坏前3个产品。在使用的基本库存在不兼容的问题。所有的Oracle产品共用基本库提供的工具。例如,所有的Oracle产品使用Oracle网络通信协议,它是安装产品所不可或缺的。如果两个产品的版本库相同,此时(理论上)它们是可以在同一个Oracle Home下共存的。Oracle Home是Oracle产品的安装位置:目录结构的文件集合。在OUI之前,每个产品都有自己的安装程序,但是这些安装程序有时候并不会智能地分辨出已经安装的产品。)

The OUI is written in Java,using JDK/JRE1.5.This means that it is the same on all platforms,with the exception of certain well-known and trivial variations in the Java user Interface,such as whether windows hava square or dounded corners.The OUI can be installed as a self-contained product in its own Oracle Home,but this is not usually necessary,as it is shipped with every other Oracle product and can be launched from the product installation CD(or DVD);it will install itself into the Oracle Home along with the product.There are different versions of the OUI,and if a product comes with an earlier version than one already installed on the machine,then it will usually be a good idea(and may indeed necessary) to install the product using the already-installed version,from the existing Oracle Home.When the OUI prompts for the location of a products.xml file,specify the DVD with the product you want to install.





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