We’re pretty obsessed with performance at Gilt Groupe
. You can get a taste
for what we’re dealing with, and how we’re dealing with it, from our
recent presentation at RailsConf
One of the techniques we’re using is to precompute what certain
high-volume pages will look like at a given time in the future, and
store the result as static HTML that we serve to the actual users at
that time. For ease of initial development, and because there’s still
a fair bit of business logic involved in determining which
of a particular page to serve, this was done inside our
normal controller actions which look for a static file to serve,
before falling back to generating it dynamically.
We’re now running on Rails 2.3 and, of course, Rails Metal is the
new hotness in 2.3. I spent the last couple days looking into how
much improvement in static file serving we would see by moving it
into the Metal layer. Based on most of what I’ve read, I expected
we might shave off a couple milliseconds. This expectation turned
out to be dramatically wrong.
Metal components operate outside the realm of the usual Rails
timing and logging components, so you don’t get any internal
measurements of page performance. Instead, I fired up ab
to measure
the serving times externally. What I found for the page I was
benchmarking was that the Metal implementation took about 5ms. The
old controller action took 170ms. But, wait... the Rails logs were
only reporting 8ms for that action. Something was fishy.
I started inserting timers at various places in the Rails stack,
trying to figure out where the other 160ms was going. A little bit
was routing logic and other miscellaneous overhead, but even setting
a timer around the very entry points into the Rails request serving
path, I was only seeing 15ms being spent. This was getting really
puzzling, because at this point where a Rack response is returned to
the web server, I expected things to look identical between Metal and
ActionController. However, looking more closely at the response
objects I discovered the critical difference. The Metal response
returns an [String]
, while the controller returned an
I went into the Rails source and found the each
for ActionController::Response. Here it is:
def each(&callback)
if @body.respond_to?(:call)
@writer = lambda { |x| callback.call(x) }
@body.call(self, self)
elsif @body.is_a?(String)
@writer = callback
@block.call(self) if @block
The critical line is the case where the body is a String. The code
iterates over each line in the response. Each line is written
individually to the network socket. In the case of the particular
page I was looking at, that was 1300 writes. Ouch.
To confirm this was the problem, I changed that line to
yield @body
With the whole body being sent in a single write, ab reported 15ms
per request, right in line with what I measured inside Rails.
1 line changed. 150ms gained. Not too bad.
This sort of performance pessimization we uncovered is particularly insidious
because it’s completely invisible to all the usual Rails
monitoring tools. It doesn’t show up in your logged response time;
you won’t see it in NewRelic or TuneUp. The only way you’re going
to find out about it is by running an external benchmarking tool.
Of course, this is always a good idea, but it’s easy to forget to do
it, because the tools that work inside the Rails ecosystem are so
nice. But the lesson here is, if you’re working on performance
optimizations, make sure to always get a second opinion.
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### Speeding up MATLAB Applications #### 引言 MATLAB 是一种广泛应用于科学计算、数据分析以及算法开发的强大工具。为了提高 MATLAB 应用程序的运行效率,本文档将介绍一系列优化技巧,包括利用向量和矩阵操作...
这是一篇介绍网站优化最佳实践的文章。文章为Yahoo发布在网上的,可以在其网站上找到。个人觉得,这里面提供的一些建议,规则,都有很实践性。值得每个Web设计人员参考。 ... 我就是把它压成了PDF,方便随时观看复习。
本文档“Speeding up packet IO in virtual machines.pdf”聚焦于在KVM虚拟机环境下提高IO性能的方法。 首先,文章提到了虚拟机网络性能优化的现状,指出目前大多数研究工作集中在大规模TCP流量上,这种流量通常...
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1. 大数据处理挑战 随着数据量的增长,分布式处理变得越来越重要。数据压缩可以减少数据量,优化应用程序性能。根据 Forbes 的报告,60% 的组织使用数据压缩。 2. FPGA 加速 FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array...
* 该解决方案可以实现缓存一致的界面,支持“in-line”数据传输 * Accelerator Function Unit (AFU) 是一种可重构的区域,用户可以根据需要编程 四、挑战 * FPGA 的编程模型具有挑战性,需要硬件相关的知识 * FPGA...
It describes the use of GPU, MEX, FPGA, and other forms of compiled code, as well as techniques for speeding up deployed applications. It details specific tips for MATLAB GUI, graphics, and I/O. It ...
Speeding up NetworkingVan Jacobson van@packetdesign.comBob Felderman feldy@precisionio.comPrecision I/OLinux.conf.au 2006 Dunedin, NZmailto:van@packetdesign.commailto:van@packetdesign.commailto:feldy...
It describes the use of GPU, MEX, FPGA, and other forms of compiled code, as well as techniques for speeding up deployed applications. It details specific tips for MATLAB GUI, graphics, and I/O. It ...
You will achieve parallelism to improve system performance by using multiple threads and speeding up your code. By the end of the book, you will be capable of handling various data analysis ...
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Chapter 1 Continuous Integration: Speeding Up Your Development Pipeline Chapter 2 Continuous Delivery: A Perfect Fit For Docker Principles Chapter 3 Network Simulation: Realistic Environment Testing ...
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