转载自: http://inspiredjw.com/do-not-forget-to-use-gzip-for-express/
When a gzip compatible browser requests to a web server, web server can compress the response to the browser back and the browser can decompress the response and finally the browser get the original response.
If the server does not take care of gzip compression, the original size of data is passed which takes longer time than using gzip because it is sending bigger data!
For Express 2.x, I used to use Gzippo which is no longer working for recent version of Node.js and Express.
Since Express 3.x, the express.compress()
is available with Express itself.
How to apply Gzip?
In your main file something like app.js
or index.js
, you have bunch of app.use
Add express.compress()
at the very top would enable the gzip compression on your web server.
For Express 4.x
You need to install middlewares separately for Express 4.x.
var compress = require('compression');
Check your website
After applying gzip on your web server, you should check your website whether it is using gzip or not.
Go to GzipTest and enter your site url.
If you see this, you are successfully applied gzip compression on your website!
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使用 `app.use(express.static('public'))` 可以设置一个目录作为静态资源服务器,提供 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 等文件。 5. **视图和模板引擎** Express 支持多种模板引擎,如 EJS、Pug、Jade 等。通过 `app.set...
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