1)Download the following:
* JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+)
* Apache Maven (2.0.4+)
* Subversion (1.2+)
2)用svn取到 https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sdo 的代码
3)在环境变量 path中加入 maven,设置JAVA_HOME
4)在cmd中,转到 <sdo-source-root>/sdo目录,执行 mvn
( attention:保证网络是连通的)
5)在cmd中,转到 <sdo-source-root>/sdo/sdo-api目录,执行 mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse
6)在cmd中,转到 <sdo-source-root>/sdo/impl目录,执行 mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse
7)在cmd中,转到 <sdo-source-root>/sdo/tools目录,执行 mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse
* Start up eclipse
* Switch to the Java perspective
* Execute "File => Import ... => General => Existing project into workspace
* Click "Browse ..." Navigate to the spec/sdo-api directory and click OK
* Select the sdo-api project and click OK
* After Eclipse has built the project you will see that there are compile errors. This is because Maven has created build dependencies for the project on the contents of your maven repository, but Eclipse doesn't yet know where that repository is. You must create and assign a value to the M2_REPO variable within eclipse to resolve these dependencies
o Right click in the Package Explorer frame on the root of the newly created project and select Properties => Java Build Path
o Click on the "Libraries" tab and select "Add Variable...", "Configure Variables ...", "New ..."
o Set Name to M2_REPO and Click on "Folder..."
o Navigate to the "repository" folder/directory (on Windows this is \Documents and Settings\<user>\.m2\repository, on Linux it is ~/.m2/repository) and click OK
o Accept the request for doing a full rebuild
o Cancel away from the "Configure Variables" dialog
o Click "OK" on the Project Properties Window
o When building is complete the project should now have no errors
Now repeat the same instructions for importing the sdo-impl and sdo-tools projects into the eclipse environment. You aklready have the M2_REPO variable defined now, so these projects should build OK.
At this point you have three separate projects each dependent on binary artifacts in your maven repository. Don't be tricked into thinking that
if you modify the sdo-impl project, that those changes will be picked up by the sdo-tools project. If you want this behaviour then follow these steps
* In the package exlporer pane of the Java perspective, Right Click on Properties and select the libraries tab
* Select the M2_REPO/commonj/sdo-api* library entry and click "remove"
* Select the Projects tab and click "Add..."
* Select the SDO API project and click OK
* If you plan to work in the tools project
o Select the "Order and Export" tab and select the sdo-api project and click OK (this means that the sdo-impl project will expose the interfaces of the sdo-api project, so that you don't have to import them into projects which depend on the sdo-impl project)
o Repeat the above instructions, removing the sdo-api and sdo-impl library dependencies from the tools project, and adding a project dependency for the sdo-tools project on the sdo-impl project
解决 Eclipse 中“项目无法构建直到build path”问题 Eclipse 是一个功能强大且流行的集成开发环境(IDE),广泛应用于 Java Web 开发中。但是在使用 Eclipse 进行项目开发时,经常会遇到“项目无法构建直到build ...
标题 "Drools报错: The Eclipse JDT Core jar is not in the classpath" 提示了一个常见的编程问题,即在使用Drools规则引擎时,由于缺少Eclipse JDT(Java Development Tools)核心库,导致运行错误。这个问题涉及...
在Eclipse JEE环境下,创建一个Maven项目并将其转换为Dynamic Web Project是开发Java Web应用程序的常见步骤。Maven是一种强大的项目管理工具,而Dynamic Web Project则是Eclipse中的一个特殊项目类型,专用于Web...
- **`.project`**:增加了Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF)、JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) 和 Web Standard Tools (WST) 的 buildCommand 和 nature,以便更好地支持Web开发特性。 - **`.settings`...
You'll be given an overview of the available Yocto Project components, how to set up Yocto Project Eclipse IDE, and how to use tools such as Wic and Swabber that are still under development....
This Eclipse plugin automatically generates build-scripts for the Eclipse CDT managed build system from CMake scripts and runs the build. Automatic generation of build scripts. No need to manually...
In the early days of computer science, the interactions of hardware, software, compilers, and operating system were simple enough to allow students to see an overall picture of how computers worked....
hadoop eclipse build
This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject.
Version 2.12-20190422 is a maintenance release of the GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools. Content The GNU MCU Eclipse Build Tools v2.12 package includes the version 4.2.1 of GNU make (built from MSYS...
The GNU MCU Eclipse Build Tools v2.11 package includes the version 4.2.1 of GNU make (built from MSYS2 source files), and version 1.29.0-git of BusyBox, which provides a convenient implementation for ...
However, I tried to choose the best options that I could think of and provide a way to create quickly and easily the DDKBUILD project you want. This means that I tried to leave out those things that ...
《GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools详解》 GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools是嵌入式开发领域中的一款强大工具,专为在Windows环境下构建Microcontroller Unit (MCU)应用而设计。这款工具集是GNU工具链的一...
- **Navigating the Workbench**: An overview of the various views and perspectives available in the Eclipse Workbench, including the Project Explorer, Package Explorer, and Editor. - **Creating ...
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In Eclipse Rich Client Platform, two leaders of the Eclipse RCP project show exactly how to leverage Eclipse for rapid, efficient, cross-platform desktop development. In addition to explaining the ...
5. Unused Assets: Shows a list of assets in the project that were *not* used for the build. This is useful for finding out which assets are not used anymore that perhaps you may want to delete to save...