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javascript 父窗口(父页面)— 子窗口 (子页面)互相调用的方法
This document is a guide on how to use Axis2 with the Spring Framework
- Introduction
- Configuring Axis2 to be Spring aware
- Programming Model
- Simple Spring config example
- With a ServletContext
- Without a ServletContext
- Putting it all together
- Spring inside an AAR
- The Spring inside an AAR layout
- The Spring inside an AAR init class
- Known issues running Spring inside the AAR
The idea behind Axis2 and Spring integration is that Axis2 simply needs to have Spring supply one of its pre-loaded beans to the Axis2 Message Receiver defined in the AAR services.xml . While Axis2 typically uses reflection to instantiate the ServiceClass defined in the services.xml that the Message Receiver will use, alternatively one can define a ServiceObjectSupplier that will supply the Object.
This guide will show how to use two separate ServiceObjectSupplier classes that are part of the Axis2 standard distribution: One for use with a ServletContext, and one without. Once configured, the web service itself acts like any other Spring wired bean. These Spring beans can be loaded any way desired, as Axis2 has no configuration file dependencies from Spring. Spring versions 1.2.6, 1.2.8 and 2.0 have been tested, but probably any version would work as only core functionality is required.
This guide assumes some basic knowledge of Axis2. See the User's Guide for more information.
Programming Model
From an Axis2 standpoint, two hooks are needed to be placed into the AAR services.xml: The ServiceObjectSupplier that hooks Axis2 and Spring together, and the name of Spring bean that Axis2 will use as the service. All Message Receivers are currently supported, as would be any Message Receiver that extends org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractMessageReceiver .
Simple Spring Config Example
For the purpose of this example, and for no other reason besides simplicity, we'll configure Spring via a WAR file's web.xml. Lets add a context-param and a listener:
<listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml</param-value> </context-param>
Next we will show two examples of Spring's /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml referenced in the web.xml listener - one using a ServletContext, and one without.
With a ServletContext
This 'with a ServletContext' example applicationContext.xml should be familiar to any Spring user:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd"> <beans> <!-- Axis2 Web Service, but to Spring, its just another bean that has dependencies --> <bean id="springAwareService" class="spring.SpringAwareService"> <property name="myBean" ref="myBean"/> </bean> <!-- just another bean / interface with a wired implementation, that's injected by Spring into the Web Service --> <bean id="myBean" class="spring.MyBeanImpl"> <property name="val" value="Spring, emerge thyself" /> </bean> </beans>
If the service is running in a Servlet Container, i.e., Axis2 will be able to get a hold of ServletContext, the services.xml for the example would be using SpringServletContextObjectSupplier such as:
<service name="SpringAwareService"> <description> simple spring example </description> <parameter name="ServiceObjectSupplier" locked="false">org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.SpringServletContextObjectSupplier</parameter> <parameter name="SpringBeanName" locked="false">springAwareService</parameter> <operation name="getValue"> <messageReceiver class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/> </operation> </service>
While the above example uses RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver as its messageReceiver class, all Message Receivers are currently supported, as would be any Message Receiver that extends org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractMessageReceiver .
Without a ServletContext
In the case Axis2 can't get a ServletContext, ie another transport or running inside the AAR etc, you have the option of defining a bean that takes advantage of Spring's internal abilities (ApplicationContextAware interface, specifically) to provide an Application Context to Axis2, with a bean ref 'applicationContext' :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd"> <beans> <!-- Configure spring to give a hook to axis2 without a ServletContext --> <bean id="applicationContext" class="org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.ApplicationContextHolder" /> <!-- Axis2 Web Service, but to Spring, its just another bean that has dependencies --> <bean id="springAwareService" class="spring.SpringAwareService"> <property name="myBean" ref="myBean" /> </bean> <!-- just another bean with a wired implementation, that's injected by Spring into the Web Service --> <bean id="myBean" class="spring.MyBeanImpl"> <property name="val" value="Spring, emerge thyself" /> </bean> </beans>
If the service is _NOT_ running in a Servlet Container, i.e., Axis2 will _NOT_ be able to get a hold of ServletContext or you prefer not to, the services.xml for the example would be using SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier such as:
<service name="SpringAwareService"> <description> simple spring example </description> <parameter name="ServiceObjectSupplier" locked="false">org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier</parameter> <parameter name="SpringBeanName" locked="false">springAwareService</parameter> <operation name="getValue"> <messageReceiver class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/> </operation> </service>
While the above example uses RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver as its messageReceiver class, all Message Receivers are currently supported, as would be any Message Receiver that extends org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractMessageReceiver .
In a 'without a ServletContext' environment, one way you could load the applicationContext.xml file is in a place that will be run once, upon start-up, execute:
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; public void createSpringAppCtx(ClassLoader cl) throws Exception { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] {Constants.MY_PATH + "spring/applicationContext.xml"}, false); ctx.setClassLoader(cl); ctx.refresh();
Putting It All Together
From here, its just standard Axis2 coding, only now the service has Spring wiring capabilities. The implementation is the same whether using either SpringServletContextObjectSupplier or SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier. The service is below:
package spring; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNamespace; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMText; public class SpringAwareService { private MyBean myBean = null; //spring 'injects' this implementation public void setMyBean(MyBean myBean) { this.myBean = myBean; } // The web service public OMElement getValue(OMElement ignore) { OMFactory factory= OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace payloadNs= factory.createOMNamespace( "http://springExample.org/example1", "example1"); OMElement payload = factory.createOMElement("string", payloadNs); OMText response = factory.createOMText(this.myBean.emerge()); payload.addChild(response); return payload; } }
For those new to Spring, one of the ideas is that you program to an Interface, and the implementation is pluggable. This idea is referenced in the Spring config file above. Below is the interface:
package spring; /** Interface for Spring aware Bean */ public interface MyBean { String emerge(); }
Here's the implementation:
/** Spring wired implementation */ public class MyBeanImpl implements MyBean { String str = null; // spring 'injects' this value public void setVal(String s) { str = s; } // web service gets this value public String emerge() { return str; } }
Lastly here's the client - not really necessary for the example, other than for completeness:
package client; import java.io.StringWriter; import javax.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNamespace; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient; public class TestClient { private static EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference( "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/SpringAwareService"); /** * Simple axis2 client. * * @param args Main */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace omNs = factory.createOMNamespace( "http://springExample.org/example1", "example1"); OMElement method = factory.createOMElement("getValue", omNs); OMElement value = factory.createOMElement("Text", omNs); value.addChild(factory.createOMText(value, "Some String ")); method.addChild(value); ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient(); Options options = new Options(); serviceClient.setOptions(options); options.setTo(targetEPR); //Blocking invocation OMElement result = serviceClient.sendReceive(method); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); result.serialize(XMLOutputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamWriter(writer)); writer.flush(); System.out.println("Response: " + writer.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }
The examples above assumes that both the spring framework jar and the axis2-spring-*.jar are under WEB-INF/lib. In such a case, the classes shown in this tutorial need to be placed in a JAR under WEB-INF/lib. In this example the JAR layout is:
./mySpring.jar ./META-INF ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ./spring ./spring/MyBean.class ./spring/MyBeanImpl.class ./spring/SpringAwareService.class
Since all the user classes are in mySpring.jar in this example, the AAR merely contains the services.xml file:
./springExample.aar ./META-INF ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ./META-INF/services.xml
To run this example, make sure you have the axis2-spring*.jar that comes from the axis2-std-*-bin distro in the server side WEB-INF/lib, as well as the appropriate Spring jar - most will use the full spring.jar, but the minimum requirements are spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context and spring-web. Running the client, you should see this output:
Response: <example1:string xmlns:example1="http://springExample.org/example1" xmlns:tns="http://ws.apache.org/axis2">Spring, emerge thyself</example1:string>
Spring Inside an AAR
Frequently Axis2 users wish to run Spring inside the AAR. Here we show you how. There are four points to be aware of:
(A) You need to configure Spring to use the Axis2 Service Classloader. See the Known issues running Spring inside the AAR area.
(B) Its up to you to load Spring, though we give an example below.
(C) For reasons such as classloader isolation the SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier is the best choice.
(D) The springframework jar and axis2-spring-*.jar will be placed inside the AAR under the lib directory. Please MOVE the axis2-spring-*.jar from WEB-INF/lib to inside the AAR, as shown below - it will NOT work otherwise.
./springExample.aar ./META-INF ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ./META-INF/services.xml ./applicationContext.xml ./lib ./lib/axis2-spring-SNAPSHOT.jar ./lib/spring.jar ./spring ./spring/MyBean.class ./spring/MyBeanImpl.class ./spring/SpringAwareService.class ./spring/SpringInit.class
As explained in the Without a ServletContext section, likewise the 'Spring inside an AAR' config needs to hook Axis2 and Spring together via a Spring bean. Place the following in your Spring config file:
<!-- Configure spring to give a hook to axis2 without a ServletContext --> <bean id="applicationContext" class="org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.ApplicationContextHolder" />
One way to initialize Spring inside the AAR is to use the org.apache.axis2.engine.ServiceLifeCycle interface. Here we give an example:
package spring; import org.apache.axis2.engine.ServiceLifeCycle; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; public class SpringInit implements ServiceLifeCycle { /** * This will be called during the deployement time of the service. * irrespective * of the service scope this method will be called */ public void startUp(ConfigurationContext ignore, AxisService service) { try { System.out.println("Starting spring init"); ClassLoader classLoader = service.getClassLoader(); ClassPathXmlApplicationContext appCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] {"applicationContext.xml"}, false); appCtx.setClassLoader(classLoader); appCtx.refresh(); System.out.println("spring loaded"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This will be called during the system shut down time. * irrespective * of the service scope this method will be called */ public void shutDown(ConfigurationContext ctxIgnore, AxisService ignore) { } }
Here's the services.xml that now includes SpringInit and the SpringAwareService shown above. There is also the composite parameter which is needed when loading Spring in the AAR - see the Known issues running Spring inside the AAR area.
<serviceGroup> <!-- Invoke SpringInit on server startup and shutdown --> <service name="SpringAwareService" class="spring.SpringInit"> <description> simple spring example - inside the AAR </description> <!-- need the TCCL param when using spring inside the AAR --> <parameter name="ServiceTCCL" locked="false">composite</parameter> <parameter name="ServiceObjectSupplier" locked="false">org.apache.axis2.extensions.spring.receivers.SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier</parameter> <parameter name="SpringBeanName" locked="false">springAwareService</parameter> <operation name="getValue"> <messageReceiver class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver"/> </operation> </service> </serviceGroup>
The Axis2 classloader strategy by default does not permit Spring to run inside the AAR. To allow Spring to run inside the AAR, the 'composite' parameter is used in the services.xml as shown in the example above. The behavior of 'composite' was the default in the development cycle in between 1.0 and 1.1, but it resulted in the JIRA issue AXIS2-1214 - essentially problems with getting an initContext.lookup() handle inside the AAR. Spring users typically have little desire to use initContext.lookup() however, as they get their Datasources via org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource in an xml file or with annotations. For ejb home references and the like, Spring provides JndiObjectFactoryBean. While fully testing JndiObjectFactoryBean with ejb has not been done yet - if you do, please send a message to the axis users list - Datasources via Spring inside the AAR have been tested. Basically it works as typically done with Spring, though if you are passing Hibernate XML files you need to put them in a place where Spring will find them. The most flexible way is as follows, using logging in DEBUG mode to see where Spring will look in your jar / class locations:
<bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="mappingLocations"> <value>classpath*:**/MyEntity.hbm.xml</value> </property> ... </bean>

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MATLAB口罩检测的基本流程 图像采集:通过摄像头或其他图像采集设备获取包含面部的图像。 图像预处理:对采集到的图像进行灰度化、去噪、直方图均衡化等预处理操作,以提高图像质量,便于后续的人脸检测和口罩检测。 人脸检测:利用Haar特征、LBP特征等经典方法或深度学习模型(如MTCNN、FaceBoxes等)在预处理后的图像中定位人脸区域。 口罩检测:在检测到的人脸区域内,进一步分析是否佩戴口罩。这可以通过检测口罩的边缘、纹理等特征,或使用已经训练好的口罩检测模型来实现。 结果输出:将检测结果以可视化方式展示,如在图像上标注人脸和口罩区域,或输出文字提示是否佩戴口罩。
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该文档提供了一个关于供应链管理系统开发的详细指南,重点介绍了项目安排、技术实现和框架搭建的相关内容。 文档分为以下几个关键部分: 项目安排:主要步骤包括搭建框架(1天),基础数据模块和权限管理(4天),以及应收应付和销售管理(5天)。 供应链概念:供应链系统的核心流程是通过采购商品放入仓库,并在销售时从仓库提取商品,涉及三个主要订单:采购订单、销售订单和调拨订单。 大数据的应用:介绍了数据挖掘、ETL(数据抽取)和BI(商业智能)在供应链管理中的应用。 技术实现:讲述了DAO(数据访问对象)的重用、服务层的重用、以及前端JS的继承机制、jQuery插件开发等技术细节。 系统框架搭建:包括Maven环境的配置、Web工程的创建、持久化类和映射文件的编写,以及Spring配置文件的实现。 DAO的需求和功能:供应链管理系统的各个模块都涉及分页查询、条件查询、删除、增加、修改操作等需求。 泛型的应用:通过示例说明了在Java语言中如何使用泛型来实现模块化和可扩展性。 文档非常技术导向,适合开发人员参考,用于构建供应链管理系统的架构和功能模块。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
C#与VB实现欧姆龙PLC的Fins TCP通信案例源码:调用动态链接库进行数据读写,定时器与计数器数据区的简洁读写操作示例,C#与VB实现欧姆龙PLC的Fins TCP通信案例源码:调用动态链接库进行读写操作,涵盖定时器计数器数据区学习案例,C#欧姆龙plc Fins Tcp通信案例上位机源码,有c#和VB的Demo,c#上位机和欧姆龙plc通讯案例源码,调用动态链接库,可以实现上位机的数据连接,可以简单实现D区W区定时器计数器等数据区的读写,是一个非常好的学习案例 ,C#; 欧姆龙PLC; Fins Tcp通信; 上位机源码; 动态链接库; 数据连接; D区W区读写; 定时器计数器; 学习案例,C#实现欧姆龙PLC Fins Tcp通信上位机源码,读写数据区高效学习案例
可调谐石墨烯超材料吸收体的FDTD仿真模拟研究报告:吸收光谱的化学势调节策略与仿真源文件解析,可调谐石墨烯超材料吸收体:化学势调节光谱的FDTD仿真模拟研究,可调谐石墨烯超材料吸收体FDTD仿真模拟 【案例内容】该案例提供了一种可调谐石墨烯超材料吸收体,其吸收光谱可以通过改变施加于石墨烯的化学势来进行调节。 【案例文件】仿真源文件 ,可调谐石墨烯超材料吸收体; FDTD仿真模拟; 化学势调节; 仿真源文件,石墨烯超材料吸收体:FDTD仿真调节吸收光谱案例解析
松下PLC与威纶通触摸屏转盘设备控制:FPWINPRO7与EBPRO智能编程与宏指令应用,松下PLC与威纶通触摸屏转盘设备控制解决方案:FPWINPRO7与EBPRO协同工作,实现多工位转盘加工与IEC编程模式控制,松下PLC+威纶通触摸屏的转盘设备 松下PLC工程使用程序版本为FPWINPRO7版本 威纶通HMI工程使用程序版本为EBPRO 1.多工位转盘加工控制。 2.国际标准IEC编程模式。 3.触摸屏宏指令应用控制。 ,松下PLC; 威纶通触摸屏; 转盘设备控制; 多工位加工控制; IEC编程模式; 触摸屏宏指令应用,松下PLC与威纶通HMI联控的转盘设备控制程序解析
基于循环神经网络(RNN)的多输入单输出预测模型(适用于时间序列预测与回归分析,需Matlab 2021及以上版本),基于循环神经网络(RNN)的多输入单输出预测模型(matlab版本2021+),真实值与预测值对比,多种评价指标与线性拟合展示。,RNN预测模型做多输入单输出预测模型,直接替数据就可以用。 程序语言是matlab,需求最低版本为2021及以上。 程序可以出真实值和预测值对比图,线性拟合图,可打印多种评价指标。 PS:以下效果图为测试数据的效果图,主要目的是为了显示程序运行可以出的结果图,具体预测效果以个人的具体数据为准。 2.由于每个人的数据都是独一无二的,因此无法做到可以任何人的数据直接替就可以得到自己满意的效果。 这段程序主要是一个基于循环神经网络(RNN)的预测模型。它的应用领域可以是时间序列预测、回归分析等。下面我将对程序的运行过程进行详细解释和分析。 首先,程序开始时清空环境变量、关闭图窗、清空变量和命令行。然后,通过xlsread函数导入数据,其中'数据的输入'和'数据的输出'是两个Excel文件的文件名。 接下来,程序对数据进行归一化处理。首先使用ma
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
旅游管理系统中的功能模块主要是实现管理员;首页、个人中心、用户管理、旅游方案管理、旅游购买管理、系统管理,用户;首页、个人中心、旅游方案管理、旅游购买管理、我的收藏管理。前台首页;首页、旅游方案、旅游资讯、个人中心、后台管理等功能。经过认真细致的研究,精心准备和规划,最后测试成功,系统可以正常使用。分析功能调整与旅游管理系统实现的实际需求相结合,讨论了Java开发旅游管理系统的使用。 从上面的描述中可以基本可以实现软件的功能: 1、开发实现旅游管理系统的整个系统程序; 2、管理员;首页、个人中心、用户管理、旅游方案管理、旅游购买管理、系统管理等。 3、用户:首页、个人中心、旅游方案管理、旅游购买管理、我的收藏管理。 4、前台首页:首页、旅游方案、旅游资讯、个人中心、后台管理等相应操作; 5、基础数据管理:实现系统基本信息的添加、修改及删除等操作,并且根据需求进行交流查看及回复相应操作。
Boost二级升压光伏并网结构的Simulink建模与MPPT最大功率点追踪:基于功率反馈的扰动观察法调整电压方向研究,Boost二级升压光伏并网结构的Simulink建模与MPPT最大功率点追踪:基于功率反馈的扰动观察法调整电压方向研究,Boost二级升压光伏并网结构,Simulink建模,MPPT最大功率点追踪,扰动观察法采用功率反馈方式,若ΔP>0,说明电压调整的方向正确,可以继续按原方向进行“干扰”;若ΔP<0,说明电压调整的方向错误,需要对“干扰”的方向进行改变。 ,Boost升压;光伏并网结构;Simulink建模;MPPT最大功率点追踪;扰动观察法;功率反馈;电压调整方向。,光伏并网结构中Boost升压MPPT控制策略的Simulink建模与功率反馈扰动观察法