第一步:下载安装包-->MongoDb官方下载地址:http://www.mongodb.org/downloads ,如果是win系统,
件夹,新建“logs ”件夹,在其文件夹新建“mongodb.log”文件存在日志信息。

You are trying to access MongoDB on the native driver port. For http diagnostic access, add
1000 to the port number。
三、MongoDB Shell Operations
> help > db.help() > db.mycollection.help() > db.mycollection.find().help()
Select Database
The following are three basic commands that provide information about the available databases, and collections in a given database.
> show dbs |
//displays all the databases on the server you are connected to |
> use db_name |
//switches to db_name on the same server |
> show collections |
//displays a list of all the collections in the current database |
mongo uses a JavaScript API to interact with the database. Because mongo is also a complete JavaScript shell, db is the variable that is the current database connection.
To query a collection, you simply specify the collection name as a property of the db object, and then call the find() method. For example:
This will display the first 10 objects from the foo collection. Typing it after a find() will display the next 10 subsequent objects.
By setting the shellBatchSize you can change this:
> DBQuery.shellBatchSize = #
If the shell does not accept the collection name (for example if it starts with a number, contains a space etc), use
instead. |
In order to insert data into the database, you can simply create a JavaScript object, and call the save() method. For example, to save an object {name: "sara"} in a collection called foo, type:
> db.foo.save({ name : "sara"});
Note that MongoDB will implicitly create any collection that doesn't already exist.
Let's say you want to change someone's address. You can do this using the following mongo commands:
> person = db.people.findOne( { name : "sara" } );
> person.city = "New York";
> db.people.save( person );
> db.foo.drop() |
//drop the entire foo collection |
> db.foo.remove() |
//remove all objects from the collection |
> db.foo.remove( { name : "sara" } ) |
//remove objects from the collection where name is sara |
> db.foo.getIndexKeys() |
//get all fields that have indexes on them |
> db.foo.ensureIndex({ _field_ : 1 }) |
//create an index on field if it doesn't exist |
四、MongoDB Shell Reference
Command Line
--help |
//Show command line options |
--nodb |
//Start without a db, you can connect later with new Mongo() or connect() |
--shell |
//After running a .js file from the command line, stay in the shell rather than terminating |
Special Command Helpers
Non-javascript convenience macros:
> help |
//Show help |
> db.help() |
//Show help on db methods |
> db.myColl.help() |
//Show help on collection methods |
> show dbs |
//Print a list of all databases on this server |
> use dbname |
//Set the db variable to represent usage of dbname on the server |
> show collections |
//Print a list of all collections for current database |
> show users |
//Print a list of users for current database |
> show profile |
//Print most recent profiling operations that took >= 1ms |
Basic Shell Javascript Operations
> db |
//The variable that references the current database object / connection. Already defined for you in your instance. |
> db.auth(user,pass) |
//Authenticate with the database (if running in secure mode). |
> coll = db.collection |
//Access a specific collection within the database. |
> cursor = coll.find(); |
//Find all objects in the collection. See queries. |
> coll.remove(objpattern);
//Remove matching objects from the collection. objpattern is an object specifying fields to match. E.g.: coll.remove( { name: "Joe" } ); |
> coll.save(object) |
//Save an object in the collection, or update if already there. If your object has a presave method, that method will be called before the object is saved to the db (before both updates and inserts) |
> coll.insert(object)
//Insert object in collection. No check is made (i.e., no upsert) that the object is not already present in the collection.
> coll.update(...)
//Update an object in a collection. See the Updating documentation; update() has many options.
> coll.ensureIndex( { name : 1 } ) |
//Creates an index on tab.name. Does nothing if index already exists. |
> coll.drop() |
//Drops the collection coll |
> db.getSisterDB(name) |
//Return a reference to another database using this same connection. This allows for cross database queries. Usage example: db.getSisterDB('production').getCollectionNames() |
> coll.find() |
//Find all. |
> it |
//Continue iterating the last cursor returned from find(). |
> coll.find( criteria ); |
//Find objects matching criteria in the collection. E.g.: coll.find( { name: "Joe" } ); |
> coll.findOne( criteria ); |
//Find and return a single object. Returns null if not found. If you want only one object returned, this is more efficient than just find() as limit(1) is implied. You may use regular expressions if the element type is a string, number, or date: coll.find( { name: /joe/i } ); |
> coll.find( criteria, fields ); |
//Get just specific fields from the object. E.g.: coll.find( {}, {name:true} ); |
> coll.find().sort( {field:1[, field:1] }); |
//Return results in the specified order (field ASC). Use -1 for DESC. |
> coll.find( criteria ).sort( { field : 1 } ) |
//Return the objects matching criteria, sorted by field. |
> coll.find( ... ).limit(n) |
//Limit result to n rows. Highly recommended if you need only a certain number of rows for best performance. |
> coll.find( ... ).skip(n ) |
//Skip n results. |
> coll.count() |
//Returns total number of objects in the collection. |
> coll.find( ... ).count() |
//Returns the total number of objects that match the query. Note that the number ignores limit and skip; for example if 100 records match but the limit is 10, count() will return 100. This will be faster than iterating yourself, but still take time. |
More information: see queries.
Error Checking
> db.getLastError() |
//Returns error from the last operation. |
> db.getPrevError() |
//Returns error from previous operations. |
> db.resetError() |
//Clear error memory. |
Administrative Command Helpers
> db.cloneDatabase(fromhost) |
//Clone the current database from the other host specified. fromhost database must be in noauth mode. |
> db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost) |
//Copy fromhost/fromdb to todb on this server. fromhost must be in noauth mode. |
> db.fromColl.renameCollection(toColl) |
//Rename collection from fromColl to toColl. |
> db.repairDatabase() |
//Repair and compact the current database. This operation can be very slow on large databases. |
> db.addUser(user,pwd) |
//Add user to current database. |
> db.getCollectionNames() |
//get list of all collections. |
> db.dropDatabase() |
//Drops the current database. |
Opening Additional Connections
> db = connect("<host>:<port>/<dbname>") |
//Open a new database connection. One may have multiple connections within a single shell, however, automatic getLastError reporting by the shell is done for the 'db' variable only. |
> conn = new Mongo("hostname") |
//Open a connection to a new server. Use getDB() to select a database thereafter. |
> db = conn.getDB("dbname") |
//Select a specific database for a connection |
> Object.bsonsize(db.foo.findOne()) |
//prints the bson size of a db object (mongo version 1.3 and greater) |
> db.foo.findOne().bsonsize() |
//prints the bson size of a db object (mongo versions predating 1.3) |
MongoDB学习总结入门篇.pdf MongoDB是一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库,旨在为WEB应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案。下面将对MongoDB的基本概念、特点、使用原理和基本操作进行详细介绍。 1. MongoDB基本...
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总结来说,MongoDB 4系列的首篇文章为读者提供了MongoDB的基本概念、主要特性和工具介绍,为后续深入学习MongoDB打下了基础。同时,对于那些想要入门MongoDB的人来说,提供了实用的安装指南和资源推荐。
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