I got an email request to publish this article a few days ago.
I was actually on the verge of moving the email to the trash when I noticed the first name of the author: Rand.
For those of you not familiar with the Wheel of Time
series, the main character’s name is Rand.
I admit that it’s an embarrassing weak reason to respond to a strange
email, but reading some 10,000 pages of a fantasy series obviously
messes with your mind.
Then again, it’s probably no stranger than Rand Mendoza wanting to publish his article on this blog to begin with.
Anyways, enjoy…
Do Not Get a Good Programmer to be a Systems Analyst, Software Engineer or Software Architect
When you are on the lookout for someone who will occupy the coveted
position of Software Architect or Designer in your team or company, the
first thing that usually comes to mind is to hire the best programmer
that you can afford. Don’t. Avoid hiring good programmers for the
position. Promoting one of your senior programmers for it is just as
It might sound weird at first. Why should I not get a good programmer to design solutions? After all, she will be designing programs
, won’t she? Actually, yes, she will be. But the thing to remember is that designing
programs requires a totally different skillset than writing programs or programming
Let us see why a good programmer will not be a good software
designer. But first, let us ask ourselves what makes a programmer good,
or even brilliant. To be a good programmer, you must be able to
implement real world, critical software. Being able to write a simple
text editor is simply not enough.
To be capable of implementing non-trivial, complex programming
problems, a programmer needs to have years of experience in a particular
programming language. This means she has to focus on this language in
order to be fluent in it and to be familiar with its idioms. Herein lies
the problem.
To Someone Who Only Has a Hammer, Every Problem Begins to Resemble a Nail
If you focus only on one language to gain proficiency in it, you will
be restricted to the paradigm of the problem domain for which your
language was designed. In short, if all you know is PHP, then every
programming problem starts to look like Web development problems. In the
same manner, if Java is all you know, you will try to approach every
problem from the object-oriented standpoint even if the problem is
better solved using procedural programming as in the majority of systems
Knowing only one or even two programming languages as good
programmers should, will severely limit your capability to solve
problems. For example, if your language is C, you will find it very
difficult to think of the problem at hand in an object-oriented way
because your programming language does not readily provide that
functionality. Unlike Haskell programmers, C++ programmers cannot
approach a problem the functional way either. Whether your programming
language offers structs and enums or not can greatly affect how you
attempt to dissect the problem. If your language is inadequate or if you
only know a few languages, your ability to solve problems efficiently
will likewise be hampered.
Language Shapes the Way We Think
Some say that our language shape how we think and perceive the world
I tend to agree. A speaker whose language requires that the gender of
nouns be specified obviously thinks differently than someone who thinks
that the police are not feminine. Someone who speaks a language that
does not distinguish the color Blue from the color Green obviously
perceives the world differently compared to a person whose language
If we look back at the Trivium, they are described as follows: Grammar
deals with how concepts and objects are represented in writing and in speech so that they may be dissected in thought using Logic
and thereafter communicated to another mind with the aid of Rhetoric
For our purposes, grammar is the syntax of our programming language. If
our language is inadequate, we will also have an incomplete view of
objects and concepts and how they are represented.
Language, the kind we use to talk to humans and to computers, clearly
affects how we think. The richness and number of the languages we know
can either aid or hinder our problem solving capability.
So, Who Would Be a Better Fit?
Therefore, a good programmer, who is a specialist in one or two
programming languages, will have limitations in approaching a problem.
She is restricted to what her programming language allows her to do. As
such, she cannot be a good designer or analyst.
But if we shouldn’t hire a good programmer, who could we call upon to
design our software? Certainly not someone who doesn’t know programming
at all? Certainly not, but we need someone who is a generalist. A good
designer must be familiar with procedural, object-oriented, functional,
and logic programming languages—not to mention good software engineering
practices. She must not be tied to a single paradigm like the
specialist. Of course, she cannot write a complex program herself
because of her broad but shallow approach to learning programming
languages; nevertheless, she can properly determine the right tool for
the task. If the problem is a nail, she can bring someone in who is well
versed with a hammer; if the problem is a boulder, well, she could call
in the explosive ordnance division instead of pounding it up futilely
with a hammer.
From : http://www.caffeinatedcoder.com/guest-post-good-programmers-make-bad-designers/
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