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RailsTinyMCE - A Rich Text Editor for ruby on rails
TinyMCE is a javascript rich text editor. It is easy to integrate with blogs, cms, messages and mailers.
Plugin uses jrails(jquery) and paperclip plugin for upload support.
* Provides rich text editor
* Customisable TinyMCE plugins
* Easy to integrate
* Supports Image upload & insert
* Supports Media upload & Youtube embed
* TODO: Document upload plugin
1. Install rails_tiny_mce plugin using
./script/plugin install git://github.com/sandipransing/rails_tiny_mce.git
./script/generate rails_tiny_mce_migration
rake db:migrate
2. Install jrails(jquery) plugin using
./script/plugin install git://github.com/aaronchi/jrails.git
3. Install dependent plugins(if you didn\'t)
rake rails_tiny_mce:plugins
Above command will copy paperclip, responds_to_parent, will_paginate plugins to vendor/plugins directory.
* paperclip git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git
* responds_to_parent http://responds-to-parent.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
* will_paginate git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git
4. In your layout add following lines
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
<%= javascript_include_tiny_mce_if_used %>
<%= tiny_mce if using_tiny_mce? %>
5. Inside controller class on top add following lines
uses_tiny_mce(:options => AppConfig.default_mce_options,nly => [:new, :edit])
This AppConfig.default_mce_options is in config/initializers/tiny_mce_plus_config.rb, you could change the setting there
6. In your view add class mceEditor to text_area
Then append the following to the text area you want to transform into a TinyMCE editor.
:class => "mceEditor"
7. Install file lists
rake rails_tiny_mce:install
will Install following files:
|-- controller
|-- attachments_controller.rb
|-- helpers
|-- remote_link_renderer.rb
|-- models
|-- print.rb
|-- video.rb
|-- views
|-- attachments
|-- _show_attachment_list.html.erb
|-- initializers
|-- tiny_mce_plus_config.rb
|-- images
|-- tiny_mce
|-- javascripts
|-- tiny_mce
You may custom the config in tiny_mce_plus_config.rb.
Attention Note:
* Do not put <p> </p> around the textarea.
* If you are using old will_paginate plugin, change the url_for to url_option in remote_link_renderer.rb
Example use:
Create CRUD for post
./script/generate scaffold post title:string text:description
Run Migrations
rake db:migrate
Add following line to posts_controller.rb
uses_tiny_mce(:options => AppConfig.default_mce_options,nly => [:new, :edit])
Open /views/posts/new.html.erb and /views/posts/edit.html.erb
Modifiy following line
<%= f.text_area :description %> to <%= f.text_area :description, :class => "mceEditor" %>
TinyMCE is a javascript rich text editor. It is easy to integrate with blogs, cms, messages and mailers.
Plugin uses jrails(jquery) and paperclip plugin for upload support.
* Provides rich text editor
* Customisable TinyMCE plugins
* Easy to integrate
* Supports Image upload & insert
* Supports Media upload & Youtube embed
* TODO: Document upload plugin
1. Install rails_tiny_mce plugin using
./script/plugin install git://github.com/sandipransing/rails_tiny_mce.git
./script/generate rails_tiny_mce_migration
rake db:migrate
2. Install jrails(jquery) plugin using
./script/plugin install git://github.com/aaronchi/jrails.git
3. Install dependent plugins(if you didn\'t)
rake rails_tiny_mce:plugins
Above command will copy paperclip, responds_to_parent, will_paginate plugins to vendor/plugins directory.
* paperclip git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git
* responds_to_parent http://responds-to-parent.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
* will_paginate git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git
4. In your layout add following lines
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
<%= javascript_include_tiny_mce_if_used %>
<%= tiny_mce if using_tiny_mce? %>
5. Inside controller class on top add following lines
uses_tiny_mce(:options => AppConfig.default_mce_options,nly => [:new, :edit])
This AppConfig.default_mce_options is in config/initializers/tiny_mce_plus_config.rb, you could change the setting there
6. In your view add class mceEditor to text_area
Then append the following to the text area you want to transform into a TinyMCE editor.
:class => "mceEditor"
7. Install file lists
rake rails_tiny_mce:install
will Install following files:
|-- controller
|-- attachments_controller.rb
|-- helpers
|-- remote_link_renderer.rb
|-- models
|-- print.rb
|-- video.rb
|-- views
|-- attachments
|-- _show_attachment_list.html.erb
|-- initializers
|-- tiny_mce_plus_config.rb
|-- images
|-- tiny_mce
|-- javascripts
|-- tiny_mce
You may custom the config in tiny_mce_plus_config.rb.
Attention Note:
* Do not put <p> </p> around the textarea.
* If you are using old will_paginate plugin, change the url_for to url_option in remote_link_renderer.rb
Example use:
Create CRUD for post
./script/generate scaffold post title:string text:description
Run Migrations
rake db:migrate
Add following line to posts_controller.rb
uses_tiny_mce(:options => AppConfig.default_mce_options,nly => [:new, :edit])
Open /views/posts/new.html.erb and /views/posts/edit.html.erb
Modifiy following line
<%= f.text_area :description %> to <%= f.text_area :description, :class => "mceEditor" %>
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tinymce-rails, 集成TinyMCE与 Rails 资产管道 用于TinyMCE的 Rails 集成tinymce-rails gem 将 TinyMCE 编辑器与 Rails 资产管道集成在一起。这里 gem 与 Rails 3.1.1和更高的( 包括 Rails 4 ) 兼容。这是 Tiny
TinyMCE的Rails集成 tinymce-rails gem将编辑器与Rails资产管道集成在一起。 该宝石与Rails 4.2及更高版本兼容。 这是TinyMCE 5的分支。对于TinyMCE 4,请参见,对于TinyMCE 3.5.x,请参见。 3.5.11、4.1.10和...
tinymce-rails-imageupload, 用于TinyMCE和 Rails的映像上传插件,带有资产管道 重要说明:这个版本正在改写为 TinyMCE 4. x,,目前还没有得到很好的测试。 使用你自己的风险,反馈欢迎。 对于稳定版本目标 TinyMCE ...
tiny_mce, Ruby on Rails 插件( pre Rails 3.1 ),允许你轻松地将TinyMCE编辑器实现到你的应用程序中 用于 Rails的 TinyMCE因为我没有时间维护它,而且代码库处于不一致状态,所以这个 gem 被折旧 ! 似乎如下笔记。...
重要的提示: 此版本正在被重写...演示一个演示 Rails 3.2 ( , ) 和 Rails 4 ( , ) 工作设置的小型演示应用程序可供研究。要求导轨 >= 3.1 TinyMCE4 使用高级主题设置将 gem 添加到您的 Gemfile gem 'tinymce-rails-im
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